Trigonuropoda (Baloghiatrigon) dominicana sp. nov. from the Dominican Republic, with notes on the subgenus Baloghiatrigon Hirschmann, 1979 (Acari: Uropodina: Trigonuropodidae) Author Kontschán, Jenõ text Zootaxa 2008 1856 55 66 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.183547 f3969185-0e50-472d-b7b0-ff6e1ba8e814 1175-5326 183547 Trigonuropoda ( Baloghiatrigon ) dominicana sp. nov. ( Figs 1–16 ) Material examined. Holotype . Female, Dominican Republic 15/a: Monseñor Nouel 10 km NNW of Bonao W of Jima/Pringamosa village, lowland rainforest fragment along the Constanza road, 450 m a.s.l., epiphyte moss, 19°01’38” N , 70°27’46” W , 19 November 2003 , J. Kontschán coll. Paratypes . Six males, one female, Dominican Republic 15/a: Monseñor Nouel 10 km NNW of Bonao W of Jima/Pringamosa village, lowland rainforest fragment along the Constanza road, 450 m a.s.l., epiphyte moss, 19°01’38” N , 70°27’46” W , 19 November 2003 , J. Kontschán coll.; two females, Dominican Republic 20/c: Primary submontane wet rain forest along a tributary of Arroyo El Aguacate streamlet S of Arroyo village, in valley with palms, 1120–1160 m a.s.l, from moss on soil, 19°00’12” N , 70°31’49” W , 26 November 2003 , J. Kontschán coll.; one female, Dominican Republic 20/b, Primary submontane wet rain forest along a tributary of Arroyo El Aguacate streamlet, S of Arroyo village, in valley with palms, 1120–1160 m a. s.l, from soil of bromeliads, 19°00’12” N , 70°31’49” W , 26 November 2003 , J. Kontschán coll. FIGURES 1–2. Trigounuropoda ( Baloghiatrigon ) dominicana sp. nov. , female: 1: dorsal view, 2: ventral view (scale bar: 100 μm). Description. Female Length of idiosoma 610–660µm, width 440–470 µm (n=3). Shape oval, posterior margin rounded. Dorsal idiosoma ( Figs 1 , 9 ). Setae j1 setae triangular, with short hairs on its apical margin, paravertical setae r1 needle-like ( Fig. 10 ). Most dorsal setae wide, phylliform, posterior part of the dorsal shield with one pair of well sclerotised areas, which bear nine pairs of long smooth setae L ( Fig.12 ). Anterior region of well sclerotised area with five pairs of long, smooth setae A, and posterior region with three pairs of long and smooth setae P. Marginal setae shorter than dorsal setae, smooth and needle-like ( Fig. 11 ). Dorsal and marginal shields without ornamentation. Ve n t r a l idiosoma ( Figs 2 , 13 ). Sternal shield without sculptural pattern, all sternal setae short, smooth and needle-like. Ornamentation of ventral shield lacking, only small alveolar pattern can be found near the coxae IV ( Fig. 3 ). All ventral setae smooth, needle-like and longer than the sternal setae. Tritosternum not clearly visible. Stigmata situated between coxae II and III. Peritreme long, M-shaped ( Figs 4 , 14 ). Genital shield scutiform without ornamentation or anterior process. Genital shield situated between coxae II and IV. Gnathosoma ( Figs 5 , 15 ). Corniculi horn-like, internal malae short and smooth. Hypostomal setae h1 smooth and bifurcated, twice as long as h3 setae; h2 smooth, needle-like and very short, one-tenth as long as h1; h3 smooth and needle-like, half as long as h1, h4 smooth and trifurcated. Labrum with two longer and two shorter spines. Epistome with serrated basal margin, smooth and blade-like apically ( Fig. 6 ). Chelicera as in Fig. 7 . Male. Length of idiosoma 580–640 µm, width 430–440 µm (n=8). Shape oval, posterior margin rounded. Dorsal idiosoma similar to the female. Ve n t r a l idiosoma ( Figs 8 , 16 ). Sternal shield without ornamentation. Sternal setae smooth, short and needle-like. Ventral setae similar to female. Genital shield of male circular, situated between coxae II. Etymology. The name of the new species refers to the country ( Dominican Republic ) where the species was collected. FIGURES 3–8. Trigounuropoda ( Baloghiatrigon ) dominicana sp. nov. , female: 3: setae and pattern near coxae IV, 4: peritreme, 5: ventral view of gnathosoma, 6: epistome, 7: chelicera, 8: sternal region of male (scale bars: a: 100 μm, b: 20 μm). Notes. The new species may be recognised by its dorsal shield chaetotaxy. Most dorsal shield setae are wide and phylliform. The posterior part of the dorsal shield has a pair of well sclerotised areas, which bear nine pairs of long smooth setae (setae L1–9). Anterior to this well sclerotised area there are five pairs of long, smooth setae (setae A1–5), and posterior to it there are three pairs of long smooth setae (setae P1–3). Long setae L, and setae A and P are present only in the species T . ( B .) cubakaszabia , T . ( B .) cubapecinaia and T . ( B .) cubahutuae , but these three species have needle-like dorsal shield setae. The other dorsal shield setae of the new species are phylliform, which is unique in the subgenus Baloghiatrigon . The new species occurs in moss and soil. It most probably belongs to the canopy fauna because we found it not only in the moss and soil at ground level in the rain forest, but several specimens were also collected in the canopy, in epiphytic moss and suspended soil of epiphytic bromeliads. Trigonuropoda ( Baloghiatrigon ) cubaandrassyia Hirschmann, 1975 ( Fig. 17 ) Trigonuropoda cubaandrassyia Hirschmann, 1975d : 57 ; 1975e: 63; 1975f: 65, 74; Wiśniewski & Hirschmann, 1993 : 144 ; Wiśniewski, 1993a : 229 ; 1993b: 409; Farrier & Hennessey, 1996 : 186 . FIGURES 9–16. Trigounuropoda ( Baloghiatrigon ) dominicana sp. nov. , female: 9: dorsal view, 10: j1 and r1 setae, 11: marginal and dorsal setae, 12: dorsal setae, 13: ventral view, 14: peritreme, 15: gnathosoma, 16: ventral view of male (scale bars: a: 200 μm, b: 100 μm, c: 50 μm, d: 20 μm). Material examined. Syntypes . Six females and five males on slide “ Cuba 76-77a N9”, Cuba : 76-77, Prov. Oriente, Sierra Maestra, Pico Turquino, 7.12.1969 , leg. A. Borhidi; two males on slide “N9 Cuba 76-77”, Cuba : 76-77, Prov. Oriente, Sierra Maestra, Pico Turquino, 7.12.1969 , leg. A. Borhidi; one male and one female on slide “N9 Cuba 76-77” Cuba : 76-77, Prov. Oriente, Sierra Maestra, Pico Turquino, 7.12.1969 , leg. A. Borhidi. Diagnosis. Most dorsal setae needle-like, posterior part of the dorsal shield with one pair of narrow well sclerotised areas, which bear four pairs of smooth setae, these setae as long as the other dorsal setae. Setae A and P absent from dorsal shield. Marginal setae shorter than dorsal setae, smooth and needle-like. Dorsal and marginal shields without ornamentation.