A revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Rhyacopsyche, with the description of 13 new species (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) Author Wasmund, Anne M. Author Holzenthal, Ralph W. text Zootaxa 2007 1634 1 59 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179477 3ff8b316-c411-4d6b-af4c-e7bb7a663759 1175-5326 179477 Rhyacopsyche colombiana , new species Fig. 11 Rhyacopsyche colombiana most closely resembles R. peruviana in the form of the dorsolateral lobe and the absence of peglike setae. They are distinguished by the fusion of the dorsolateral lobes of R. peruviana , the lobes only closely meeting in R. colombiana . The phallus of this species is unique among Rhyacopsyche in that the apical half surrounded by a few long filaments. Adult (male: n=2). Forewing length 2.8–3.0, 2.9 mm . Color of head dark brown, antennae light brown, legs medium brown, wings mottled light and dark brown. Sternum VII with apicomesal point. Male genitalia. Abdominal segment IX sparsely setose, anterior margin angulate; sternum IX, in lateral view, with posterior margin produced into small rounded process; posterior margin nearly straight; dorsolateral lobe of segment IX elongate, in dorsal view truncate, deeply divided, meeting dorsally, apex bearing several thin setae. Tergum X partially retracted inside segment IX, articulating with intermediate appendage. Intermediate appendage produced into small slender plate lying mesad of inferior appendage, in ventral view, plate with 2 small posterior points. Inferior appendage broad and elongate, heavily setose, apex bifid with ventral lobe bearing large peglike seta. Phallus linear, thin membranous sheath surrounding the middle of the phallus; central tubule with two opposing apical hooks, apex of lateral process lanceolate. Holotype male: COLOMBIA : Valle Del Cauca: Municipio El Cerrito, Rio Cerrito 7.1 km E. Hacienda “El Paraiso”, 03°38’59”N , 076°09’10”W , 1950 m , 3.xii.1997 , Muñoz-Quesada et al . ( UMSP 000209393) ( UMSP ). Paratype : COLOMBIA : Valle Del Cauca: same data as holotype1 male ( UMSP ). Distribution. Colombia . Etymology. Named for the country where the type specimens were collected.