The flower fly genus Eosphaerophoria Frey (Diptera, Syrphidae) Author Mengual, Ximo Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany Author Ghorpadé, Kumar University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad ,, India text ZooKeys 2010 2010-01-21 33 33 39 80 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.33.298 2c5526b8-5a26-4fd7-b823-8d2f6362d687 1313–2970 576598 C8A7B96F-81D7-4EE9-B26E-3EA2599E9F4A Eosphaerophoria brunettii Ghorpadé , sp. n. 42A2E387-76AE-4450-B52F-141942F857A8 Figs 29, 38, 45; MorphBank [] Male . Head . Face straight, with distinct round tubercle, more prominent than in E. marginata , yellow; gena yellow, yellow pilose; lunula black; frons completely black on dorsal 3/8 (length between anterior ocellus and lunula), yellow on basolateral 6/8 with medial black vitta, about 1/4–1/3 of facial width, with frontal sulcus defining the dorsal completely black area, yellow pilose; dichoptic; vertex and vertical triangle black; ocelli brownish; antenna light brown to yellow, basoflagellomere darker dorsally, oval; arista brown; occiput mainly black, yellow ventrally, grey pollinose, yellow pilose. Thorax . Scutum black, shiny medially, black pollinose laterally, golden brown pilose, yellow laterally with lateral narrow yellow stripe from transverse suture to scutellum, narrower than notopleuron and with black areas dorsally and ventrally, being located in a central position to notopleuron (Fig. 29); postpronotum yellow; notopleuron yellow without obtuse protuberance or at least not distinct as in E. marginata ; scutellum triangular, yellow with dorsomedial triangular black area continuing from posterior mesonotum, brownish pilose; propleuron, anepisternum and anepimeron entirely yellow; katepisternum black with dorsal yellow macula; meron black; katepimeron yellow; katatergum mainly yellow, black posteriorly; calypter dark brown; halter yellowish. Wing . Wing bare basomedially. Legs . Pro- and mesoleg entirely yellow, except distal part of mesofemur and basal part of mesotibia dark, mesocoxa dark, yellow pilose except tarsi with short black setulae ventrolaterally; metacoxa and trochanter yellow; metafemur yellow on basal 1/3, black on distal 2/3, with ventral short strong black spine-like setulae on the apical 2/3; metatibia black, black pilose; metatarsus black, black pilose dorsolaterally and golden pilose ventrolaterally. 28 29 Figures 22–30. 22 Eosphaerophoria marginata , wing (from Vockeroth 1969 ); cells in black, veins in red 23 Eosphaerophoria punctata , wing (from Claussen and Weipert 2003 ) 24 Eosphaerophoria bifida , lateral view of head 25–27 Eosphaerophoria punctata (from Claussen and Weipert 2003 ) 25 lateral view of head 26 dorsal view of head 27 frontal view of head 28 Eosphaerophoria marginata , lateral view of thorax 29 Eosphaerophoria brunettii , lateral view of thorax 30 Eosphaerophoria punctata , dorsal view of abdomen and scutellum (from Claussen and Weipert 2003 ). Abdomen . Fig. 38. Dorsum mainly black, dorsally black pilose, 1st, 2nd and 3rd terga laterally yellow pilose; 1st tergum yellow with posterodistal narrow black fascia not reaching margins joined to lateral small brownish maculae, yellow laterally; 2nd tergum black dorsally, yellow laterally on basal 1/2 continuing the yellow margin of 1st tergum; 3rd tergum black with basoanterior very narrow black fascia not reaching margins and with basal yellow fascia, about 1/3 tergum length, produced posteriorly in a medial triangular emargination reaching half length of tergum, with lateral margin yellow on anterior 1/2; 4th tergum similar to 3rd but yellow fascia slightly broader; 5th tergum black with 2 lateral triangular yellow maculae on basal 1/3, leaving the median 1/3 black; 6th tergum black, yellow laterally; sterna yellowish brown; male genitalia as figured ( Fig. 45 ). Female . Unknown. Type locality. MALAYSIA : Pahang , Titiwangsa Mountains, Fraser’s Hill. 3°42'59.16"N 101°44'30.35"E . Type . Holotype : FRASERS HILL // Malaya, 4,000 ft. // P. A. Buxton // 14. Feb. 1954 ” “Pres. by // P.A. Buxton. // B.M.1954-693” “ BMNH ” “Loan # // 11849” “ Eosphaerophoria // sp. nov. // Ƌ // K.D. Ghorpade det.19 83 ” [handwritten except fourth line] “ HOLOTYPE // Eosphaerophoria // brunettii // det. X. Mengual 20 09 ” [red, second and third lines handwritten] USNM ENT00036557 [1♁, BMNH ]. Length (1): body, 5.4 mm ; wing, 4.0 mm. Distribution : Malaysia . Etymology . The specific epithet refers to Enrico Brunetti ( 1862–1927 ), an amateur entomologist and professional musician of Italian-British extraction who lived 17 years in India working part time on the taxonomy of Oriental (mainly Indian subcontinent) Diptera at the Indian Museum in Calcutta (now with the Zoological Survey of India ) with the encouragement of its then director, Nelson Annandale. This new species is dedicated to him for his exhaustive research on Indian and Malayan Syrphidae and many other Diptera , this giving me (KG) my first guidance and stimulus for pursuing my own studies. Species epithet to be treated as a noun in the genitive case. Differential diagnosis. Very distinct species with a characteristic lateral yellow mesonotal vitta, narrower and centred after transverse suture (see Fig. 29), notopleuron not produced posterolaterally and with male genitalia very recognizable ( Fig. 45 ). Remarks . Due to the position of the legs in the pinned specimen, it was not possible to know if metafemur possesses 1 or 2 ventral rows of black spine-like setulae. Based on the experience with other species of this genus and other genera, there probably are 2 rows of short strong black setulae.