Taxonomic treatment of Abrahamia Randrian. & Lowry, a new genus of Anacardiaceae from Madagascar Author Randrianasolo, Armand William L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO, 63166 - 0299, U. S. A. Author Lowry II, Porter P. Africa and Madagascar Program, Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO, 63166 - 0299, U. S. A. & Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB), UMR 7205, Centre national de la Recherche scientifique / Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle / École pratique des Hautes Etudes, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Sorbonne Universités, C. P. 39, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris CEDEX 05, France. Author Schatz, George E. Africa and Madagascar Program, Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO, 63166 - 0299, U. S. A. text Boissiera 2017 2017-12-27 71 1 152 journal article 978-2-8277-0087-5 0373-2975 7618113 5. Abrahamia darainensis Randrian. & Lowry , spec. nova ( Fig. 5 ). Typus : MADAGASCAR . Prov. Antsiranana : Rég. SAVA, Daraina , forêt d’Antsahabe , 13°12’53’’S 49°31’53’’E , 460 m , 25.I.2006 , fr., Ranirison & Nusbaumer 1118 (holo-: G [ G00090546 ]!; iso-: MO- 6671432 !, P [ P00580353 ]!, TEF [ TEF000882 ]!) . Diagnosis Abrahamia darainensis Randrian. & Lowry can be distinguished from other members of the genus by its small, chartaceous, glabrous, elliptic to obovate leaves with a short petiole ( 5-7 mm long), and its glabrous, ellipsoid fruits that measure 2.6 3 1.5 cm . Description Trees 6 m tall, 9 cm DBH. Leaves alternate; blade elliptic to obovate, 4-7.5 3 1.2-2.2 cm , chartaceous, apex shortly acuminate, margin undulate, base cuneate, both surfaces glabrous, venation craspedodromous, midvein visible but not prominent on both surfaces, secondary veins 14-18 pairs, 3-5 mm apart, almost impressed adaxially, slightly raised baxially, tertiary veins few and only weakly visible adaxially; petiole 5-7 mm long, c. 0.5-1 mm in diam., canaliculate on adaxial surface, glabrous. Inflorescence and flowers unknown. Fruits 2.6 3 1.5 cm , ellipsoid, light red, glabrous, with longitudinal striations. Distribution, ecology and phenology Abrahamia darainensis is known only from humid forest on the eastern slope of Antsahabe in the Daraina region ( Map 2 ). It was collected in fruit in January. Conservation status While Abrahamia darainensis is only known from a single locality, it is situated within a large block of forest in the Loky Manambato protected area (Daraina), and in the absence of data on population size, no future decline is expected in terms of AOO, EOO, or quality of habitat, so we therefore assign a preliminary conservation status of “Least Concern’’ [LC] using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria ( IUCN , 2012 ). Notes Abrahamia darainensis is similar to A. lenticellata in having chartaceous leaves with a short acuminate apex and undulate margins, and fruits of similar size (2.6 3 1.5 cm in A. darainensis and 2-2.6 3 1.3-1.5 cm in A. lenticellata ). It differs, however, by having secondary veins that are fewer in number (14-18 vs 20-25) and are craspedodromous (vs semicraspedodromous), a shorter petiole ( 5-7 mm vs 7-13 mm ), and glabrous (vs velutinous) fruits. Abrahamia darainensis is only known from the type gathering.