Catalogue of the Australian social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Author Carpenter, James M. Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79 th Street, New York, NY 10024, U. S. A. Author Brown, Graham R. 0000-0002-4101-3823 Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, GPO Box 4646, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia. & Visiting Scientist, CSIRO Land and Water, Private Mail Bag 44, Winnellie, NT 0822, Australia. & University Fellow, Research Institute for Environment and Livelihoods, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia. thynnini @ outlook. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4101 - 3823 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-12-05 5214 4 451 495 journal article 202625 10.11646/zootaxa.5214.4.1 05dc98be-c3f9-4039-a21d-b285d6059a8c 1175-5326 7397617 80EE5BF7-A183-4089-950E-25DBD65EFCFC plebeiana Richards Icaria plebeja de Saussure, 1863: 235 , female - “ Nouvelle-Hollande ” ( lectotype Genève) [junior primary homonym of Icaria plebeja de Saussure, 1862 ]. - Froggatt, 1892: 232 (cat.). - Dalla Torre, 1894: 120 (cat.; cites de Saussure, 1862 , but distribution is in Australia ); 1904: 73 (cat.; as 1894). - Richards, 1978: 75 (“Probably” syn. of plebeiana Richards ). - Kojima, 1999b: 371 (notes on syntypes ); 2001a: 10 (designation of lectotype ; synonymy confirmed). Polistes tasmaniensis ; Froggatt, 1925 : xxix (nesting aggregation) [misidentification]. - Gallard, 1930: 10 (nesting aggregation) [misidentification]. - Richards, 1978: 7 (“I feel confident that this observation refers to Ropalidia plebiana [!]”). Rhopalidia [!] sp.; McKeown, 1942: 195 (nest). Ropalidia plebeiana Richards, 1978: 54 (nest), 58 ( plebiana [!]; in subgenus Icariola ; list; syn.: R. plebeja ( de Saussure, 1863 ) non 1862, 62 (key), 65, (larva in key), 75, Figs 7–8, 17, female, male, intersex - “ New South Wales , Nelligen” ( holotype female Canberra); also from other localities in NSW, and Vic., A. C. T., Qld. - Hook & Evans, 1982: 271 (ethology). - Itô, 1985: 21 (ethology). - Cardale, 1985: 216 ( plebiana [!]; in subgenus Icariola ; cat.). - Itô & Higashi, 1987: 519 (ethology). - Kojima, 1987a: 143 , Figs 23–33 (larva). - Itô et al. , 1988: 279 (ethology). - Yamane et al. , 1990: 679 (ethology). - Yamane et al. , 1991: 105 (ethology). - Yamane, 1991: 144 (ethology). - Field & Darby, 1991: 195 (screened for biocontrol agent Sphecophaga vesparum ). - Spradbery, 1991b: 349 , 352, 354 (colony population). - Wenzel, 1991: 487 (nest). - Kojima, 1993b: 213 (ethology). - Itô, 1993: 76 (ethology). - Borsato, 1994 [1993]: 250 (in subgenus Icariola ; Qld.). - Kojima & Spradbery, 1994: 113 (nest; A. C. T.). - Makino et al. , 1994: 411 (ethology). - Yamane, 1996:10–15 (nest). - Kojima & Carpenter, 1997a: 47 (cat.). - Wenzel, 1998: 26 (nest examined). - Kojima, 1998: 96 , 218 (larva); 1999b: 367, 370, Figs 18–20, 22, 25 (syn.: R. hirsuta Richards ); 1999c: 382 (key), 384 (distr.), Figs 3, 16, 29, 37–38, 40; 2000b: 389, Figs 19–22 (phylogenetic relationships). - Itô et al ., 2002: 3 (ethology). - Fukuda et al. , 2003: 217–222 (ethology). - Saito & Kojima, 2005b: 263–275 (N. S. W., Qld.; ethology). - Billen, 2006: 78 (morphology). - Brown, 2009: 30 (North Coast ). - Oberprieler & Spradbery, 2009: 202–207 (nesting cycle). - Ubaidillah et al. , 2009: 45 (ichneumonid parasitoid: Arthula pebeja ). Ropalidia hirsuta Richards, 1978: 62 (key), 81, female (in subgenus Icariola ) - “ Northern Territory , Port Darwin” (London). - Cardale, 1985: 215 (in subgenus Icariola ; cat.). - Kojima & Carpenter, 1997a: 29 (cat.). - Kojima, 1999b: 367 , 370, Fig. 18 (syn. of plebeiana Richards ). Distribution: SE coastal, Murray-Darling basin; Qld., N. S. W., A. C. T., Vic.,? N. T.