Five new species of the genus Leucania Ochsenheimer in Central America (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Author Mccabe, Timothy L. Research & Collections, New York State Museum, 222 Madison Ave., Albany, New York 12230 Author Adams, Morton S. 0000-0003-0118-7295 Research & Collections, New York State Museum, 222 Madison Ave., Albany, New York 12230 & mortonsadams @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0118 - 7295 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-03-20 5256 3 250 266 journal article 235404 10.11646/zootaxa.5256.3.2 cd7740a9-5fee-423a-8199-1314e95d3306 1175-5326 7751414 6D2D86E8-1976-4558-B5CD-949E5F488781 Leucania colorada McCabe & Adams new species Figs. 7 (imago), 21 (valvae), 22 (endophallus), 39 (bursa copulatrix) Material examined. Dissections examined (2♁♁, 2♀♀ ). Type material: Holotype female. MEXICO : 3 mi. N. Tlaxiaco , Tierra Azul , 7 August 1992 , H. Romack , 7500’, dissection TLM 6362 (deposited in NYSM ). Paratypes . (3♁♁, 1♀ ) MEXICO , Oaxaca : 5 mi. S. Tlaxiaco , Tierra Azul, 7 August 1992 , H. Romack , 7000’, 3♁♁, dissections TLM♁6260 and TLM♁6361; 7 mi. S. Miahuitlan , 19 August 1992 , H. Romack , 7000’, 1♀ , dissection TLM 6276 ( NYSM ) . Diagnosis . Leucania colorada bears a close resemblance to L. sororia . Leucania colorada is red-brown versus the gray-brown of L. sororia . The white scaling on the cubital vein typically does not curve around the reniform in L. colorada , as it does in L . sororia . The valvae are similar, but the tip of the clasper in L. colorada is blunt and bent ventrally, whereas in L. sororia there is a pointed tip that is bent dorsally ( Figs. 21 vs. 23). In habitus, L. colorada is like L. complicata Strecker, 1898 ( Figs. 5 & 6 ) and L. oaxacana Schaus, 1898 ( Fig. 3 ). The endophalli of L . colorada and L. sororia have elongate fingerlike diverticula lacking in L. oaxacana ( Fig. 34 ) and L. complicata ( Fig. 28 ). Leucania complicata lacks the white scaling on the cubital vein; it also has a unique spur at the apex of the phallus ( Fig. 28 ). Leucania oaxacana has a much smaller costal lobe of the sacculus ( Fig. 33 ). Leucania colorada has an appendix bursae that is barely upturned at its tip whereas L. sororia ( Fig. 40 ) has an appendix bursae that is longer and doubles back on itself. Description . ( Fig. 7 ) Wingspan 32–36 mm . Head, palpi, thorax, patagia, tegula, and forewings reddish-brown. No scale tufts on male fore- and mid-tibiae. Forewing cubital vein clearly marked with white scales from base to reniform, after which vein thickens distally. White scales on cubital vein typically not extending above bottom of reniform. Post-medial line a curving row of small black dots on veins. Hind wing pale at base with brown infuscation towards margin. Abdomen concolorous with hind wing margins. Ventral surface of both fore and hind wing duller than dorsal surface and terminal dots more distinct. Pair of eversible tubular structures present on ventrolateral aspect of male second abdominal segment. Male genitalia. ( Figs. 21 & 22 ) Uncus with spear-shaped spiny terminus, only slightly thickened and attenuated distally, lacks a narrow claw-like tip. Tegumen and vinculum unmodified. Lappet inflates beyond the margin of valva; cucullus short and broad with row of non-deciduous setae on outer margin; valvular pore plate large; ampulla short and thin, editum conspicuous below ampulla, digitus short, sharp-pointed, and widely splayed in respect to clasper; clasper an elongated projection extending almost to valva margin and terminating in a blunt knob. Claval area of sacculus wide, producing a flat-topped bulge. Phallus a simple straight tube. Everted endophallus with a basal patch of spines followed by a finger-like diverticulum at about one-third of its length, at base of diverticulum a similar patch of a few spines. A long, somewhat irregular double row of spines covering distal half of endophallus, most proximal of these spines much longer than the others. Female genitalia. ( Fig. 39 ) Ductus bursae extending from ostium bursae as a straight tube before sharp turn into appendix bursae. At base of the turn a spherical, membranous, corpus bursae arises after a narrow constriction. Appendix bursae striated, folded back upon itself and splayed in relation to ductus bursae. A small portion of the appendix bursae overlaps the ductus bursae in ventral view, terminating in a short, upturned prominence. Global Distribution. Mexico ( type locality) . Etymology . The specific epithet colorada refers to the muddy reddish color of the moth. Food plant. Unknown. Larva. Unknown. Remarks. Leucania colorada and L. sororia can be sympatric and synchronic at high elevation in the Mexican state of Oaxaca . A female was chosen as holotype as the tip of the appendix bursa is the most diagnostic feature.