Review of the leafhopper genus Penthimia Germar (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) from the Indian subcontinent with description of seven new species Author Shobharani, M. Author Viraktamath, C. A. Author Webb, M. D. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-01-03 4369 1 1 45 journal article 31087 10.11646/zootaxa.4369.1.1 61a421fd-4e5e-435a-a1c7-5686dbba694a 1175-5326 1135478 006FB6AF-D47F-4DFF-96C3-78B270D0FEA4 Penthimia compacta Walker complex Figs 5–9 , 42, 56–60, 62, 69, 79–92, 172–175, 210–223. Penthimia compacta Walker 1851 : 842 ; Distant 1908 : 242 . Penthimia subniger Distant 1908 : 243 –244, fig. 154. Penthimia scapularis Distant 1908 : 244 . Penthimia maculosa Distant 1908 : 244 –245, in part. Head, pronotum and thorax black, pronotum variably marked with orange-brown posteriorly, usually mainly orange-brown in female and much less in male, sometimes only faintly marked with orange-brown on posterior margin. Scutellum orange-brown, sometimes with basal triangles black (female) to entirely black (male and female), sometimes with a yellow spot laterally and at apex. Hind legs black with light brown spines. Forewings yellow to orange-brown with conspicuous dark brown irroration and hyaline apices. Male genitalia. Pygofer lobes rounded caudally. Subgenital plate obtusely produced on lateral margin near base with apex rounded, surface with long hair-like setae. Style broad, short, with well developed preapical lobe, apical apophysis short, thumblike, surface corrugated. Connective with stem twice longer than arm. Aedeagus simple, dorsal apodeme short, atrium reduced, shaft tubular, broadest in basal half and tapering distally with dorsal keel, apex notched in ventral view; gonopore apical on ventral surface, large. Length. Male: 4.4–5.2mm . Female: 4.4–5.6mm . Lectotype of P . subniger 5.4mm . Type material examined. INDIA: Holotype ♀ P . compacta : ‘Type’ (green margined disc), ‘N. India 48.124’[= 1848.124 ‘Calcutta and Chusan’ in BMNH register] ‘5. Penthimia compacta’. Lectotype ♀ P . subniger (here designated): ‘Type (red margined disc)’ ‘Nilgiris (Hampson)’ ‘ Penthimia subniger [hw] ; paralectotype ♀ P . subniger , ‘Pusa Bengal H.M. Lefroy’. Lectotype ♀ P . scapularis (here designated): ‘Type HT [red margined disc]’ Penthimia scapularis Dist. type [hw]’ ‘Calcutta’ ‘Distant Coll. 1911-383’; Paralectotypes P . maculosa , 1♂, 1♀, 1? ‘Mussoorie, N. India, Brunetti. alt circ 7000 ped 20– ’. All BMNH. Other material examined. INDIA : 7 ♀ , Chikkaballapur, T. V. Campbell. S . India , 1♀ , Madras , Madanapalle, T. V . Campbell . 1♀ , Kangra Valley , 4500 ft , July , 1899, Dudgeon ; 1♀, Calcutta Museum compound (BMNH); 1♂ , Indian Museum, Almora, 5500 ft , Kumoan , 20–21.xi.1911 ( Paiva ) ; 1♂, Thamaspur, Nepal , 18–20.iii. (19)08, 1♀ , Calcutta Museum compound, 21.iii. (19)15, FHG. ; 1♂ , 1♀ , collected in cop and originally mounted together, Calcutta museum compound, 14. iii.15 , 2424/21, Dist. Coll. 1911-383’ ; 1♀, Indian Museum, Calcutta, Indian museum compound, , Distant coll. 1911-383, F.H. Gravely’; 1♀Calcutta , , Distant Coll. , 1911- 383’ ; 1♀ , Calcutta , 26.vii. (19)07, Annandale ; 1♀ , Calcutta 28.vii. (19)07, C. A. Paiva ; ( BMNH ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , ‘ Mussoorie , N. India , alt circa 7000’ 20– , Brunnetti’ ; 1♀, Bombay 302; 1♀, Bengal; Uttarakhand : 2♂ , Ind. Museum, Almora, 5,500ft , 29.ix.11 , C. Paiva ; (all BMNH ) ; Karnataka : 1♀ , Arsikere , 4.viii.1977 , HSK 31 ; 1♀ , Bangalore , 26.iv.2006 , Shobharani, M. ; 1♂, , Girish, K. S.; 1♂, 1♀, 10.vii.2006 , Girish, K. S; 1♀, 29.vii.2006 , Girish, K. S; 2♀, 29.viii.2006 , ex red gram, Shobharani, M.; 4♂, 3.x.2006 , Shobharani, M.; 3♂, 3.x.2006 , Girish, K. S.; 2♀, 15.xi.2005 , Shobharani, M.; 2♂, 1♀, 13.iii.1974 , F.R.L.; 1♂, 11.viii.1978 , F.R.L.; 1♀, 16.iv.1976 (UASB); 1♂ , 1♀ , Bangalore , IWST , 6.ix.2005 , K.B. Raj ; 1♂ , Fraserpet , Coorg , F.R.I. 20.ii.31 , Sandal Insect Survey ; 1♀ , Fraserpet , Coorg , F.R.I. 13.ii.31 , Sandal Insect Survey ; 1♂ , Gotipura nr Bangalore , 10.vii.2005 , K.B. Raj ; 1♂ , 1♀ , Gotipura nr Bangalore , 8.viii.2005 , K.B. Raj ( IWST ) ; 1♀ , Hoskote , 6.vii.2005 ; 1♀ , 10 Km N Hunsur , 16.i.1978 ; 1♀ , Mudigere , 7.iv.1980 ; 1♀ , 19 Km W of Mudigere , 900m , 6.iv.1980 ; 3♂ , 1♀ , Mysore st. Ag. Coll. Dharwad, 17.viii.1972 ; 1♀ , 10 Km S Periyapatna , 20.i.1978 ; 1♀ , Sulikere nr Bangalore , on Calotropis , 26.iv.1979 ; 1♂ , 3 Km W Yellapur , 15.xi.1977 ; Gujarat : 2♀ , Navsari , 16.i.1981 , S. Viraktamath ; 1♀ , Junagadh , 28.i.1981 ; 1♀, Ahwa, Dang, 19.i.1981 ; Haryana : 2♀ , Sonepat , 3.ii.1980 , Ghorpade ; Himachal Pradesh : 1♀ , 5 Km N Kalka , 2.x.1980 ; Maharashtra : 2♂ , 2♀ , Khandala , 6.xi.1991 . Pondichery : 1♀ , Mahe , 15.ix.1979 , A.R.V. Kumar ; Tamil Nadu : 1♂ , Yercaud , 19.ix.1979 , Ghorpade ; 1♂ , 1♀ , Yercaud , 1360m , 20.ix.1978 , Ghorpade ( UASB ) ; 1♀ , Ayur , N. Salem , FRI , Sandal insect survey, 29.xii.30 ; 1♀ , Ayur , N. Salem , FRI , Sandal insect survey, 12.i.31 ; West Bengal : 1♀ , Kalyani , ; 1♀ , Sukna , 1.xi.1981 , S. Viraktamath ; all collected by C.A. Viraktamath except as indicated ( UASB ) . Tamill Nadu :: Moyar campus, 1♂ , 1♀ , Nilgiri Hills ( 2900 ft .), vi-1954 , Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B. , P.S. Nathan ; Yercaud , 1♀ , Shevaroy Hills ( 4500 ft .) ii/ iii-1955 , Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B., P.S. Nathan (IRSB); Delhi : Pusa , MML , 15.xii.10 , R-8236 ; Meghalaya : Shillong : 1♀ , v.1920 , on apple, Fletcher ( NPC ) . PAKISTAN : Punjab : ( 7500 ft .), 1♂ v.1920 , Dutt ; 1♂ , Murrea Hills ( 7500 ft .), June 18 , Dutt , R-8226 ; 1♂ , Murrea Hills ( 7500 ft .), v.1920 , Dutt , R-8228 ; 1♂ , Murrea Hills ( 7500 ft .), v.1920 , Dutt , R-8227 ; 1♂ , Hazara Dist. , Dungagali ( 8000 ft .), 21–24.v.1915 , Fletcher , R-8231 ( NPC ). Remarks . P. compacta was described from a single female ( holotype ) with the following data: ‘a. North India . From Mr. Warwick’s collection’. Unaccountably, the data of the collector is not included in the registration entry for the specimen (see Material examined) as usually this information matches in Walker’s descriptions. Although the type of P . compacta is missing its head and pronotum they were described by Distant (1908) . P . subniger was described from an unknown number of specimens (syntypic) with the following data: ‘Bengal; Pusa (Lefroy). Assam ; Nilgiri Hills (Hampson). Calcutta, Margherita (Ind. Mus.).’ Two type females matching the first two localities are in the BMNH (see above). Distant’s description of P . subniger is similar to P . compacta , in particular the dark anterior band on the pronotum is mentioned in both descriptions, while some other described differences are not apparent. P . scapularis (known only from a female type ) is tentatively included in the complex based on its colouration; only one other specimen (Calcutta, Paiva) has similar marking on the scutellum (see Fig. 222 ). Males of this species complex are associated with females based on locality as, in general, the two sexes are differently coloured (see Figs 5–9 ) but one male from Chikkaballapur (BMNH) has the pronotum as in most females ( Fig. 9 ). Despite the variation in colour the genitalia in males are similar but further studies on the observed slight variation in the aedeagal shaft are needed to elucidate the taxonomy. The aedeagus of the male ( Fig. 214 ), collected in cop with the female ( Fig. 216 ) (see Material examined, Calcutta museum compound (BMNH)) was noted (before loss) as similar to other males examined in the complex with a relatively narrow shaft in lateral view. Three female specimens from Assam , Mishmi Hills (BMNH) could belong to this complex but are slightly longer ( 5.8mm ) and have the pronotum completely orange-brown.