The flower fly genus Eosphaerophoria Frey (Diptera, Syrphidae) Author Mengual, Ximo Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany Author Ghorpadé, Kumar University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad ,, India text ZooKeys 2010 2010-01-21 33 33 39 80 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.33.298 2c5526b8-5a26-4fd7-b823-8d2f6362d687 1313–2970 576598 C8A7B96F-81D7-4EE9-B26E-3EA2599E9F4A Eosphaerophoria adornata Mengual , sp. n. DD7DF7F2-06A4-4071-B822-6A2D466B880D Fig. 34; MorphBank [] Vockeroth 1969: 135 as Eosphaerophoria sp. (citation). Male . Unknown. Female . Head . Face straight, broad, with distinct round tubercle, yellow with a median area without pigmentation (including also ventral face and oral apex), almost transparent so that it appears to have a dark vitta, yellow pilose; gena yellow; lunula black; frons completely black on dorsal 1/3 (length between anterior ocellus and lunula), yellow on basolateral 2/3 with medial broad black vitta (about 2/5 of frons width), yellow pilose; vertex and vertical triangle black, black pilose; ocelli brownish; antenna yellow; basoflagellomere brown dorsally, elongated (no more than 1.5 times longer than broad); arista brown; occiput mainly black, yellow ventrally, yellow pilose and silvery pollinose ventrally, black pilose and golden pollinose dorsally. Figures Ι–Ι0. Ι Citrogramma henryi , lateral view of pleura showing plumula 2 Citrogramma variscutatus , frontal view of male head 3 Eosphaerophoria marginata , lateral view of pleura showing the wing base 4 Eosphaerophoria adornata , dorsal view of scutellum 5 Allograpta ventralis , dorsal view of scutellum 6 Anu una , dorsal view of scutellum showing the subscutellum 7 Eosphaerophoria adornata , lateral view 8 Allograpta ventralis , wing 9 Allograpta ventralis , lateral view of male head, thorax and legs Ι0 Anu una , lateral view of male showing the subscutellum. Thorax . Scutum mainly black, shiny medially, black pollinose sublaterally, yellow laterally with lateral broad yellow stripe from postpronotum to scutellum, narrower after transverse suture with ventral black area, golden brown pilose; postpronotum yellow; notopleuron yellow with a distinct posterolateral obtuse protuberance; scutellum triangular, yellow with dorsomedial triangular black area con- tinuing from posterior mesonotum, with small tooth on medial posterior margin (shorter than the width of the yellow scutellar margin), golden-brown pilose; propleuron, anepisternum and anepimeron entirely yellow; katepisternum black with dorsal yellow macula; meron black; katepimeron yellow; katatergum mainly yellow, black posteriorly; calypter dark brown; halter brownish yellow. Wing . Wing bare basomedially. Legs . Pro- and mesoleg entirely yellow, except mesocoxa and mesofemur dorsolaterally slightly darker, yellow pilose except tarsi with short black setulae ventrolaterally; metacoxa and trochanter dark yellow, yellow pilose; metafemur yellow on basal 1/3, black on distal 2/3, yellow and brown pilose; metatibia black, golden brown pilose; metatarsus black, golden yellow and brown pilose. Abdomen . Fig. 34. Dorsum mainly black, black pilose except 1st tergum yellow pilose laterally; 1st tergum black with anterior and lateral yellow margin, medially reaching anterior margin of 2nd tergum dividing black area in 2 triangular maculae that become brownish anteriorly; 2nd tergum black dorsally with basomedial very narrow black fascia not reaching margins and with basal yellow fascia, about 1/3 of tergum length, produced posteriorly in small triangular emargination, narrowly yellow laterally on basal 3/4 continuing the yellow margin of 1st tergum; 3rd and 4th terga similar to 2nd tergum, 3rd tergum laterally almost entirely yellow and 4th tergum narrowly yellow laterally on basal 3/4; 5th tergum black with basal yellow fascia on anterior 1/2 or slightly broader; 6th tergum black with basomedial very narrow black fascia and basal yellow fascia on anterior 1/2; sterna brownish-yellowish, with short yellow pile; 5th, 6th and 7th sterna with long erected black hairs medially on posterior margin. Variation . Paratype female has completely yellow antenna, and pro- and mesolegs all yellow. The 1st abdominal tergum is brownish with a yellow margin, a bit lighter than in the holotype , and the 2nd abdominal tergum is almost all yellow laterally. Type locality. PAPUA NEW GUINEA : Milne Bay . Normanby Island, Wakaiuna, Sewa Bay . 9°59'47.79"S 150°58'08.47"E . Original labels do not have coordinates, thus this collecting point was placed in the middle of Sewa Bay in the kml file. Types . Holotype : NEW GUINEA : PAPUA // Normanby I. // Wakaiuna , Sewa Bay // Oct. 25-30-1956 ’ “ W.W. Brandt // Collector” “ HOLOTYPE // Eosphaerophoria // adornata // det. X. Mengual 20 09 ” [red, second and third lines handwritten] USNM ENT00036560 [ 1♀ , BPBM ] . Paratype : NEW GUINEA : PAPUA // Normanby I. // Wakaiuna, Sewa Bay // Oct. 25-30-1956 ’ “W.W. Brandt // Collector” “ PARATYPE // Eosphaerophoria // adornata // det. X. Mengual 20 09 ” [yellow, second and third lines handwritten] USNM ENT00036561 [ 1♀ , USNM ]. Length (2): body, 6.5–6.6 (6.6) mm; wing, 4.8–5.0 (4.9) mm. Distribution : Papua New Guinea . Etymology . The specific epithet is derived from the Latin adornatus meaning decorated, embellished ( Brown 1956: 577 ), and it refers to the medial tooth present on the posterior margin of the scutellum. Species epithet to be treated as adjective. Differential diagnosis. Eosphaerophoria adornata is one of the largest species of this genus. It is easily recognized by the tooth on the scutellum, a character shared with 50 Ximo Mengual & Kumar Ghorpadé / ZooKeys 33: 39–80 (2010) Figures ΙΙ–20. ΙΙ–Ι3 , Giluwea flavomacula (from Vockeroth 1969 ): ΙΙ lateral view of male head Ι2 dorsal view of male head Ι3 wing showing costal swelling. Ι4–Ι5 Rhinobaccha gracilis : Ι4 lateral view of male Ι5 dorsal view of male head Ι6 Allograpta obliqua , lateral view of male genitalia showing the superior lobe fused with hypandrium (from Vockeroth 1969 ) Ι7 Exallandra cinctifacies , lateral view of male genitalia (from Vockeroth 1969 ) Ι8 Sphaerophoria novaeangliae , lateral view of male genitalia (from Vockeroth 1969 ) Ι9 Eosphaerophoria marginata , frontal view of male head 20 Eosphaerophoria vietnamensis , frontal view of male head. Ι3 Ι2 ΙΙ Ι4 Ι5 Ι6 Ι8 Ι7 Ι9 20 E. dentiscutellata and E. hermosa . It can be separated from E. hermosa by having the face entirely yellow. E. adornata differs from E. dentiscutellata in having a yellow fascia on 2nd and 5th abdominal terga, while the latter has the 2nd tergum black with lateral margin yellow and 5th tergum with two lateral yellow maculae (see Figs 13 and 14).