Description of five new species of the genus Stigmaeus Koch (Acari: Raphignathoidea: Stigmaeidae) from Turkey Author Doğan, Sibel Author Doğan, Salih Author Erman, Orhan text Zootaxa 2017 4276 4 451 478 journal article 32846 10.11646/zootaxa.4276.4.1 4819771b-1204-45ae-8cc1-2ea1c1bd7c69 1175-5326 807819 F75E595B-8D3C-424E-ADBE-B761B1D59638 Stigmaeus fimus sp. nov. Female ( n = 5) ( Figs. 6–8 ). Length of body 680 (657–677), width 456 (420–450). Gnathosoma 139 (138–147). Leg I 315 (317–333), leg II 278 (258–284), leg III 283 (265–296), leg IV 291 (277–302). Dorsum of idiosoma. All dorsal shields polygonally reticulated, distinctly visible on both central and lateral margins of dorsal shields. Propodosomal shield triangular and bearing setae vi , ve and sci . A pair of pob present, 60 (58–64) in diameter. Eyes and apodemal marking absent. sce on minute platelets laterally. c 1 and d 1 on central shield. d 2 located on marginal shield. e 1 on divided median zonal shields. e 2 located on lateral zonal shields. Intercalary shield divided and transversely elongated, and bearing setae f 1. Suranal shield undivided and bearing two pairs of setae, h 3 absent. Humeral shields placed on lateral body, having setae c 2. Dorsum with 13 pairs of setae. Setae ve pointed and slightly barbed distally, all dorsal setae distinctly barbed distally except setae c 2 smooth and the longest. Lengths of dorsal idiosomal setae: vi 93 (86–94), ve 140 (143–149), sci 71 (72–76), sce 99 (104–118), c 1 86 (83–93), c 2 150 (154–160), d 1 84 (82–93), d 2 90 (88–91), e 1 83 (85–96), e 2 105 (101–104), f 1 99 (93–101), h 1 103 (97–101), h 2 84 (86–93). Distances between dorsal idiosomal setae: vi - vi 33 (33–37), ve -ve 106 (102–105), vi - ve 67 (56–66), sci -sci 190 (187–191), ve -sci 63 (64–68), sce -sce 273 (280–291), sci -sce 49 (43–48), c 1- c 1 98 (90– 94), d 2- d 2 340 (325–340), c 1- d 1 104 (106–108), c 1- d 2 140 (125–135), d 1- d 1 108 (94–111), d 2- d 1 101 (97–120), e 2- e 2 362 (350–357), d 2- e 2 132 (125–131), d 1- e 1 97 (90–95), d 1- e 2 112 (110–155), e 1- e 1 107 (96–105), e 2- e 1 119 (108– 125), f 1- f 1 174 (169–186), e 1- f 1 104 (74–100), e 2- f 1 110 (106–118), f 1- h 1 103 (86–99), f 1- h 2 94 (59–93), h 1- h 1 61 (50– 63), h 2- h 2 152 (150–155), h 1- h 2 47 (45–51). Ratio of seta ve / sci 1.9 (2.0). Venter of idiosoma . Coxisternal shields divided, with reticulum and bearing three pairs of intercoxal setae ( 1a , 3a , 4a ). Aggenital shields entire with reticulum and having three pairs of setae ( ag 1-3), ag 3 longer and thicker than others. Anogenital shields smooth, bearing a pair of genital ( g 1) and three pairs of pseudanal setae ( ps 1-3). ps 1 bluntended weakly barbed distally and much longer than other pseudanal setae. ps 2 and ps 3 smooth and pointed. Lengths and distances of these setae: 1a 42 (40–43), 3a 38 (35–42), 4a 38 (37–42), 1a -1a 39 (33–40), 3a -3a 62 (59–66), 4a - 4a 59 (57–58), ag 1 38 (39–42), ag 2 43 (39–42), ag 3 51 (50–55), g 1 26 (22–23), ps 1 65 (64–68), ps 2 45 (42–44), ps 3 40 (37–39). FIGURE 6. Stigmaeus fimus sp. nov. (Female) A Dorsal view of idiosoma, B. Ventral view of idiosoma. FIGURE 7. Stigmaeus fimus sp. nov. (Female) Some dorsal setae. FIGURE 8. Stigmaeus fimus sp. nov. (Female) A. Leg I, B. Leg II, C. Leg III, D. Leg IV. Gnathosoma . Chelicerae 161 (160–169). Palp 185 (177–186), with reticular patterns. Subcapitulum reticulated, with two pairs of adoral setae ( or 1,2) and two pairs of subcapitular setae. Lengths and distances of these setae: m 38 (35–39), n 31 (26–30), m -m 47 (44–46), n -n 31 (28–37), m -n 28 (22–29). Legs . Leg segments with reticulum. Counts of setae and solenidia on legs I–IV: coxae 2–2–2–2, trochanters 1– 1–2–1, femora 6–5–3–2, genua 3(+1κ)–3(+1κ)–1–1, tibiae 5(+1φ+1φρ)–5(+1φρ)–5(+1φρ)–5(+1φρ), tarsi 13(+1ω)–9(+1ω)–7(+1ω)–7(+1ω). Male ( n = 2) ( Figs. 9 , 10 ). Length of body 403–439, width 230–283. Gnathosoma 113–119. Length of legs: Leg I 246–262, leg II 203–230, leg III 19 8 –211, leg IV 221–239. Dorsum of idiosoma . As in female except median zonal shield undivided. pob 36–40 in diameter. All dorsal idiosomal setae faintly barbed as in female except ve tapering towards tip. Lengths of dorsal idiosomal setae: vi 53 – 64, ve 104–121, sci 43–47, sce 74–85, c 1 53–55, c 2 95–116, d 1 55–56, d 2 46–54, e 1 35–36, e 2 85–113, f 1 81–104, h 1 20–25 , h 2 66–70. Distances between dorsal idiosomal setae: vi - vi 21–28, ve -ve 73–82, vi -ve 38–51, sci -sci 122– 142, ve -sci 44–44, sce -sce 161–187, sci -sce 19–22, c 1- c 1 51–66, c 2- c 2 198–267, c 1- c 2 106–107, d 2- d 2 177–208, c 1- d 1 63–81, c 1- d 2 73–87, d 1- d 1 52–56, d 2- d 1 60–75, e 2- e 2 144–164, d 2- e 2 60–78, d 1- e 1 49–49, d 1- e 2 54–71, e 1- e 1 37–51, e 2- e 1 45–59, f 1- f 1 87–89, e 1- f 1 41–50, e 2- f 1 44–61, f 1- h 1 39–45, f 1- h 2 43–48, h 1- h 1 26–35 , h 2- h 2 77–88, h 1- h 2 24–27. Venter of idiosoma . As in female except genital setae absent. Lengths and distances of intercoxal setae: 1a 23– 26, 3a 22–23, 4a 21–22, 1a -1a 20–22, 3a -3a 35–36, 4a -4a 19–22. Aggenital shield with three pairs of setae ( ag 1-3), ag 3 the longest. Anal shields bearing three pairs of pseudanal setae ( ps 1-3), ps 1 the longest. Lengths of setae: ag 1 23– 25 , ag 2 25–26 , ag 3 36–38, ps 1 26–29 , ps 2 2–3, ps 3 1–1. Gnathosoma . Chelicerae 136–136, palp 139–142. Lengths and distances of subcapitular setae: m 26–27, n 25– 27, m -m 36–38, n -n 25–26, m -n 17–18. Legs . Leg setation as in female except all tarsi bearing an extra, long solenidion ω♂. Deutonymph ( n = 1) ( Figs. 11 , 12 ). Body 325 long, 229 wide. Gnathosoma 90. Leg I 194, leg II 158, leg III 149, leg IV 163. FIGURE 9. Stigmaeus fimus sp. nov. (Male) A. Dorsal view of idiosoma, B. Ventral view of idiosoma. FIGURE 10. Stigmaeus fimus sp. nov. (Male) A. Leg I, B. Leg II, C. Leg III, D. Leg IV. FIGURE 11. Stigmaeus fimus sp. nov. (Deutonymph) A. Dorsal view of idiosoma, B. Ventral view of idiosoma. Dorsum of idiosoma . As in adult female, but patterns on shields not clear. pob 30 in diameter. Lengths of dorsal idiosomal setae: vi 43 , ve 99, sci 30, sce 74, c 1 42, c 2 87, d 1 41, d 2 43, e 1 41, e 2 87, f 1 84, h 1 55, h 2 47. Distances between dorsal idiosomal setae: vi - vi 20, ve -ve 73, vi -ve 38, sci -sci 120, ve -sci 40, sce -sce 153, sci -sce 18, c 1- c 1 48, c 2- c 2 213, c 1- c 2 63, d 2- d 2 172, c 1- d 1 69, c 1- d 2 78, d 1- d 1 53, d 2- d 1 61, e 2- e 2 141, d 2- e 2 45, d 1- e 1 44, d 1- e 2 53, e 1- e 1 37, e 2- e 1 49, f 1- f 1 74, e 1- f 1 36, e 2- f 1 52, f 1- h 1 29, f 1- h 2 27, h 1- h 1 35, h 2- h 2 75, h 1- h 2 25. Venter of idiosoma . Similar to adult female but genital setae absent. Lengths and distances of coxisternal setae: 1a 17, 3a 17, 4a 20, 1a -1a 21, 3a -3a 23, 4a -4a 15. Three pairs of aggenital setae ( ag 1-3) situated on aggenital shields, aggenital setae nearly equal in length. Anogenital shields subterminal and bearing three pairs of pseudanal setae ( ps 1-3). Lengths of aggenital and pseudanal setae: ag 1 17, ag 2 18, ag 3 18, ps 1 23, ps 2 12, ps 3 14. Gnathosoma . Chelicerae 111, palp 100. Lengths and distances of subcapitular setae: m 18, n 15, m -m 29, n -n 19, m -n 14. Legs . Counts of setae and solenidia on legs I–IV: coxae 2–2–2–2, trochanters 1–1–2–0, femora 6–4–3–2, genua 3(+1κ)–2(+1κ)–0–0, tibiae 5(+1φρ+1φ)–5(+1φρ)–5(+1φρ)–5(+1φρ), tarsi 13(+1ω)–9(+1ω)–7(+1ω)–7(+1ω). Protonymph ( n = 1) ( Figs. 13 , 14 ). Length of body 237, width 122. Gnathosoma 64. Leg I 145, leg II 112, leg III 109, leg IV 108. Dorsum of idiosoma . As in deutonymph. pob 18 in diameter. Lengths of dorsal idiosomal setae: vi 24 , ve 60, sci 21, sce 30, c 1 24, c 2 53, d 1 27, d 2 26, e 1 24, e 2 47, f 1 44, h 1 29, h 2 19. Distances between dorsal idiosomal setae: vi - vi 16, ve -ve 44, vi -ve 20, sci -sci 77, ve -sci 28, sce -sce 101, sci -sce 12, c 1- c 1 35, c 2- c 2 113, c 1- c 2 62, d 2- d 2 78, c 1- d 1 48, c 1- d 2 51, d 1- d 1 40, d 2- d 1 33, e 2- e 2 82, d 2- e 2 41, d 1- e 1 35, d 1- e 2 47, e 1- e 1 28, e 2- e 1 57, f 1- f 1 35, e 1- f 1 34, e 2- f 1 45, f 1- h 1 21, f 1- h 2 14, h 1- h 1 22, h 2- h 2 28, h 1- h 2 24. FIGURE 12. Stigmaeus fimus sp. nov. (Deutonymph) A. Leg I, B. Leg II, C. Leg III, D. Leg IV. Venter of idiosoma . Coxisternal shields bearing two pairs of intercoxal setae ( 1a , 3a ). Setae 4a and genital setae absent. Aggenital shields with a pair of setae ( ag 1). Lengths and distances of these setae: 1a 10, 3a 11, 1a -1a 16, 3a -3a 15. Anogenital shields bearing three pairs of pseudanal setae ( ps 1-3). ps 1 nearly twice length of ps 2 and ps 3. Lengths of setae: ag 1 7, ps 1 15, ps 2 8, ps 3 7. Gnathosoma . Chelicerae 87, palp 82. Subcapitulum with only a pair of subcapitular setae; m 9, m -m 14. Legs . Counts of setae and solenidia on legs I–IV: coxae 2–2–2–0, trochanters 0–0–1–0, femora 4–4–3–1, genua 3(+1κ)–2(+1κ)–0–0, tibiae 5(+1φρ+1φ)–5(+1φρ)–5(+1φρ)–5(+1φρ), tarsi 13(+1ω)–9(+1ω)–7(+1ω)–7(+1ω). Larva . Unknown. Etymology. The epithet name of this new species, fimus means scat, namely dung, refers to the habitat of the species. Type materials. Holotype female from cow dung, 40° 43' 52''N, 39° 03' 28''E, 1426 m .a.s.l., 24 November 2013 , Harşit Valley , TURKEY . Paratypes : 1 female , 2 males and 1 protonymph, same data ; 2 females, 3 males and 1 deutonymph from cow dung, 40° 39' 58''N, 38° 59' 52''E, 1994 m .a.s.l., 12 October 2013 ; 2 females from cow dung, 40° 55' 51''N, 38° 51' 19''E, 60 m . a.s.l., 22 April 2014 , Harşit Valley , TURKEY . Remarks. Stigmaeus fimus sp. nov. closely resembles S. silvestris Khaustov, 2014 and S. uzunolukensis Özçelik & Doğan, 2011 in having two pairs of setae on the central shield, similar dorsal ornamentation and the same leg setation; however, the new species is much bigger (680 (657–677) long, 456 (420–450) wide vs. 468 (420–470) long 325 (300–320) wide in S. silvestris ); lower ratio ve / sci (1.9 in the new species vs. 3.0 in S. silvestris ); setae elcp and elcl spine-like vs. seta-like in S. silvestris ( Khaustov 2014 ) . The new species can be distinguished from S. uzunolukensis by the distinctly bigger body size (length of body 680 (657–677), width 456 (420–450) in the new species vs. length 322 (300–350), width 171 (150–200) in S. uzunolukensis ); setae c 2 longer than ve in the new species vs. not longer in S. uzunolukensis ; setae sci much longer than that of S. uzunolukensis (71 (66–76) in the new species vs. 22 (18–25) in S. uzunolukensis ); lower ratio ve / sci (1.9 in the new species vs. 3.1 in S. uzunolukensis ); dorsal idiosomal setae not widened distally in the new species vs. most dorsal idiosomal setae, especially e 1, f 1, h 1, h 2, distinctly widened distally in S. uzunolukensis ( Özçelik & Doğan 2011 ) .