New Protosmylinae (Neuroptera: Osmylidae) from the early Eocene of western North America, with taxonomic remarks Author Makarkin, Vladimir N. 0000-0002-1304-0461 Federal Scientific Centre of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690022, Russia. Author Archibald, S. Bruce Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V 5 A 1 S 6, Canada. & Museum of Comparative Zoology, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, United States of America; and Royal British Columbia Museum, 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC, V 8 W 9 W 2, Canada. Author Mathewes, Rolf W. Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V 5 A 1 S 6, Canada. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-05-31 4980 1 142 156 journal article 20903 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.1.9 c6aedffd-0196-45d9-acc3-071c4e886e66 1175-5326 4883181 E4D00067-F4F3-4BC5-9CDA-6532773B56B0 Genus Osmylidia Cockerell, 1908 Osmylidia Cockerell, 1908: 342 . Oligosmylus Krüger, 1913: 34 . Protosmylus Krüger, 1913: 30 , syn. nov. Type species . Osmylus requietus Scudder, 1890 , by monotypy. Included species . Osmylidia donnae sp. nov. , (mid Ypresian, Quilchena), O. glastrai sp. nov. (late Ypresian, Republic), O. taliae sp. nov. (late Ypresian, Green River Formation); Osmylidia sp. (mid Ypresian, Driftwood Canyon), O. requieta (late Priabonian, Florissant), O. picta (Hagen in Pictet-Baraban & Hagen, 1856 ) (Priabonian, Baltic amber), comb. nov. Revised diagnosis . Separated from other genera of the subfamily by hind wing MA deeply forked [shallowly forked in other genera (unknown in Mesozoic Sogjuta , Jurosmylus and Protosmylina )], female procoxa with a large process (clearly seen only in O. picta ) [absent in other genera]. Forewing venation differs from that of other fossil genera by greater number of CuP branches (5–7) [≤ 4 in Sogjuta , Juraheterosmylus , Jurosmylus , Pseudosmylidia ; unknown in Protosmylina ]. Occurrence. Eocene (Ypresian to Priabonian) of North America and northern Europe. Remarks. The forewing character states of extant genera vary greatly among their species, covering almost the entire range of those of the family, but the shallowly forked hind wing MA is consistent in these genera. The proximal crossveins in the forewing radial space of Osmylidia requieta are arranged rather irregularly (see e.g ., Carpenter 1943 : Fig. 2 ). This is associated with at least eight and as many as ten crossveins between RA and RP while all other species of the genus possess at most six. We interpret this greater number of crossveins in these spaces and their arrangement as a species character.