CCIII Orchidaceae Author D. M. Moore (ed.) text 1980 Cambridge University Press Camebridge Flora Europaea, Vol 5: Alismataceae to Orchidaceae 325 350 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.215522 e75af61c-ea0f-4791-94c6-806a39e338ea 052120108X 215522 1 . P . albida (L . ) Ä . & D . Love , Taxon 18: 312 (1969) . ( Leucorchis albida (L . ) E . H . F . Meyer, Gymnadenia albida (L . ) L . C . M . Richard) . Tubers divided to base, with the slender cylindrical divisions thickened distally . Stem 12-30(-40) cm, erect, gla­ brous, with 2-3 membranous sheathing scales at base . Lower leaves c . 4, 2-5-8 x 1 - 1 -5 cm, obtuse; upper leaves 1 -2, narrower, acute . Spike 3-7 cm, cylindrical, dense, many-flowered; bracts 3-veined . Flowers 2-3 mm, yellowish- or greenish-white . Outer perianth-segments obtuse, the lateral obliquely ovate, the median ovate, concave; inner slightly shorter, oblong-ovate, obtuse . Labellum 3-lobed; lateral lobes linear-lanceolate, acuminate; middle lobe larger, rather obtuse . Spur 2(-2-5) mm, as long as ovary, cylindrical, obtuse, thickened distally and somewhat curved downwards . Damp meadows, pastures and grassy heaths . Europe, southwards to the Pyrenees, S . Appennini and S . Bulgaria, but absent from the U . S . S . R . except the extreme north and west . Au Be Br Bu Cz Da Fa Fe Ga Ge Hb He |H o Hs Is It Ju No Po Rm Rs (N, W) Su .