CCIII Orchidaceae Author D. M. Moore (ed.) text 1980 Cambridge University Press Camebridge Flora Europaea, Vol 5: Alismataceae to Orchidaceae 325 350 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.215522 e75af61c-ea0f-4791-94c6-806a39e338ea 052120108X 215522 1 . A . anthropophorum (L . ) Aiton fil . , Epit . Hort . Kew . 281 (1814) . Stem 10-40(-60) cm, glabrous, with brownish, sheathing basal scales . Lower leaves 5-12 cm, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, canaliculate, erect, later erecto-patent, the upper smaller or bract-like . Spike narrowly cylindrical, many-flowered; bracts membranous . Flowers greenish-yellow, often with reddish streaks and margins . Outer perianth-segments 6-7 mm, ovate- lanceolate, obtuse, the inner shorter and narrower . Labellum 12-15 mm, pendent, yellowish, often reddish-brown; lateral lobes c . £ as long as the middle . 2n=42 . Grassland, rarely scrub; calcicole . Mediterranean region and W . Europe, north­ wards to C . England and the Netherlands . Be B 1 Br Co Cr Ga Ge Gr He Ho Hs It Ju Lu Sa Si . Frequently hybridizes with species of Orchis , especially O . militaris , O . purpurea and O . simia .