Review of the odd chrysidid genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Loboscelidiinae) Author Kimsey, Lynn S. text ZooKeys 2012 213 1 40 journal article 1313-2970-213-1 Loboscelidia laminata sp. n. Figures 103041 Type material. Holotype male: Viet Nam: Tuyen Quang Prov., 360 m, Na Hang Reserve, 16-20 May 1997, FIT, S. B. Peck, 97-10 (CNC). Paratypes (17 males): 6 males, same data as holotype; 6 males, 20-24 May 1997, rainforest, FIT 97-13; 5 males, 97-12 (BME, CNC). Diagnosis. Loboscelidia laminata most closely resembles Loboscelidia kafae as discussed under that species. However, Loboscelidia laminata can be distinguished by flagellomere II less than twice as long as broad, flagellomere XI less than 3.5 x as long as broad, and the fore and midtibial flanges narrower than the respective tibiae. Male description. Body length 2.0-2.5 mm; forewing length 2.5-3.0 mm. Head (Fig. 10): length 1.8 x height in side view; eye asetose; frontal projection rectangular in front view; frons with lateral ridge adjacent to eye margin; vertex without transverse fovea, posterior expansion shallowly curved in profile; frons with low ridge extending from vertex along inner eye margin; gena without scale-like setae; scape smooth, length 2.6 x breadth; flagellomere I length 1.7 x breadth; flagellomere II length 1.8 x breadth; flagellomere XI length 4 x breadth. Mesosoma: pronotal length 0.8 x breadth, with/out lateral carina, nearly as wide as head in dorsal view; scutum with notauli reaching posterior margin; scutellum with fine dense striae; metanotum with three medial ridges, impunctate laterally; mesopleuron with scrobal sulcus; propodeum without transverse dorsal carina; legs (Fig. 41) coarsely/smooth, polished; forefemoral flange 0.6 x femur length, flange maximum width 0.8 x width of tubular part of femur; foretibial flange 0.6 x femur length, flange maximum width 0.7 x width of tubular part of tibia; midfemoral flange 0.6 x femur length, flange maximum width 0.8 x width of tubular part of femur; midtibial flange 0.8 x femur length, flange maximum width 0.4 x width of tubular part of tibia; hindfemoral flange 0.8 x femur length, flange maximum width 0.9 x width of tubular part of femur; hindtibial flange 0.9 x as long as tibia, flange maximum width 1.1 x width of tubular part of tibia; hindtibia with two longitudinal carinae on posterior margin; hindcoxa with longitudinal carina on inner medial surface; forewing (Fig. 30) R1 length 0.8 x R length; cu-a length 0.5 x R length; Rs length 3.2 x R length; Cu+M 0.5 x as long as A; medial vein submedially curved. Color: dark brown to yellowish brown; wing membrane brown-tinted, untinted along vein remnants; veins brown. Etymology. The name refers to the large lamellae or flanges on the legs (Latin).