Cydninae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Cydnidae) in Brazil: updated checklist, new records, and description of Tominotus ondulatus sp. nov. Author Avendaño, José Mauricio Laboratório de Entomologia Sistemática, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil Author Grazia, Jocelia Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil. E-mail: jocelia @ ufrgs. br. Author Schwertner, Cristiano Feldens Departamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil. E-mail: schwertner @ unifesp. br. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-10-09 4329 5 401 435 journal article 31871 10.11646/zootaxa.4329.5.1 09f3f499-00d5-4b1f-af77-f1db57427cdb 1175-5326 1005124 180Ca01D-3268-419D-9E07-500B15438Fce Tominotus inconspicuus Froeschner ( Figs. 14D , 16 ) Tominotus inconspicuus Froeschner, 1960 : 562 . Material examined: 1♀ , PA , Natal , Nov-1953 , P. Melocol col., MCNZ ; 2♂ , MA , São Luis , AL11-2104, 07-May- 1987 , A. Brisolla col., UNIFESP ; 2♀ , São Luis , AL12-1610, 13-Jun-1984 , A. Brisolla col., UNIFESP ; 1♀ , São Luis , AL33, 15-Jun-1984 , A. Brisolla col., UNIFESP ; 1♀ , MT , Salobra , Nov-1941 , Com.I.O.C. col., FIOC ; 3♀ , MG , Sapucaí Mirim , Jan-1992 , Ferrarezzi M. col., UFRG ; 7♂ 11♀ , Sete Lagoas , 04-Nov-1998 , J.M Waquil col., UFRG ; 1♂ , SP , Ibitinga , Seringueira 3021AL, 28-Dec-1988 , AM de Faria col., UNIFESP ; 1♀ , Ibitinga , Seringueira 3021ALII, 29-Nov-1989 , AM de Faria col., UNIFESP ; 1♂ , Ibitinga , Seringueira 3452AL, 22-Mar- 1989 , AM de Faria col., UNIFESP ; 1♀ , Ibitinga , Seringueira 5507AL, 13-Dec-1989 , AM de Faria col., UNIFESP ; 1♂ , Itapetininga , UPD APTA , 24-Jan-2012 , CF Schwertner col., UNIFESP ; 1♀ , Pradópolis , Oct-1976 , P.M.S. Botelho col., MCNZ ; 1♀ , São Paulo , 16-Jan-1940 , MCNZ ; 1♂ , SC , Itapiranga , Sep-1953 , MCNZ ; 1♀ , RS , Cachoeirinha , 22-Dec-1980 , H.A. Gastal col., MCNZ ; 2♀ , Ijuí , 01-Mar-1996 , Fernandes J.A.M. col., UFRG ; 1♀ , Imbé , " Imbè ", Feb-1961 , L. Buckup col., MCNZ ; 18♂ 102♀ , Santa Maria , 17-Dec-1971 , D. Link col., MCNZ ; 1♀ , São Salvador , 10-Nov-1965 , P. Buck col., MCNZ ; 1♂ , Torres , Nov-1954 , MCNZ . Distribution: Brazil (PA, MA new rec., RN, MT new rec., MG new rec., SP, RS), Argentina. Remarks: T. inconspicuous and T. laeviculus are the smallest species of the genus and differs one of the other for the two subapical setigerous punctures on the clypeus that are only present in T. laeviculus . First record for SP in Brazil in Grazia & Schwertner (2011) and for RS in Link (2003) .