A New Contribution to the Knowledge of the East Palaearctic Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)
Riedel, Matthias
Linzer biologische Beiträge
journal article
Barichneumonops membraneus
figs 27-31
H o l o t y p e: (
) "
municipality, Xiaolongmen Nat. Park,
4- 10.VI.2016
, leg. E. Jendek & O. Sauša" (Linz).
D e s c r i p t i o n:
. Body length 15.0 mm. Flagellum slightly lanceolate, with 41 flagellomeres; 1
flagellomere 1.5× longer than wide, 6
flagellomere square, widest flagellomeres 1.8× wider than long; preapical flagellomere 1.5× wider than long. Head covered with brownish hairs. Temple long, parallel behind eyes and moderately narrowed apically, dorsally 1.0× as long as eye. OED 1.2× and OOD 1.1× ocellar diameter. Frons and vertex densely punctate and finely granulate. Frons transversely striate above antennal grooves. Face densely punctate, shining. Clypeus large, almost flat, with scattered punctures; apical margin sharp and straight. Gena wide, 1.3× as wide as eye, with dense punctures. Mandible with two teeth, lower tooth smaller than upper one and not bent inwards. MI 1.0. Genal carina complete, reaching hypostomal carina close to mandibular base; both carinae low.
Mesosoma covered with short brownish hairs. Epomia present. Collar without longitudinal ridge. Notaulus weakly impressed in frontal 1/6 of mesoscutum. Mesoscutum densely punctate and weakly shining. Mesopleuron including speculum and metapleuron coarsely and densely rugose-punctate and striate; juxtacoxal carina present. Scutellum almost flat, slightly wider than long, with rather dense punctures, without lateral carina. Propodeum rugose. Area basalis slightly bulging anteriorly, without distinct median tubercle. Area superomedia hexagonal, 1.25× wider than long; anterior transversal carina weak, slightly posterior to its middle. Area petiolaris moderately impressed medially. Posterior transverse carina slightly and bluntly widened laterally, without distinct apophyses. Hind coxa densely punctate, with large scopa (0.7× coxal length). Hind femur 3.1× longer than wide, with dense punctures. Hind tibia without external denticular spurs. Distal tarsomeres moderately elongate and slightly curved. Claws large, strongly bent apically (90°), not pectinate. Areolet pentagonal; distance between veins 2rs-m and 3rs-m 3× their width, vein 2m-cu distad its middle. Vein 1cu-a postfurcal by 2× its width.
Metasoma oxypygous. Postpetiolus moderately widened, without dorsal carina, median field densely punctate. Gastrocoelus moderately impressed, with longitudinal ridges. Thyridium transverse, 0.6× as wide as the interval. 2
tergite 0.69× as long as wide. 2
and 3
tergites densely punctate, shining. Following tergites with superficial punctures and shining. Apical margin of 6
tergite with sickle-shaped membraneous area; 7
tergite with roundish dorsal membraneous area. Ovipositor sheath slightly club-shaped, moderately extending behind metasomal apex.
Color: black. Mandible centrally dark reddish. Stripes on flagellomeres 9-16, narrow stripes on frontal orbit and vertex, scutellum and subbasal external stripes on all tibiae ivory. Wings slightly infuscate; pterostigma ochreous.
♁ unknown.
D i s t r i b u t i o n: