A review of the Saharo-Sindian species of the genus Zonitoschema (Coleoptera: Meloidae), with description of new species from Tunisia, Yemen and Socotra Island Author Batelka, Jan Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ- 193 00 Praha 9 - Horní Počernice, Czech Republic janbat@centrum.cz Author Bologna, Marco A. Dipartimento di Scienze, Università Roma Tre, Viale G. Marconi 446, 00146 Roma, Italy marcoalberto.bologna@uniroma3.it text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2014 2014-12-30 54 241 268 journal article 2379 10.5281/zenodo.5314482 fccd2191-5b05-4b4c-93e2-6427cbd89bee 0374-1036 5314482 AA858A7C-0AA8-4C16-8848-60707709CE4A Zonitoschema rubricolor Pic, 1924 ( Figs 15, 16 , 43 ) Zonitoschema rubricolor Pic, 1924: 454 . Zonitoschema rubricolor : KASZAB (1983: 187) ; SCHNEIDER (1991: 287) . Material examined. ISRAEL : 1 spec. ( TAUC ), N. Paran, 24.vi.1997 , D. Simon lgt., M. A. Bologna det. 1997; 1 spec. ( TAUC ), Hazeva, 7.vi.1997 , A. Maklakov lgt.; 2 spec. ( TAUC ), Nahal HaShifta, Hwy 90, km 82, 30°08.50N , 35°08.40E , 18.vi.1999 , I. Yarom & V.Kravchenko lgt., light trap; 1 spec. ( TAUC ), Nahak Shezaf, 30°43ʹN , 39°16ʹE , 29.v.1998 , I. Yarom lgt., light trap. OMAN : 2 ♂♂ 1♀ ( JBCP ), Al Batinah prov. , Al Lajal, 170 m , 23°30ʹN , 57°56ʹE , 3.iv.2013 , J. Halada lgt.; 1♀ ( JBCP ), the same data as preceding specimens, but 18.iv.2013 ; 1♂ ( JBCP ), Dhofar prov. , Jabal Samhar Mt., 17°102N, 54°697E, 7.x.2013 , J. Halada lgt. SAUDI ARABIA : 1 ♀ ( NHMB ), Muhayel , 4.iii.1986 , coll. RAWRC [published as Z . rubricolor by SCHNEIDER (1991) ]; 1 ♀ ( NHMB ), 81 km S of Buljurshi , 2000 m , viii.1979 , G. Vogel lgt.[published as Z . rubricolor by KASZAB (1983) ]; 1♀ ( NHMB ), Wadi Khumra [ Riyadh district , BÜTTIKER (1979: 19) ], 20.v.1977 , W. Büttiker lgt. [published as Z . rubricolor by KASZAB (1983) ]. KENYA : 1 spec. ( MBCR ), Hola , 2.− 5.10.2000 , Werner & Lizler lgt. Differential diagnosis. This species is easily distinguishable from the remaining Zonitoschema distributed in the Saharo-Sindian Region by the reddish colouration, very fine punctures on pronotum and shiny surface of both head and pronotum (see key below). Distribution. South Israel ( CHIKATUNOV et al. 2006 , as Z. rubicolor [sic!]; BOLOGNA 2008), Saudi Arabia and Democratic Republic of the Congo ( KASZAB 1983 , SCHNEIDER 1991 , BOLOGNA 2008). First records from Oman and Kenya . Records from the United Arab Emirates ( BATELKA & GEISTHARDT 2009 ) refer to Z . iranica (see above).