A new Neotropical genus of Blastini (Psocodea: ' Psocoptera': Psocidae: Amphigerontiinae) Author García Aldrete, Alfonso N. Author Román-P, Cristian text Zootaxa 2015 4000 3 392 396 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4000.3.6 5e943702-4c92-47e4-b4c8-81ddc768b60b 1175-5326 244215 CD5EA747-98ED-40E0-ADD7-8E815144E160 Chaetoblaste n. gen. Diagnosis . Medium-sized psocid. Assigned to Blastini by the continuous sclerotization of VIII and IX sternites. Characterized within the tribe by presence of setae on the forewing veins and by having a field of short spines on each postero-lateral area of the hypandrium. Differing from Chaetopsocidus Badonnel , also a genus of Blastini , by (A), the position of the forewing setae: over the membrane in Chaetopsocidus and on veins in Chaetoblaste (B), first section of Cu1a shorter than the second ( Chaetopsocidus ), (C), pterostigma in Chaetoblaste angled posteriorly, and smoothly rounded in Chaetopsocidus , and (D), anterior margin of paraprocts rounded in Chaetopsocidus and with a well developed handle in Chaetoblaste . Etymology . The generic name means “ Blaste with setae”, in reference to the setae on the forewing veins of the only known species in the genus. Type species. Chaetoblaste gonzalezi n. sp.