Four new endemic genera of Rubiaceae (Pavetteae) from Madagascar represent multiple radiations into drylandsAuthorBlock, Petra DeBotanic Garden Meise, Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, Belgiumpetra.deblock@plantentuinmeise.beAuthorRakotonasolo, FranckKew Madagascar Conservation Centre, Lot II J 131 Ambodivoanjo, Ivandry, Antananarivo, Madagascar & Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza, Antananarivo- 101, MadagascarAuthorNtore, SalvatorBotanic Garden Meise, Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, BelgiumAuthorSylvain G. Razafimandimbison,Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany, P. O. Box 50007, SE- 10405 Stockholm, SwedenAuthorJanssens, StevenBotanic Garden Meise, Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, BelgiumtextPhytoKeys20182018-05-2199166 article De Blockgen. nov.Diagnosis.
Differing from
Paracephaelis sericea
by the presence of shoot dimorphism, the smaller leaves grouped terminally on lateral short-shoots (blades ≤ 3.5
1.5 cm vs. 7-21
4.5-12 cm in
P. sericea
), the uni- or pauciflorous inflorescences (1-5 vs. 15 to numerous flowers), the trilobate bracts and bracteoles (vs. triangular), the variability in the number of calyx lobes [(4-)5-7 vs. 5], the pollen without supratectal elements (vs. supratectal elements present) and the fruit with 2 ruminate seeds (vs. 4-10 seeds with entire endosperm).
Type species.Tulearia splendida
De Block.
Shrubs; shoot dimorphism present: vegetative long-shoots with well-developed internodes, reproductive short-shoots with compressed internodes and densely beset with corky stipular remnants; vegetative parts densely pubescent. Leaves grouped terminally on short-shoots, persistent, petiolate with petioles short and canaliculate above; blades <4
1.5 cm, coriaceous; domatia absent; margins strongly revolute. Stipules triangular with short acuminate tip, inside densely covered with appressed hairs all over (hairs visible along the margins from the outside) and with large colleters in the lower half. Inflorescences terminal, sessile, uni- or pauciflorous, cymose with trichotomous branching; all parts (axes, bracts, bracteoles, pedicels) densely pubescent; bracts and bracteoles trilobate. Flowers hermaphroditic, pentamerous, shortly pedicellate; all parts (ovary, calyx, corolla) densely pubescent outside; secondary pollen presentation present. Calyx well-developed, either with short tube and long lobes or with lobes as long as or shorter than tube; lobes (4-)5-7(-8). Corolla white, sericeous outside; tube narrowly cylindrical; lobes contorted to the left in bud and spreading at anthesis. Stamens inserted in the sinuses of the corolla lobes at or somewhat below the level of the throat; filaments short; anthers usually partly included in the corolla tube at anthesis, basifixed, with sagittate base and short sterile apical appendix. Disc annular, fleshy, glabrous. Ovary cup-shaped, bilocular or rarely trilocular; placentation axile, with 3-7 ovules arranged along the periphery of a small placenta attached to the upper half of the septum. Style and stigma white, exserted from the corolla tube at anthesis; stigmatic lobes fused over their entire length except for the very tips, receptive zone on the adaxial surfaces of the free tips and along the lines of fusion of the lobes. Fruits drupaceous, subspherical, pubescent, crowned by the persistent calyx, containing 2 pyrenes; pyrenes crustaceous or stony, hemi-ovoid, formed by the convex outer and flat inner parts of each locule, with central apical protuberance or ridge on the adaxial side, opening along a central longitudinal preformed germination slit present over the entire length on the abaxial and adaxial sides (running through apical ridge or apical protuberance), containing 1 or very rarely 2 seeds; seed hemi-ovoid (or angular in case of 2 seeds per pyrene); hilum ovate, superficial, annulus around hilum absent; exotesta cells parenchymatic and filled with tannins; endotesta consisting of crushed cell layers without crystals; endosperm ruminate. Pollen grains 3-zonocolporate, exine microreticulate to perforate, supratectal elements absent.
A genus of two species, restricted to the dry forest and scrub of southern and southwestern Madagascar, on calcareous soil.Etymology.
The genus is named for its occurrence in the region of Toliara (
Key to the species of
Leaves 10-35
6-15 mm, secondary nerves visible; inflorescences with (1-)3(-5) flowers; bracteoles 8-12 mm long; calyx lobes 7.5-10 mm long; calyx tube much shorter than lobes
T. splendida
Leaves 5-20
3-5.5 mm; secondary nerves not visible; inflorescences uniflorous; bracteoles ≤ 3.5 mm long; calyx lobes 1-2 mm long; calyx tube as long as or longer than lobes