Contribution to the knowledge of Cloeodes Traver 1938 (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) Author Kluge, Nikita J. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-11-11 4319 1 91 127 journal article 32137 10.11646/zootaxa.4319.1.5 ae3383a3-0172-4ba9-adb5-9a27f9e9fff4 1175-5326 888627 14Ee4F4F-0Ac0-42E8-Bcdf-8Cf4De349A39 Cloeodes inferior Kluge 1991 ( Fig. 142 ) Cloeodes inferior Kluge 1991 : 133 (larva, male and female imagoes, eggs). Material examined. Holotype : L-S-I {specimen [XVIII](2)A1989}: CUBA , Prov. Guamtanamo , Rio Duaba near Baracoa , 20°22'N , 74°32'W , 15.III. 198, coll. N. Kluge . Paratypes : the same locality, 1 L-S-I , 3 L-S-I , 3 L- S , 4 L-S , 14 larvae ; Prov. Santiago-de-Cuba , Rio Baconao in Las Yaguas , 20°04'N , 75°34'W , 12.II.1989 , coll. N. Kluge : 2 L-S , 1 larva; the same locality, 25.XII.1983 , coll. C. Naranjo : 6 larvae ; Trinidad mountains (border of provinces Sanctispiritus, Cienfiegos and Santa Clara), 12–18.IV.1989 , coll. N. Kluge : 1 larva. Additional descriptions. Larva . Maxillary canines and distal dentiseta stout; distal dentiseta widened, with apex somewhat hooked toward canines ( Fig. 142 ; as in Fig. 8 ). Other characters as described by Kluge 1991 . Subimago. CUTICULAR COLORATION: as in C. superior (see above). HYPODERMAL COLORATION: As in imago ( Kluge 1991 ). TEXTURE: On all legs of both sexes all tarsal segments entirely covered by pointed microlepides ( Table 1 ). Tarsal spines of subimago and imago . Tarsus of fore leg in female with one apical spine on 3dr tarsomere (in male without apical spines). Tarsus of middle and hind leg of both sexes with 2 apical spines: one sine on 1st+2nd and another spine on initial 3rd tarsomere ( Table 1 ). Other characters of imago as described by Kluge 1991 . Dimension. Fore wing length 3.5– 4 mm . Distribution. Cuba .