3324 Author Namayandeh, Armin Author Bilyj, Bohdan Author Beresford, David V. Author Somers, Keith M. Author Dillon, Peter J. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-05-24 3324 1 65 journal article 1175­5334 Paratendipes albimanus (Meigen) Figs 46A–D Diagnosis. Frontoclypeal apotome without suture; labrum as in Fig. 46A ; SI setae with bases touching, distally pectinate; pecten epipharyngis with three subequal teeth; antenna ( Fig. 46B ) 6-segmented with LO alternately placed on apices of segments 2 and 3, AR 1.3–1.4; mandible as in Fig. 46C ; mentum ( Fig. 46D ) with 4 subequal pale median teeth set in a straight row recessed below 1 st lateral which is apressed to larger 2 nd lateral followed by additional 4 laterals in a descending row; VM plates (see Fig. 46D ) fan-shaped with coarse striae along anterior margin, surface pollinose. FIGURE 46. Paratendipes albimanus (Meigen) , larva. (A–D). A—labrum; B—antenna; C—mandible; D—mentum and VM plates. Notes. Although few species are described as larvae, the mentum and VM plates are very distinctive, and are considered diagnostic for species recognition. Ecology and habitat. Larvae of this species are common in headwater streams. A collector-gatherer species with a preference for detritus made of hickory and white oak. This species is univoltine, and emerges from late June to mid July. A second generation has been produced in lab studies using a hickory diet ( Ward & Cummins 1978 , 1979 ). Riparian vegetation of study headwater streams consists of Maple, American Beech, Yellow Birch and Red Oak. Sampling sites. Algonquin Provincial Park. Nearctic distribution. Canada : Alberta , Ontario , and Québec, New Brunswick. USA : New York south to South Carolina west to California .