Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces 3371 Author Wicksten, Mary K. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3371 1 307 journal article 1175­5334 Hymenodora glacialis ( Buchholz, 1874 ) ( Fig. 10H, I ) Pasiphae glacialis Buchholz, 1874: 279 , pl. 1, fig. 2. Hymenodora glacialis . — Faxon 1895: 168 . — Kobyakova 1937: 99 , fig. 3. — Havens & Rork 1969: 19 . — Crosnier & Forest 1973: 84 , fig. 25b. — Butler 1980: 72 . — Krygier & Pearcy 1981: 86 . — Chace 1986: 42 , figs. 21K–O. — Hendrickx & Estrada-Navarrete 1989: 115 . — Hendrickx & Estrada-Navarrete 1996: 117 , fig. 72. — Wicksten 2002: 136 . Diagnosis. Similar to H . frontalis except exoskeleton membranous, finely pitted. Anterior part of carapace swollen, rostrum barely longer than eye, lower margin convex, with 2–5 dorsal, 0–1 ventral teeth. Carpus of pereopod 1 with conspicuous distal tubercle. Telson with 5–6 pairs dorsolateral spines. Male total length 48 mm , female 45 mm . Havens & Rork (1969) provided a comparison of H . glacialis and H . gracilis . Color in life. Blood red. Habitat and depth. Pelagic, rarely near surface in polar seas but more common at 350–1000 m ; at 2000–5610 m off Oregon . Range. Sea of Okhotsk and Bering Sea to Gulf of Panama , Chile and sub-Antarctic Pacific , Arctic region , North Atlantic ; western South Atlantic , southwestern Indian Ocean. Type locality eastern Greenland , 74 ˚ N, near edge of pack ice .