Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces 3371 Author Wicksten, Mary K. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3371 1 307 journal article 1175­5334 Taliepus nuttallii ( Randall, 1840 ) ( Fig.49 F , Pl. 10 F) Epialtus nuttallii Randall, 1840: 109 . — Holmes 1900: 23 . — Rathbun 1904: 173 . — Schmitt 1921: 202 , text fig. 125. — Johnson & Snook 1927: 367 , fig. 319. Taliepus nuttallii . — Rathbun 1925: 162 , pls. 50, 51; text fig. 61. — Garth & Abbott 1980: 597 , fig. 25.3. — Ricketts et al . 1985: 136 . — Jensen 1995: 24 , fig. 24. Taliepus nuttalli . — Garth 1958: 208 , pl. L, fig. 8; pl. 22. — Hendrickx 1999: 117, pl. 2D, 3A, B. Diagnosis. Rostrum with convergent sides, inclined downward, with triangular notch at apex. Carapace ovate, convex, smooth. No preorbital tooth, postorbital tooth small. Antennae not reaching end of rostrum. Male cheliped stout, unarmed, fingers gaping, margins of fingers with row of low teeth; female cheliped more slender, fingers not gaping. Pereopods 2–5 stout, subcylindrical, dactyls strongly curved, with 2 rows of spinules on dactyls. Seven free abdominal segments in both sexes. Male carapace length 106 mm , carapace width 92 mm ; female approximately half this size. FIGURE 49. Families Epialtidae and Inachidae . A, B, Epialtoides hiltoni ( Rathbun, 1923 ) ; A, dorsal view; B, cheliped. C, Mimulus foliatus Stimpson, 1860 ; adult male. D, E, Pugettia venetiae Rathbun, 1924 ; D, ventral view; E, dorsal view of cephalothorax with detached cheliped. F, Taliepus nuttalli (Randall, 1839) . G, Ericerodes hemphilii (Lockington, 1877) ; adult male. H, I, Erileptus spinosus Rathbun, 1893 ; H, dorsal view of cephalothorax; I, cheliped. Scales: A= 5mm; C–E, G–I = 10 mm. F = 60 mm. A, B, H, I from Hendrickx 1999; C from Wicksten 1983c , D, E from Rathbun 1925 , F, G from Schmitt 1921 . Color in life. Juvenile camouflaged like algae, olive-green to reddish; adults red-brown to dark purple. The color notes are from crabs from Point Fermin, Los Angeles County, California . Habitat and depth. Rocky shores, kelp beds, especially among brown algae, intertidal to 92 m , but usually less than 50 m . Range. Santa Barbara , California to Magdalena Bay , Baja California . Type locality "Upper California .”