Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces 3371 Author Wicksten, Mary K. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3371 1 307 journal article 1175­5334 Munidopsis depressa Faxon, 1893 ( Fig. 35F ) Munidopsis depressa Faxon 1893:189 ; 1895: 96 , pl. 22, figs. 2, 2a, 2b. — Haig 1956: 79 . — Wicksten 1980c: 362 ; 1989b: 315 . — Hendrickx & Harvey 1999: 376 . — Hendrickx 2003b: 23 . Diagnosis. Rostrum elongate, triangular, with 2 small lateral teeth near apex, smaller posterior ones, denticles along median groove. Carapace wider near posterior margin than in front half, with sharp anterolateral spines, rows of sharp spinules along lateral surfaces, 3 medial dorsal spines, small spines and tubercles elsewhere on dorsal surface; posterior margin with large median spine, row of teeth on either side. Chelipeds with thorn-like spines. Pereopods 2–4 with spines on merus, carpus, proximal surface of propodus, dactyls elongate. Abdominal somites 1–4 with spines or tubercles. Carapace length 20.3 mm. Color in life. Not reported. Habitat and depth. Continental slope, on green mud and sand, 185–1255 m . Range. Santa Catalina I. , California to off Cape Corrientes , Mexico , including Gulf of California. Type locality off Cape Corrientes ( Albatross sta. 3425, 21˚ 19' N, 106˚ 24' W) .