Five new species of the genus Euplocania Enderlein (Psocodea, ' Psocoptera', Psocomorpha, Ptiloneuridae) from Colombia Author Gonzalez-Obando, Ranulfo Author Aldrete, Alfonso N. Garcia Author Carrejo, Nancy S. text ZooKeys 2017 711 81 101 journal article 1313-2970-711-81 BB63680884F94D2888226A7B5F420085 BB63680884F94D2888226A7B5F420085 Euplocania nasa sp. n. Figs 37-42 Male Type locality. COLOMBIA. Huila. Acevedo, National Natural Park Los Guacharos , 1882 m., 1°36'45.9"N ; 76°06'15.4"W . Type material. Holotype male. 31.VII.2016. On tree trunk. N. Carrejo, R. Gonzalez & J. Mendivil. MUSENUV, slide code No. 28783. Etymology. This species is dedicated to the Nasa tribe, that inhabits a wide region of mountains in the departments of Huila and Caqueta . The name is a noun in apposition. Diagnosis . Belonging to the new species group Guentherbuchi . Forewings hyaline. Pterostigma elongate, not angulated towards Rs (Fig. 37). Hypandrium of three sclerites, central one rounded anteriorly, with two lateral, slender, elongate, acuminate posterior processes (Fig. 40). Related to E. guentherbuchi Gonzalez , Garcia Aldrete & Carrejo, differing from it by having the posterior processes of the central sclerite of the hypandrium stouter and much broader proximally. The phallosomes in both species are built on the same plan, but differ in details of the endophallic sclerites (compare Fig. 42 in this paper with fig. 50 in Gonzalez-Obando et al. 2015 ). Figures 37-42. Euplocania nasa sp. n. Male. 37 Forewing 38 Hindwing 39 Front view of head 40 Hypandrium 41 Epiproct and right paraproct 42 Phallosome. Scales in millimeters. Description. Color (in 80% ethanol). Body brown. Head dark brown with small areas cream (Fig. 39). Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Antennae brown, flagellomeres pale brown, with apices cream. Maxillary palps pale brown, Mx4 with distal third dark brown. Tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax brown. Thoracic mesopleura brown, mesepisternum more pigmented. Legs: fore- and hind- coxae creamy, with small proximal and distal brown spots; mid coxae brown, trochanters and femora creamy, tibia, tarsi and apex of femora brown. Wings hyaline, veins brown, vein ends more pigmented as illustrated (Figs 37 and 38). Abdomen creamy, with subcuticular, transverse ochre bands. Clunium, hypandrium, epiproct and paraprocts pale brown, phallosome brown, with endophallic sclerites more pigmented. Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (Fig. 39): H/MxW: 1.40, H/d: 3.86, compound eyes large: IO/MxW: 0.78. Vertex slightly concave in the middle. Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with seven denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.23. Forewings (Fig. 37) with M four-branched; M4 distally forked, L/W: 2.56, pterostigma elongate: lp/wp: 6.0; areola postica tall, slightly slanted posteriorly, apex rounded, al/ah: 1.30. Hindwing (Fig. 38): l/w: 2.74. Hypandrium of three sclerites, the central one abundantly setose, convex anteriorly, with a deep concavity posteriorly; side sclerites elongate, broadly triangular (Fig. 40). Phallosome anteriorly Y-shaped (Fig. 42), external parameres distally rounded, bearing pores; anterior endophallic sclerites curved, distally acuminate, antero-central sclerites small, denticulate. Mesal endophallic sclerites transverse, with meso-posterior projection triangular, postero-mesal sclerite with a rounded protuberance basally, each arm dilated basally, bent outwards, distally acuminate; posterior pair elongate, directed inwards, distally bent outwards, denticulate. Paraprocts (Fig. 41) robust, elongate, setose as illustrated, sensory fields with 32 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct wide, semioval, rounded posteriorly, straight anteriorly, setae as illustrated (Fig. 41). Measurements.FW: 6900, HW: 4625, F: 1725, T: 3050, t1: 1275, t2: 100, t3: 167, ctt1: 35, f1: 1450, f2: 1570, f3: 1390, Mx4: 395, IO: 690, D: 460, d: 324, IO/d: 2.13, PO: 0.70.