Taxonomic study of Thiotricha Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in Japan, with the description of two new species
Kyaw, Khine Mon Mon
Yagi, Sadahisa
Oku, Jouhei
Sakamaki, Yositaka
Hirowatari, Toshiya
journal article
Thiotricha venustalis (Omelko, 1984)
comb. nov.
Figs 4E, F
8E, F
Cnaphostola venustalis
Omelko, 1984: 32;
Oku 2003
: 65; Park and Ponomarenko 2007: 45;
Ueda 2013
: 298.
Material examined.
Japan -
[Hokkaido] • 2♂♂; Katsuranosawa, Uryu-cho, Uryu-gun; 20 Jul. 2018; S. Yagi leg. • 1♂, 1♀; Tomuraushi, Shintoku town; 20 Aug. 2000; H. Kogi leg.; gen. slide no. KM-148 (♂) • 2♂♂; Tokachigaoka, Otofuke-cho; 13 Jul. 2000; T. Hirowatari; N.H. Ahn; Y. Miyamoto; H. Okamoto; K. Yamada leg.; gen. slide no. KM-4, 47; OPU • 1♀; Fukuyama, Hobetu Town; 12 Jul. 2005; H. Kogi leg. • 1♀; Siratukari, Atuta; 21 Apr. 2003 em.; H. Kogi leg. • 1♀; Sibi Isikari; 5 Jul. 2016; H. Kogi leg. • 1♂, same locality, 8 Jul. 2007, H.Kogi; 1♂; Ishikari-hama, Ishikari-shi; 18 Jul. 2018; S. Tomura leg. • 3♂♂,1♀; Oyafunebochi, Oyafune-cho, Ishikari; 18 Jul. 2018; S. Yagi leg. • 1♂; Sinkoh, Isikari; 15 Jun. 2003 em.; Host:
Quercus dentata
; H. Kogi leg.; gen. slide no. KM-142 • 1♀; same locality and collector; 25 Jul. 2005 em; Host:
Quercus crispula
; H. Kogi leg. • 1♂; Moiwa, Tomari; 24 Jul. 2006; H. Kogi leg.; gen. slide no. KM-141 • 1♀; Asari-pass, Otaru; 22 Jul. 2002; H. Kogi leg. • 1♀; Tomakomai shi, Kashiwabara; 21 Jul. 2018; S. Tomura leg. -
[Iwate] • 1♂; Dogamori, Morioka; 13 Jul. 1994; N. Doi leg.; TO. -
[Chiba] • 1♂; Otake, Narita-shi; 18 Jun. 2016; O. Saito leg. -
[Gifu] • 1♀; Oniiwa-onsen, Hiyoshi, Mizumani; 1 Jun. 2017; S. Yagi leg. -
[Nagano] • 1♂; Kojiro, Tenryu mura; 5 Jul. 2008; N. Hirano leg.; gen. slide no. KM-108 • 1♀; Reisengoya 2260m, Mt. Norikura, Azumi-vill; 20 Jun. 2001; T. Mano leg.; OPU. -
[Aichi] • 1♂; Asahi-highland, Asahi-cho; 13 Jul. 1996; T. Mano leg.; gen. slide no. KM-50; OPU • 1♀; same locality and collector; 7 Jul. 2001; OPU. -
[Kyoto] • 1♂; Mt. Ponpon; 1 Jul. 2000; N. H. Ahn leg.; gen. slide no. KM-117; OPU • 2♀♀; same label; gen. slide no. KM-48; OPU -
[Osaka] • 1♂; Ikoma, 30 Jun. 1995; S. Kosino leg.; gen. slide no. KM-135; OPU • 1♂; Rokumanji-cho, Higashiosaka-shi; 3 Sep. 2017; H. Shimizu leg. • 1♂, 1♀; Aokaiyama (Toyono-tyo); 7 Jul. 1999; T. Saito leg.; gen. slide no. KM-5(♂), KM-49(♀); OPU • 1♀; same label; 21 Jun. 1999; gen. slide no. KM-52; OPU • 1♀; Iwawaki; 28 Jun. 1952; T. Kodama leg.; OPU • 1♀; Izumi-katuragisan (Kisiwada-si); 17 Aug. 2004; T. Saito leg.; gen. slide no. KM-115; OPU. -
[Hiroshima] • 1♂,2♀♀; Yoshiwa, Hatsukaichi-shi; 15-16 Jul. 2017; S. Tomura leg. -
[Fukuoka] • 1♂; Nokonoshima, Fukuoka; 3 Jun. 2013; S. Yagi leg.; gen. slide no. KM-101 • 1♂; Hikosan, Soeda-machi; 1 Jul. 2016; S. Yagi leg.; gen. slide no. KM-13 • 1♂; same label; gen. slide no. KM-28 • 1♂; same label; gen. slide no. KM-97. -
[Kumamoto] • 1♂; Taziri Ubuyama; 14 Jul. 2013; S. Yagi leg.; gen. slide no. SY-1.
The forewing is white with a small orange patch and a black rounded spot apically. The anellus lobe of the male genitalia is narrow, slender, and longer than the valva, with a sharp and thorn-like spine at the apex, which is a unique characteristic of this species. The apopyhsis posterioris of the female genitalia is ca. 1/3 of the length of papilla analis and approx. half the length of the apophysis anterioris; the signum is absent in the corpus bursae.
Figs 4E
). Forewing length 2.6-3.6 mm. Wingspan 5.5-7.6 mm.
: shiny, creamy white with appressed scales. Antennae filiform, basal segment elongate and white; flagellum whitish brown on dorsal surface before middle, then entirely grayish brown beyond, with rather long and fine cilia ventrally. Labial palpus white, long, and recurved; first segment shortest, creamy white; second segment thickened, as much as 2.5 times the length of the first, covered evenly with creamy white scales; third segment as long as second, creamy white, apex sharply acute.
Thorax and tegula
: creamy white.
: white; forefemur, tibia, and tarsus suffused inwardly with dark brown, white on outer surface; mid legs entirely white; hind femur and tibia white, dispersed inwardly with brown; with compact ventral and dorsal rows of long, stiff, stout white bristles; all tarsal segments grayish brown.
: eleven veins, R3 + R4 stalked, M1 separate, R5 absent, anal vein furcate (
Fig. 7C
). Forewing ground color creamy white to white to ca. 3/4 of the way from base, large orange patch of more or less inverted triangular shape along costal margin, extending to apex of wing; large round black spot apically, bordered by a white line with an orange patch; outer margin blackish brown; small brown scales below apical point; diffused brown scales below orange patch at tornal area; cilia well-fringed, brown-white on costal margin before apex, dark brown with fuscous median band from apex to termen, grayish brown through inner base of the wing.
: narrower than forewing, brown with tiny dark brown apical dot; fringe around apex darker in color, long, and brown, cilia well-fringed on inner region of hind wing.
Male genitalia
: (
Figs 8E, F
) eight abdominal sternite mucronate, short and wide surfaces, anterior 2/3 broadly concave, and then narrow beyond, slightly sharpened basally. Uncus swollen and rounded with short, fine setae on apex. Gnathos sickle-shaped, short and stout, flattened at base posteriorly and then slightly curved toward apex. Tegumen long, nearly three times length of uncus, with dense hairs at approximately its midpoint on dorsal surface. Anellus lobe, a pair of slender processes, slightly longer than valva, slightly broadened and elbowed basally, then narrowly elongate and slightly swollen 1/4 of the way before apex, with rather long and weakly sclerotized thorn-like spine at tip. Valva enlarged at base, with long fine setae on rim of inner surface, gradually narrowing from base to 2/3 of length, slightly curved inwardly, a few setae at corner of anterior margin, rhomboid with a blunt tip apically, short and fine setae on inner and outer surfaces. Vinculum slightly narrow and enlarged surface, a few setae on its median process. Saccus broad basally, somewhat inflate and convex. Phallus large and clavate basally, narrowly elongate in distal half.
Fig. 4F
). Forewing length 2.6-3.5 mm. Wing expanse 6.2-7.2 mm. Similar to male.
Female genitalia
: (
Fig. 10C
) papilla analis bilobed, ca. twice length of apophysis anterioris, with long and short fine setae on its entire surface. Apophyses short but apophysis anterioris ca. two times longer than apophysis posterioris. Ostium opening near anterior margin of 8th sternite. Ductus bursae nearly as long as corpus bursae and weakly sclerotized. Corpus bursae slightly oblong; signum absent.
Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu), Russia, Korea.
Host plant.
Quercus dentata
Kogi 2004
Q. crispula
) (new host record).
Kogi (2004)
reported that adults of this species fly in July in Hokkaido and larvae live in portable cases in summer until the following spring. In late fall, the larvae move to the underside of twigs of the host plant for hibernation. The next spring, the larvae create triangular cases like hats with fragments of host plant leaves and skeletonize the leaves.