New species and new records of Tingidae (Insecta: Heteroptera) of New Guinea Author Guilbert, Eric text Zootaxa 2006 1117 37 68 journal article 50786 10.5281/zenodo.171651 f7582322-2924-495a-801e-d85c7db1050b 1175­5326 171651 Furcilliger orestes Drake & Ruhoff 1962 Material examined: 1F, New Guinea , NE, SW slope Mt Missim nr. Bulolo Gorge, 1100m , 10.IX.1971 , on Picturus (Urticadeae), W.C. Gagné, BPBM . Comments: Furcilliger Horváth contains three species. Furcilliger cheesmanae Drake and F. orestes Drake & Ruhoff are endemic to New Guinea . Furcilliger asperulus Horváth , known in New Guinea from a single locality, also occurs in Australia (Queensland). According to Drake and Ruhoff (1965) , F. asperulus and F. orestes are synonymous; however, they differ by several morphological details, and are therefore, distinct species. The rostrum extends beyond the middle of the metasternum in F. asperulus , whereas in F. orestes it reaches the middle of the mesosternum. The tubercles on the hood are not joined at their base in F asperulus as in F. o re s t e s , but are separated and shorter (or less spiny). The outer margins of the hemelytra and boundary veins are finely serrate, and lack large spines as in F. orestes . Furcilliger asperulus has no spines on the outer margins of the hemelytra. Furcilliger cheesmanae has an uniseriate costal area, the tubercles on the hood are widely separated, the hood is less high, and the paranota are differently shaped.