Redescription of little known Carpenter-Moths species Eremocossus foedus (Swinhoe, 1884) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) Author Yakovlev, R. V. text Russian Entomological Journal 2021 2021-03-31 30 1 100 102 journal article 10.15298/rusentj.30.1.12 0132-8069 13179140 Eremocossus foedus ( Swinhoe, 1884 ) Figs 1–4 . Phragmataecia foeda Swinhoe, 1884: 515 . Type locality: Kurrachee [Karachi, Southern Pakistan ] . MATERIAL. Holotype , male (slide Coss-255) ( Natural History Museum , London , Great Britain ); 1 male , Karachi , 14.iv.[19]06, T . R .Bell (individual number NHMUK 012832436 ; slide 010315469, How to cite this article: Yakovlev R . V. 2021 . Redescription of little known Carpenter-Moths species Eremocos- Figs 1–2. Eremocossus foedus , males (Natural History Museum. London): 1 — Holotype; 2 — ex.from Karachi, 14.iv.[19]06, T.R. Bell. Рис. 1—2. Eremocossus foedus , самцы (МуЗей естественной истории, Лондон): 1 — голотип; 2 – ЭкЗемплЯр иЗ Карачи, 14.iv.[19]06, T.R. Bell. (Natural History Museum, London, Great Britain )); 1 male , Karachi, Umgbg. Flughafen, 23.02– 9.03.1961 , E. & A. Vartian ( Naturhistorisches Museum , Wien , Austria ) . Redescription. Size medium, length of male fore wing 11–12 mm . Antenna bipectinate, crest processes twice long- er than antenna rod diameter. Fore wing light-yellow, from root to discal area a light-brown portion with enlightenment in central cell and brown strokes marginally between veins. Fringe yellow with single brown scales. Hind wing light-yellow without pattern, fringe yellow. Male genitalia. Typical for the genus Eremocossus . Uncus wide, conical, apically semicircular; gnathos arms long, thin; gnathos ribbon-like, flat; valve relatively short, distal third membranous, lanceolate, small semicircular process on costal edge of valve (on border between sclerotized and membranous part); transtilla processes short, uncinately curved; juxta tiny, with two tapered lateral processes; saccus large, semicircular; phallus equal to valve in length, basally thick, gradually narrowing to apex, apex obliquely cut, vesica aperture in dorso-apical position, takes about 1/3 of phallus in length. Diagnosis. In the color, E. foedus is mostly close to the nominative subspecies, E. vaulogeri (Staudinger, 1897) , from which it differs in a less bright coloring and in the male genital structure: the uncinately curves transtilla processes (which are straight in E. vaulogeri ), in the wider apex of the valve (in E. vaulogeri the apex is strongly narrowing), and in the smooth apex of the phallus (in E. vaulogeri there are small paired denticles at the apex pf the phallus near the vesica aperture). Flight period. January–April. Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to Anna Ustjuzhanina ( Tomsk , Russia ) for linguistic improvements, and to X. Proskuryakova ( Moscow , Russia ) for the assistance in making genital preparations. The author is cordially thankful to all who helped him to prepare this work: † Th. Witt ( Munich ), A. Hausmann ( Munich ), W. Mey ( Berlin ), S. Sinev ( St. Petersburg ), G. Martin and A. Giusti ( London ), and J. Minet ( Paris ). The author expresses his gratitude to the council of trustees of Natural History Museum ( London ) for the kind permission to publish the images of the type specimens .