Revision of Aresceutica (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Catantopinae) with comments on related genera
Rowell, C. H. F.
Jago, N. D.
Hemp, C.
Journal of Orthoptera Research
journal article
Aresceutica morogorica Dirsh, 1954
Figs 2
, 3
Male. Frons, clypeus, labrum, mouthparts, ochraceous yellow, speckled black dorsally. Fastigium, vertex, inter-ocular space, greyish-ochraceous with dark speckle. Genae ochraceous with dark speckle anteriorly, darkening rearwards to solid black at posterior margin. Disc of pronotum dark brown to black. A pair of ochraceous stripes run the length of the pronotal disc, most narrowly separated at level of second transverse sulcus, and continue rearwards on to the vannal area of the tegmina. Pronotal lateral lobes glossy black, with a posterio-ventral pale ochraceous patch tapering forward to end on prothoracic episternum. Meso- and metathoracic pleura black, metathoracic episternum striped with ochre. Tegmina black apart from the lighter vannal region mentioned above. Abdominal tergites in midline ochraceous with black speckle, laterally black. Pro- and mesothoric legs mottled olive green and ochre. Hind femur: dorsal inner and outer faces ochraceous brown. Outer area suffused blackish, with black chevron markings. Ventral margin of outer area bears two ochraceous patches, the basal patch being twice the length of the distal patch; in some individuals there is a third patch on the dorsal margin of the outer area. Ventral inner and outer faces of femur crimson. Internal face black. Hind knees brown. Hind tibia brown proximally, shading to crimson distally. Spines brown with black tips.
Female. Similar to male but larger, darker and generally more dully colored. Ochraceous areas of male are light brown in female. Pronotal disc is devoid of light stripes. Tegmina often bear one or two shiny black patches.
Note: The color pattern of
A. morogorica
is very similar to that of
Size (mm) |
Males (N = 8) |
Females (N = 8) |
TANZANIA: Uluguru Mts, above Morogoro, and Udzungwa Mountains National Park.
Figure 2.
Aresceutica morogorica
: H. Male, alive; I. Female, alive;
Aresceutica subnuda
: J. Male alive; K. Male and female, in cop., alive;
Duviardia vansomereni
: L. Male alive; M. Male and female, in cop., alive.
Figure 3.
Aresceutica morogorica
, phallus. A. Epiphallus, axial view; B. Epiphallus, and oval sclerites, dorsal view; C. Epiphallus, lateral view; D. Phallic complex after removal of epiphallus, lateral view. The arrow indicates the cut edge of the epiphallic membrane, where the epiphallus was removed; the remaining epiphallic membrane has dropped down behind the zygoma. In the other figures of this series (i.e. Figs 4-6) this membrane has been dissected off; E. As in D, but dorsal view; F. Endophallus and arch. The region where the connection between arch and zygoma has been cut is arrowed. The lighter shading indicates the ectophallic aedeagal sheath.