On some Linyphiidae of China, mainly from Taibai Shan, Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi Province (Arachnida: Araneae) Author Tanasevitch, Andrei V. text Zootaxa 2006 1325 277 311 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.273569 a1367ba3-36b0-4cd4-9ce4-213ef0e4d62f 1175­5326 273569 Taibaishanus elegans sp. n. Figs 68–75 Material . Holotype ♂ ( SMF ), China , Shaanxi Prov., S flanks of Taibai Shan, above Houshenzi, primary broadleaved forest, 1700–2600 m , 9.VI.1997 , leg. J. Martens & P. Jäger. Paratypes : 2 ♂ , 2 Ψ ( SMF ), same, above Houshenzi, secondary broadleaved forest, 1300–1700 m , 19.VI.1997 , leg. J. Martens & P. Jäger; 1 Ψ ( SMF ), same, above Houshenzi, secondary broadleaved forest, 1300–1700 m , 8.VI.1997 , leg. J. Martens & P. Jäger; 1 ♂ ( SMF ), same, above Houshenzi, secondary broadleaved forest, 1650 m , 1/– 3.VII.1997 , leg. J. Martens & P. Jäger; 1 ♂ , 2 Ψ ( ZMMU ), same, above Houshenzi, mixed coniferous/ Rhododendron forest, 3050 m , 12.–13.VI.1997 , leg. P. Jäger & J. Martens. Diagnosis . See above under the genus. Etymology . The specific name is a Latin adjective meaning “elegant”, this referring to the shape of the embolic division. Description . Male. Total length––2.50. Carapace 1.20 long, 0.90 wide, pale reddish brown, slightly modified: behind a small head elevation there is a shallow hollow hidden below small appressed bristles as in Fig. 68 . Chelicerae 0.43 long, without frontal tooth. Legs pale reddish yellow. Leg I, 4.34 long (1.18+0.28+1.13+1.10+0.65), IV––4.31 long (1.15+0.28+1.15+1.13+0.60). Chaetotaxy Each metatarsus with a trichobothrium. TmI––0.67. Palp ( Figs 69–73 ): Tibia with a long, retrolateral, S­shaped process. Hollow between pro­ and retrolateral processes of tibia with long straight spines. Paracymbium Ushaped, unciform apically, proximal part with a rounded outgrowth. Protegulum conical, membranous. Embolic division hypertrophied, complex. Embolus very long, wide, regularly narrowed distad, S­shaped apically. Radix of embolic division flat and wide, with a very long and curved apophysis almost equal in length to embolus. Opisthosoma 1.33 long, 0.83 wide, pale dorsally, with two median, grey, interrupted stripes. FIGURES 68–73. Taibaishanus elegans gen. n. sp. n. , paratype. 68 male carapace (lateral view), 69, 70 right palp (69 retrolateral view, 70 ventral view), 71 palpal tibia (dorsal view), 72 paracymbium (lateral view), 73 embolic division (ventral view). Abbreviations: E embolus, ED embolic division, Pt protegulum. FIGURES 74–77. Taibaishanus elegans gen. n. sp. n. (74, 75), paratype & Denisiphantes denisi (Schenkel 1963) specimen from Bei Shan N. P. (76, 77). 74, 75 epigyne (74 ventral view, 75 dorsal view), 76 right palp (retrolateral view), 77 embolic division (ventral view). Abbreviations: EP embolus proper, L lamella characteristica, MM median membrane, TA terminal apophysis, Th thumb. Female. Total length––2.25 (max 3.00). Carapace 1.00 long, 0.90 wide. Chelicerae 0.38 long. Leg I, 3.64 long (1.03+0.25+0.95+0.83+0.58), IV––3.86 long (1.05+0.20+1.08+0.98+0.55). TmI––0.65. Opisthosoma 1.25 long, 1.00 wide. Epigyne as in Figs 74–75 . Body and leg colouration, chaetotaxy as in male.