Taxonomic notes on the genus Phrynarachne from China (Araneae, Thomisidae) Author Lin, Yejie Hebei Key Laboratory of Animal Diversity, College of Life Science, Langfang Normal University, Langfang 065000, China Author Yu, Long State Key Laboratory of Biocatalysis and Enzyme Engineering of China & Centre for Behavioural Ecology & Evolution, School of Life Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China Author Koomen, Peter Natuurmuseum Fryslan, Schoenmakersperk 2, Leeuwarden, 8911 EM, The Netherlands Author Yan, Xunyou Hebei Key Laboratory of Animal Diversity, College of Life Science, Langfang Normal University, Langfang 065000, China Author Li, Shuqiang Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China text ZooKeys 2022 2022-02-04 1085 69 99 journal article 1313-2970-1085-69 DA1FA04CFB0F4325BDAB507FF6DEB967 D2B7ABB0ADB557289A256B926E5FA570 Phrynarachne lancea Tang & S. Li, 2010 Figs 11 , 19A , 21 Phrynarachne lancea Tang & Li, 2010: 53, figs 37A-D, 38A, B. Type material. Holotype : ♂ (IZCAS-Ar18536), China: Yunnan : Xishuangbanna, Jinghong City, Mengla County, Menglun Town, Menglun Nature Reserve, Tropical seasonal rainforest, 21.9368°N , 101.2701°E , 558 m elev., 1.XII.2009, Guo Tang and Zhiyuan Yao leg., examined. Paratype : 1♂(IZCAS-Ar18537), China: Yunnan : Xishuangbanna, Jinghong City, Mengla County, Menglun Town, Menglun Nature Reserve, Anogeissus acuminata plantation (about 20 years old), 21.8970°N , 101.2846°E , 609 m elev., 27.XII.2009, Guo Tang and Zhiyuan Yao leg. examined. Other material examined. 3♀ (IZCAS-Ar41661-Ar41663), China : Yunnan : Xishuangbanna , Jinghong City , Mengla County , Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanic Garden , Rainforest Valley , 21.9277°N , 101.2622°E , 552 m elev., III.2018 , Yu Long leg. ; 2♀ (IZCAS-Ar41664, Ar41665), same data as above, but II.2019 ; 3♂ (IZCAS-Ar41666-Ar41668), same data as above, but V.2019 . Diagnosis. Phrynarachne lancea males can be easily distinguished from other species by the wide, spear-shaped RTA. Females of P. lancea are similar to P. mammillata in having an M-shaped median plate and kidney-shaped spermathecae. However, P. lancea can be distinguished by the length to width ratio of the median plate (7:1 in P. lancea vs 4:1 in P. mammillata ), the straight posterior edge of the median plate (vs procurved in P. mammillata ), the posterior edge of the spermathecae shorter than the anterior edge (vs of equal length in P. mammillata ), and the longitudinal fertilization ducts (vs transverse in P. mammillata ). Description. Female (Figs 11 , 19A ): total length 16.49, carapace 6.53 long, 6.82 wide, white, posterior edge black. Eye sizes and interdistances: ALE 0.21, AME 0.20, PLE 0.24, PME 0.21; ALE-AME 0.14, AME-AME 0.25, PLE-PME 0.33, PME-PME 0.28. Chelicerae white, with two promarginal teeth and one retromarginal tooth; gnathocoxae white with black pattern, labium black, 0.88 long, 0.83 wide. Sternum white. Legs white with black markings, femora I and II with dense, varying-sized tubercles; tibiae and metatarsi I, II with dense asymmetrical ventral spines (I, tibia 28, metatarsus 75; II, tibia 26, metatarsus 68). Leg measurements: I 12.45 (4.23, 4.49, 2.41, 1.32), II 12.15 (4.15, 4.41, 2.31, 1.28), III 6.25 (2.12, 2.38, 0.98, 0.87), IV 5.90 (2.18, 2.00, 0.92, 0.80). Leg formula: 1234. Opisthosoma white, posterior grey, with four obvious brown tubercles. Epigyne (Fig. 11 ) with sclerotized margins inconspicuous, M-shaped; median plate M-shaped, hood absent, anterior and posterior edges recurved, the ratio of length to width is 7:1; copulatory opening inconspicuous; spermathecae kidney-shaped, the ratio of anterior edge to posterior edge length is 3:1. Fertilization duct longitudinal. Male. See Tang and Li (2010) . Distribution. China (Yunnan). Notes. The female is reported here for the first time.