Wasps of Guam Author Swezey, O. H. Experiment Station, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, Honolulu text 1942 1942-06-01 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam I 184 187 book chapter 4989 10.5281/zenodo.5160297 1df399c6-c920-4862-81a3-dd51f0a28471 5160297 DFAF50FF-2EDC-404E-93B9-1888DC3EFC81 10. Pachodynerus nasidens (Latreille) . Odynerus nasidens Latreille , Humboldt and Bonpland, Voy. Regions equinoxiales , Zool . 2 : 112 , 1812 . Pachodynerns nasidens (Latreille) Saussure , Smithsonian Misc. C6ll. 16 (254): 232 , 1875 . Piti, April 30, May 11, 22, 30, 31, June 8, July 6, Swezey, Usinger; Sumay, June 22, Swezey. This wasp is apparently a recent immigrant in Guam, as it was not previously recorded. Its home is tropical America, and it is very common in the Hawaiian islands, where it was first observed in 1911. Probably it has reached Guam from Honolulu since that year. It frequents houses, and habitually makes use of empty cells of muddauber wasps' nests to store caterpillars for food for its larvae. The caterpillars stored are those of Microlepidoptera, commonly tortricid larvae. In Guam, P. nasidens was found using empty nests of Pison argentatuni about our residence at Piti . It was found generally throughout Guam, but the specimens in our collection were nearly all from Piti.