The Mysidae (Crustacea, Mysida) of the ANDEEP I-III expeditions to the Antarctic deep sea with the description of twelve new species, establishment of four new genera and with world-wide keys to the species of Erythropinae and Mysidellinae
Wittmann, Karl J.
European Journal of Taxonomy
journal article
Neobirsteiniamysis inermis
Willemoes-Suhm, 1874
Petalophthalmus inermis
Willemoes-Suhm, 1874
: xv.
Material examined
1 ♀
ad. (BL =
72.9 mm
NE Weddell Abyssal Plain, near fracture zone
, ANDEEP-II station 137-4;
63°44.99ʹ S
33°47.74ʹ W
to 63°44.78ʹ S, 33°47.81ʹ W; depth 4975.7–
4975.1 m
14 Mar. 2002
; EBS supranet
1 ♀
imm. (BL =
28.5 mm
NE Weddell Sea
Kosminski Fracture Zone deep
, ANDEEP-II station 138-6;
62°58.09ʹ S
27°54.54ʹ W
to 62°58.02ʹ S, 27°54.25ʹ W; depth 4542.5–
4541.1 m
17 Mar. 2002
; EBS supranet
1 ♂
ad. (BL =
57.8 mm
1 ♀
subad. (BL =
52.4 mm
eastern Weddell Abyssal Plain
S of Maud Rise and E of Sanae Canyon
, ANDEEP-III station 059-5;
67°29.74ʹ S
00°01.93ʹ W
to 67°29.61ʹ S, 00°02.19ʹ W; depth 4655–
4655 m
14 Feb. 2005
; EBS supranet
1 imm.
(BL =
13.4 mm
eastern Weddell Slope
, Kapp Norvegia, ANDEEP-III station 078-10;
71°09.39ʹ S
13°59.30ʹ W
to 71°09.36ʹ S, 13°58.81ʹ W; depth 2156–
2147 m
21 Feb. 2005
; EBS supranet
1 ♀
imm. (BL = 21.0 mm);
Weddell Abyssal Plain
, ANDEEP-III station 102-13;
65°34.32ʹ S
36°31.32ʹ W
to 65°34.40ʹ S, 36°31.07ʹ W; depth 4805–
4803 m
6 Mar. 2005
; EBS epinet
1 imm.
(BL = 18.0 mm),
1 juv.
(BL =
14.2 mm
Weddell Abyssal Plain
, ANDEEP-III station 110-8;
65°00.52ʹ S
43°02.09ʹ W
to 65°00.68ʹ S, 43°02.16ʹ W; depth 4698–
4696 m
10 Mar. 2005
; EBS supranet
1 juv.
10.2 mm
Drake Passage
NW of Elephant Island
, ANDEEP-I station 042-2;
59°40.29ʹ S
57°35.43ʹ W
to 59°40.42ʹ S, 57°35.27ʹ W; depth 3683–
3680 m
27 Jan. 2002
; EBS epinet
1 ♂
subad. (BL =
36.2 mm
1 ♀
imm. (BL =
31.8 mm
2 juv.
; same collection data as for preceding; supranet
1 ♀
subad. (BL =
45.5 mm
South Shetland area
NNW of Elephant Island
, ANDEEP-I station 043-8;
60°27.12ʹ S
56°05.10ʹ W
to 60°27.24ʹ S, 56°05.25ʹ W; depth
3961.2–3962.4 m
4 Feb. 2002
; EBS epinet
1 ♂
ad. (in 2 parts, BL =
47.8 mm
2 ♂♂
imm. (BL =
17.1–20.9 mm
1 ♀
imm. (BL =
19.9 mm
Drake Passage
N of South Shetland Islands
, ANDEEP-I station 046-7;
60°38.35ʹ S
53°57.36ʹ W
to 60°38.12ʹ S, 53°57.49ʹ W; depth 2893.6–
2893.2 m
30 Jan. 2002
; EBS epinet
9 ♂♂
ad. (
37.2–48.2 mm
4 ♀♀
ad. (
= 41.5, 46.2, 48.0,
48.9 mm
6 subad.
11 imm.
52 juv.
; same collection data as for preceding; supranet
1 juv.
4.7 mm
, in separate vial); same collection data as for preceding; supranet
1 ♀
imm. (
44.1 mm
Drake Passage
N of South Shetland Islands
, ANDEEP-I station 099-4;
61°06.41ʹ S
59°16.55ʹ W
to 61°06.24ʹ S, 59°16.79ʹ W; depth 5190.4–
5190.4 m
12 Feb. 2002
; EBS supranet
locality and distribution
In the original description,
Willemoes-Suhm (1874)
did not indicate which of the two potential localities near Crozet Island had yielded the new species. According to the station list of the Challenger Expedition (
Murray 1895
), this species was encountered only at station 147, i.e.,
46°16ʹ S
48°27ʹ E
between Marion Island and Crozet Island, bottom (= trawling) depth 1600 fathoms (
2926 m
). This position is therefore regarded as the
locality. According to
Hernández-Payán & Hendrickx (2020)
Daneliya (2023)
this species is known from the Arctic, Atlantic, Mediterranean, Pacific and the Southern Ocean at depths of
728–7200 m
. The ANDEEP records are within previously known distribution ranges.