A look beyond the colour: taxonomic revision of Coilodes Westwood, 1846 (Coleoptera, Hybosoridae), with the description of six new species Author Basílio, Daniel Silva A036BC96-736C-46C7-9959-A5980DECFAC4 Laboratório de Sistemática e Bioecologia de Coleoptera, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Caixa Postal 19020, 81531 - 980, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. basilio.dsb@gmail.com Author Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Zagury 2FF2B7D6-1A6B-43C1-9966-A1A949FB2B05 Laboratório de Scarabaeoidologia, Instituto de Biociências, Departamento de Biologia e Zoologia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa, 2367, Boa Esperança, 78060 - 900, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. vazdemello@gmail.com Author Cherman, Mariana Alejandra EAF28053-7ABC-4F2D-9C46-CA7B1AEC2C5A Laboratório de Sistemática e Bioecologia de Coleoptera, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Caixa Postal 19020, 81531 - 980, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. marianabioar@gmail.com Author Almeida, Lúcia Massutti de B3B2EF56-E27B-4822-B854-CB01A1D8E64B Laboratório de Sistemática e Bioecologia de Coleoptera, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Caixa Postal 19020, 81531 - 980, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. lalmeida51@gmail.com text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-12-19 914 1 1 53 https://europeanjournaloftaxonomy.eu/index.php/ejt/article/download/2377/10437 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2023.914.2377 2118-9773 10407071 2ECE4DA6-97CA-4917-97F1-FE506998A2D0 Coilodes fumipennis Arrow, 1909 Figs 4 , 14B Coelodes fumipennis Arrow, 1909: 491 (original description). Coelodes fumipennis Arrow 1912: 37 (catalogue). Coilodes fumipennis Blackwelder 1944: 217 (checklist). — Allsopp 1984: 107 (checklist). — Ocampo & Ballerio 2006: 191 (checklist). Diagnosis Coilodes fumipennis is different from C. castaneus by having the inferior margin of mentum strongly arched, and by the presence of a small sharp projection in tegmen next to the right paramere base. Type material Lectotype BRAZIL ; NHMUK . Additional material examined ( 55 ♂♂ and 83 ♀♀ ) BRAZIL Pará 1 ♂ ; Redenção , Pinkiaiti , Aik ; 07°46′ S , 51°58′ W ; 31 Oct. 1988 ; P.Y. Scheffler leg.; CEMT 1 ♀ ; São Félix do Xingu , Área Indígena Kayapó Pinkaiti , Research Station ; 7°45′ S ; 51°57′ W ; 21–23 Oct. 1999 ; P.Y. Scheffler leg.; intact forest, carrion baited; CEMT 1 ♀ ; Óbidos ; Jan. 1962 ; F.M. Oliveira leg.; CEMT . – Acre 1 ♂ ; Rio Branco , Faz. Catuaba ; Feb. 1997 ; F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello leg.; CEMT 2 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding. – Rondônia 8 ♂♂ ; Parq. Estadual Guajará-Mirim ; 10°19.194′ S , 64°33.456′ W ; 25 Nov. 2016 ; M.A.P.A. Silveira leg; pitfall , human dung; CEMT 13 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 10°19.208′ S , 64°33.477′ W 2 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; CERPE 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; CERPE 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; DZUP 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; DZUP 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 10°18.807′ S , 64°32.630′ W ; 23 Nov. 2016 7 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; 10°18.783′ S , 64°32.431′ W ; 23 Nov. 2017 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; 10°19.175′ S , 64°33.431′ W ; 22 Nov. 2017 4 ♂♂ ; Fzda. Rancho Grande , “62 \ km SW Ariquemes”; 3–15 Dec. 1996 ; J.E. Eger leg.; fish carrion pitfall ; CEMT . – Mato Grosso 4 ♂♂ ; Alta Floresta ; 5 Mar. 2010 ; V. Gonçalves leg; [human faeces]; CEMT 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; CERPE 2 ♂♂ ; Santo Antônio do Leverger , São Vicente da Serra , “Campus IFMT”; 15°49′42″ S , 55°25′11″ W ; 3–5 Dec. 2011 ; A.S. Tissiani and F. Vaz-de-Mello leg; bov dung, forest; CEMT 2 ♂♂ ; Cotriguaçú , Faz São Nicolau , “Matinha”; 9°50′19″ S , 58°15′03″ W ; 8 Oct. 2009 ; Vaz-de-Mello leg.; pitfall , human faeces; CEMT 3 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; 9°48′49″ S ; 58°18′24″ W ; 16 Dec. 2010 ; A.F Oliveira and J.P Silva leg. 2 ♂♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 9°50′24″ S , 58°19′10″ W ; 5 Oct. 2009 ; alt. 250m ; Vaz-de-Mello leg.; “flor.prim” 3 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding 1 ♂ ; Cotriguaçú , Faz São Nicolau , “Prainha”; 9°51′36″ S , 58°12′53″ W ; Oct. 2009 ; F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello leg.; pitfall ; CEMT 1 ♀ ; Cotriguaçú , Faz. São Nicolau ; 9°49′09″ S , 58°15′30″ W ; 24–31 Oct. 2014 ; M. Karam-Gemael leg.; pitfall ; CEMT 1 ♂ ; Cotriguaçú , Faz. São Nicolau , “Matinha”; 9°50′19″ S , 58°15′15″ W ; 30 Oct. 2017 ; Vaz-de-Mello et al. leg.; FIT; CEMT 2 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding 6 ♂♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; “ Matinha do Fernando ”; 9°50′19″ S , 58°15′15″ W ; 3 Nov. 2017 4 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding 7 ♂♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; “PPBio1”; 9°49′17″ S , 58°15′32″ W ; 1–3 Nov. 2017 10 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding 3 ♀♀ ; Novo Mundo , PE Cristalino ; 9°27′59″ S , 55°50′02″ W ; Nov. 2012 ; V. Magalhães leg.; pitfall ; CEMT . COLOMBIA1 ♀ ; Dept. Magdalena , Hacienda Cincinnati ; alt. 3500 ft. ; 11 Jun. 1920 ; F.M. Galge leg.; CEMT 1 ♂ ; Boyacá , Cusiana Coijoque ; 5°26′05″ N , 72°41′30″ W ; alt. 2100 m ; Jun. 1997 ; Potrero Ex H F. Escobar leg.; CEMT 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding . FRENCH GUIANA Saint Laurent du Maroni 4 ♀♀ ; Belvédère de Saül , 3°37′22″ N , 53°12′57″ W ; alt. 326 m ; 13 May 2011 ; Seag leg; CEMT 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; CERPE 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 20 May 2011 ; CEMT 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; 30 Jun. 2011 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; 15 Oct. 2011 5 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; 14 Mar. 2011 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; 22 Mar. 2011 ; FIT 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 30 Mar. 2011 3 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 1 May 2011 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 6 May 2011 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding 2 ♂♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 27 May 2011 1 ♂ ; Belvédère de Saül ; 7 Feb. 2011 ; Stéphane Brûlé leg.; DZUP 2 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 13 May 2011 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; 6 May 2011 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; 7 Apr. 2011 ; CEMT . – Cayenne 1 ♂ ; Nouragues , inselberg; 4°05′ N , 52°41′ W ; alt. 411 m ; 9 Oct. 2010 ; Seag leg.; FIT; CEMT 2 ♀♀ ; Nouragues ; Dec. 1995 ; F. Feer leg.; “Forêt primaire”; CEMT 1 ♂ ; Cayenne-Kourou ; 2 Aug. 2011 ; J. Touroult leg.; savane; FIT; CEMT 2 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding . Type locality Brazil (Pará, Ega - currently known as the city of Tefé; belongs to the state of Amazonas). Redescription Male MEASUREMENTS. Length 5.3–6.4 mm . Width 3.2–3.9 mm . Body ( Fig. 4A–B ) convex, oval and shiny. COLOUR. Head ranging from yellowish brown to dark brown; pronotum, scutellar shield, legs and venter yellowish brown; elytra dark brown with smoky region at base and external margins. HEAD ( Fig. 4C–D ). Surface strigulate. Frons, in dorsal view, subrectangular; two small tubercles in the middle; proximal border rounded; posterior margin as wide as the anterior one; lateral margin with slightly and darker arched entrance; punctures sparse, weakly defined, or absent. Eye barely visible dorsally. Canthus strong; distinct area expanded downwards. Clypeus subtrapezoidal; lateral margins weakly rounded; anterior borders angulate; apex straight; setae thin and sparse, throughout the anterior margin dorsally; punctures sparse and slightly defined, or absent. Labrum semicircular; slight medial projection; setae sparse, spreading along the entire dorsal border. Mandibles dorsally excavated, protruding beyond the apex of labrum. Labium with mentum subquadrate; inferior margin arched; lateral margins slightly rounded and superior curved in the middle; disc strigulate, long setae on the margins. Maxilla subtriangular; long setae throughout surface. Antenna with 10 antennomeres; antennal club with three antennomeres; club with basal antennomere cupuliform. Fig. 4. Coilodes fumipennis Arrow, 1909 , ♂ at CEMT from Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil (A, C, E), ♂ at CERPE from Rondônia, Brazil (B), ♂ at CERPE from Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil (D); ♂ at CEMT from Rondônia, Brazil (F–G), graphical representation (H–I), and another ♂ at CEMT from Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil (J–K). A . Body, dorsal view. B . Body, ventral view. C . Head, dorsal view. D . Head, ventral view. E . Pronotum, dorsal view. F–K . Male genitalia. F . Dorsal view. G . Ventral view. H . Right paramere. I . Left paramere. J . Right side. K . Left side. Scale bars: A–B = 1 mm; C–E = 0.5 mm; F–K = 0.2 mm. PRONOTUM ( Fig. 4E ). Convex; strongly or weekly excavated medially; subtrapezoidal, posterior margin wider than anterior margin; anterior margin straight, angles subacute; posterior margin rounded and weakly produced medially; lateral margin convex, setae absent; punctures thin and sparse or absent. SCUTELLAR SHIELD. Subtriangular; setae and punctures absent; apex punctate. ELYTRA. Double row of strong longitudinal punctures, sutural stria complete formed by strong punctures. VENTER ( Fig. 4B ). Hypomeral surface strigulate, setose; prosternum ( Fig. 4B, D ) elevated at midlength, transversally grooved; anterior margin straight and flat, mesoventrite and metaventrite smooth. LEGS. Procoxa conical; surface strigulate. Protrochanter joint with the procoxa rounded, distally angulate. Profemur with posterior margin carinate. Protibia with inner margin convex; carinate; single spur, slightly curved at the apex; external margin with three larger teeth and series of smaller denticles along the entire margin. Protarsi with tarsal insertion beneath the protibial second tooth. Mesothoracic and metathoracic legs smooth. Mesotrochanter and metatrochanter subtriangular, with bifurcated apex. Mesofemur and metafemur carinate on posterior margin. Mesotibia and metatibia with erect setae; apex weakly expanded; pair of spurs with sharp apex. Tarsi with five tarsomeres; tarsal claws toothed medially. ABDOMEN. Six ventrites with recumbent setae. GENITALIA ( Fig. 4F–K ). Lobe of tegmen absent; sclerotized sharp projection next to right paramere base; parameres asymmetrical; right paramere longer than it is wide, with rounded apex; left paramere dislocated to ventral region, wide base and apex spoon-shaped. Female Length 5.4–7.1 mm . Width 3.2–4.4 mm . Geographical distribution Colombia ( Magdalena , Boyacá ); French Guiana (Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, Régina); Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Acre , Rondônia , Mato Grosso ) ( Fig. 14 B ) ( Arrow 1909 , label data). Biological data Attracted to fish, human faeces, and collected by flight interception trap (label data).