Mammals of Myanmar: an annotated checklist Author Thu, Aye Myat Author Lwin, Ye Htet Author Quan, Rui-Chang text Mammalia 2024 Warsaw, Poland 2024-04-04 88 3 147 197 journal article 10.1515/mammalia-2023-0098 1864-1547 13913939 317. Rucervus eldii M Clelland 1842 Common name: Brow-antlered Deer, Eld s Deer, Thamin Myanmar name: Distribution: China , Cambodia , India , Laos and Thailand . There are four recognized subspecies; R. e. thamin Thomas, 1918 is a subspecies that only occur in Central Myanmar (Chatthin and Shwesettaw WS, Popa Mountain Park and Chaungponkan WS ; Thu et al. 2019 ). This is an endemic, endangered and completely protected species of Myanmar .