Catalog of the Diptera types described by Camillo Rondani Author Sforzi, Alessandra 0000-0001-6974-7741 Author Sommaggio, Daniele 0000-0001-6974-7741 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-06-17 4989 1 1 438 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4989.1.1 1175-5326 4980621 89C63841-3CF4-491D-8C73-BEF7DCB18FB5 Sarcophaga puerula Rondani, 1861 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1861g : 382 (key), 389 (description). TYPE LOCALITY: “ In Italia media et boreali [central and boreal (= northern) Italy ]”. TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♂ , lectotype (missing left mid-leg) (MZUF: Box 19): Sarcophaga Mgn / puerula Rnd. / 1028 / = setinervis Rond. det. Böttcher / lectotype , Sarcophaga puerula Rnd., T. Pape det., 1986 / Heteronychia setinervis (Rnd.) , T. Pape det., 1986. PARALECTOTYPES EXAMINED: 1 ♂ (terminalia in a microvial, head glued to a cardboard stage, both items pinned below specimen) (MZUF: Box 19): Sarcophaga Mgn / puerula Rnd. / 1028 / Sarcophaga sp. ? det. Böttcher / paralectotype ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ (couple pinned together) ( MZUF : Box 19): Sarcophaga Mgn / puerula Rnd . / 1028 / = anxilla Pand. det. Böttcher / paralectotype ; 1 ♂ (terminalia and abdomen glued to a cardboard stage pinned below specimen) ( MZUF : Box 19): Sarcophaga Mgn / puerula Rnd . / 1028 / = setinervis Rond. det. Böttcher / paralectotype ; 4 ♀♀ ( MZUF : Box 19): Sarcophaga Mgn / puerula Rnd . / 1028 / paralectotype . PARALECTOTYPES NOT EXAMINED: 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ ( MZUF : Box F): Sarcophaga puerula Rd. , 373 , , Parma / 393 373; 1 ♂ (missing left hind-leg) ( MSNC : Box DIPTERA Ex collezione Rondani - I): Sarcophaga puerula Rnd . 398 ♂ Parma / Coll. Rondani , scatola n° 5, posiz. C-7 / Museo di Storia Naturale Università di Pisa , Calci ( PI ) ex collezione Rondani ; 1 ♀ (missing head, both mid- and right hind-legs) ( MSNC : Box DIPTERA Ex collezione Rondani - I): Sarcophaga puerula Rnd . Parm. / Coll. Rondani , scatola n° 5, posiz. C-8 / Museo di Storia Naturale Università di Pisa , Calci ( PI ) ex collezione Rondani ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ ( MSNPV : Box 95): Sarcophaga puerula Rnd. , 495 , , Parma. CURRENT STATUS: junior synonym of Sarcophaga ( Heteronychia ) setinervis Rondani, 1860 ( Verves 1986: 148 , Pape 1988: 14 , 1996: 333 ). REMARKS: Rondani ( 1861g : 389) described both sexes of Sarcophaga puerula without specifying the exact number of specimens and giving a range of lengths, but from more than one specimen because he indicated “ frequens [common]” and listed two type localities. He named the species “ puerula ” (p. 382) in his key but “ parvula ” in his description (p. 389). Acting as First Reviser (according to I.C.Z.N. 1999: Article 24.2.4), Rondani (1862d: 119) determined “ puerula ” as the correct original spelling. In his redescription, Rondani (1862d: 119) specified the type locality: “ in collibus agri parmensis [Parmese hills]”. Pape (1988: 14) designated a lectotype ( ) and paralectotypes ( 3 ♂♂ , 5 ♀♀ ) but did not mention an additional six specimens : two in the MZUF, two in the MSNC, and two in the MSNPV (all are paralectotypes ).