Annotated type catalogue of the Megaspiridae, Orthalicidae, and Simpulopsidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Orthalicoidea) in the Natural History Museum, London Author Breure, Abraham S. H. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, Leiden, the Netherlands Author Ablett, Jonathan D. Natural History Museum, Division of Higher Invertebrates, London, SW 7 5 BD, UK text ZooKeys 2015 2015-01-12 470 17 143 journal article 1313-2970-470-17 0E78A6A90B82401199EED5895E7F8A9E FFDAFF85127CFFB3AA5915611C3A767A 578680 Achatina magnifica Pfeiffer, 1848 Figs 7i-ii , L11iv Achatina magnifica Pfeiffer 1848a : 232; Pfeiffer 1848b : 255. Liguus (Hemibulimus) magnificus ; E.A. Smith 1907 : 314, fig. Type locality. "Quito, Ecuador; in woods (De Lattre)". Label. "Quito, Ecuador", taxon label in Pfeiffer's handwriting. M.C. label style IV. Dimensions. "Long. 47, diam. 21 mill.". Figured specimen H 46.6, D 23.0, W 5.5. Type material. NHMUK 20100508, two syntypes (Cuming coll.). Remarks. Pfeiffer did not state on how many specimens his description was based, but described this taxon from Cuming's collection. Reeve's figure ( Reeve 1849 [1849-1850] : pl. 9 fig. 33) was from "the collection of J. Dennison, Esq., of which there is also a specimen in the possession of Mr. Cuming [i.e., Pfeiffer's type]". This taxon has been incorrectly classified with Hemibulimus Martens, 1885 by Pilsbry (1899 : 185)-who copied Reeve's figure-and Richardson (1993 : 71); Pilsbry (1909 [1908-1910] : 117) corrected his mistake. The type material is here re-figured, after E.A. Smith (1907) had figured it for the first time. Although the specimen seems to be slightly subadult, this taxon might be closely allied to Bulimus corydon Crosse, 1869, Bulimus phoebus Pfeiffer, 1863, and Bulimus victor Pfeiffer, 1854. Achatina magnifica is now tentatively placed in Clathrorthalicus Strebel, 1909; however, further anatomical and molecular studies should reveal the correct systematic position. Current systematic position. Orthalicidae , Clathrorthalicus magnificus (Pfeiffer, 1848) ( comb. n. ).