Revision of the subgenusGelaeus of Chrysodema (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Chrysochroinae) Author Frank, David Kotorská 22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic Author Sekerka, Lukáš Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ- 193 00, Praha - Horní Počernice, Czech Republic text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2016 2016-11-15 56 2 671 719 journal article 55920 10.5281/zenodo.5310800 531d9924-d36c-40b3-80f6-d829c1a8f663 0374-1036 5310800 4CBAE762-D52E-4BE6-99A3-8714B47141DFK Chrysodema ( Gelaeus ) florensis Lansberge, 1880 , assign. nov. ( Figs 5–8 , 56 ) Chrysodema Florensis Lansberge, 1880 : cxxxii (original description). KERREMANS (1903) : 75 (catalogue); OBENBERGER (1926): 131 (catalogue). Chalcophora florensis : KERREMANS (1885) : 126 (catalogue). Chrysodema ( Chrysodema ) florensis : KERREMANS (1909) : 514 (key), 527 (redescription); LANDER (2003) : 13 (key), 18 (redescription), Figs 8–9 (colour photograph); BELLAMY (2008) : 531 (catalogue). Gelaeus foraminifera ? var. florensis : THÉRY (1935) : 248 (catalogue). Type locality. Indonesia , East Nusa Tenggara Province , Flores Island . Type material examined. LECTOTYPE (present designation):♂, ‘Florensis / Lansbge / Flores / Type [w, h] // Flores .[w, p] // TYPE [r, p] // MUSÉUM PARIS / 1952 / COLL. R. OBERTHUR [y, p] // SYNTYPE [r, p] // MNHN / EC4802 // Chrysodema / florensis / Lansb / Dét. T. LANDER 2000 [w, h/p]’ ( MNHN ). PARALECTOTYPE : , ‘ Flores . [w, p] // TYPE [r, p] // MUSÉUM PARIS / 1952 / COLL. R. OBERTHUR [y, p] // SYNTYPE [r, p] // MNHN / EC4803 // SYNTYPE / Chrysodema / ( Chrysodema ) / florensis Lansberge, 1880 ’ ( MNHN ). Both specimens provided with an additional red printed label: ‘ LECTOTYPE [or PARALECTOTYPE respectively] [sex] / Chrysodema ( Gelaeus ) / florensis / LANSBERGE, 1880 / David Frank & / Lukáš Sekerka des. 2016 [year handwritten]’. Additional material examined. INDONESIA : EAST NUSA TENGGARA PROV.: Flores Island , 1 ♀ ( MHNG ; the locality label is identical to the type specimens), x.1896 , 1 ♀ , Everett lgt. ( MFNB ) . WEST NUSA TENGGARA PROV. : Sangeang Island , iii. 2008 , 1 ♀ ( DFCP ) ; Lombok Island , xii. 2000 , 1 ♂ ( MHNG ). Redescription of lectotype . Well preserved ♂ specimen with all appendages intact. Length 25.75 mm , width 9.00 mm, length/width ratio: 2.86. Body generally metallic green. Pronotum green with slight bluish reflections (in lateral or apical view), basal impressions golden. Elytra green with centre and first two elevated ribs golden-copper, anterior lateral impressions golden and posterior ones copper ( Figs 6, 8 ). Ventral parts with slight golden reflections laterally ( Fig. 7 ). Legs including tarsi and base of claws metallic green. Pronotum densely (laterally) to moderately dense (centrally) and coarsely punctate. Punctures on lateral sides foveolate, more deeply impressed. Medial line well visible, impunctate but not elevated. Medial impressions hardly impressed basically on same level as medial line and visible as stripe of moderately coarse punctures. Principal impressions weak and hardly separated from disc, sloping and present as elongate groups of small coarse densely arranged punctures with long setae. Surface between medial and principal impressions with sparsely dispersed punctures without larger impunctate areas. Lateral impressions moderately deep with several large punctures. Basal impressions large, oval. Elytra with broad (ca. 5× wider than puncture rows), nearly impunctate and strongly elevated sutural, 2nd and 4th intervals. Puncture rows impressed from base to apex, in apical half irregularly double and in apical third gradually coalesced, particularly between suture and 2nd interval. Punctation of elytra overall moderately coarse and very dense (except on intervals), distance between punctures mostly smaller than puncture diameter. Puncture rows V–VIII in mid third of elytra arranged in small groups of 2–4 punctures separated by more or less elevated impunctate folds forming weak reticulation. Each elytron with three impressions: 1) small, elongate situated between weakly visible 6th and 8th interval in basal third length, 2) very small, round, situated centrally between 2nd and 4th interval in basal third length, and 3) large, round, occupying whole width between 4th and 8th interval situated in apical third length ( Figs 6, 8 ). Femora in central part not strongly shiny, moderately densely punctate, punctures large; on sides with very densely arranged punctures. Ventral side of body ( Fig. 7 ) overall coarsely and very densely punctate, only central parts of thoracic ventrites sparsely punctate. All of lateral sides of all abdominal ventrites densely and coarsely punctate ( Fig. 5 ), only last two with faint impunctate line apically. Aedeagus ( Fig. 56 ) length: 6.32 mm , width 1.33 mm , length/width ratio: 4.75. Apices of parameres obliquely truncate. Penis stout-oval. Variation. Body ♂♂ (n = 2) length: 25.50–25.75 mm , width: 9.00 mm, length/width ratio: 2.83–2.86; ♀♀ (n = 4): length: 26.00– 30.50 mm , width: 9.25–11.00 mm, length/width ratio: 2.63–2.81. Body colouration always green in background in some specimens with strong copper sheen on most of body. Lateral impressions on elytra present in all examined specimens and of constant size, anterior one always elongate and posterior always round. Central impression variable in size or absent. Structure of pronotum in all specimens quite similar or punctation only slightly sparser. Aedeagus (n = 2) length: 6.32–6.73 mm , width 1.33–1.43 mm , length/width ratio: 4.71–4.75. Differential diagnosis. Chrysodema ( G. ) florensis can be easily separated from the other taxa by elytra with large lateral impressions in combination with dense punctation of elytra. The only similar species is C. ( G. ) foraminifera , which however differs in the mostly yellow tarsi with only last tarsomere metallic (completely metallic in C. ( G. ) florensis ) and posterior lateral impression elongate or if round then divided into two. Other taxa of Gelaeus have either the lateral impressions of elytra barely indicated or they are absent entirely. However we have examined a single uniformly green specimen of C. ( G. ) cyanicollis , which has small but distinct lateral impressions on elytra and green tarsi and thus is superficially very similar to C. ( G. ) florensis . However, it can be separated at once by lateral portion of abdominal ventrites II–III variously punctate with large impunctate areas while C. ( G. ) florensis has lateral portions of respective ventrites densely and uniformly punctate without impunctate areas. Figs 56–71. Parameres and penis. 56 – Chrysodema ( Gelaeus ) florensis Lansberge, 1880 (lectotype); 57 – C. ( G. ) foraminifera Lansberge, 1879 (Timor Is., RMNH); 58 – C. ( G. ) iris iris ( Kerremans, 1898 ) (lectotype); 59 – C. ( G. ) iris moluensis Novak, 2010 (topotype); 60 – C. ( G. ) oborili oborili sp. nov. (holotype); 61 – C. ( G. ) oborili laratensis subsp. nov. (holotype); 62 – C. ( G. ) walkeri walkeri ( Waterhouse, 1892 ) (Damar Is.) ; 63 – C. ( G. ) walkeri horaki subsp. nov. (holotype); 64 – C. ( G. ) walkeri rejzeki subsp. nov. (paratype); 65 – C. ( G. ) walkeri nigriventris subsp. nov. (holotype); 66 – C. ( G. ) walkeri bilyi subsp.nov.(holotype); 67 – C. ( G. ) walkeri kubani subsp. nov. (holotype); 68 – C. ( G. ) sara sp. nov. (holotype); 69 – C. ( G. ) cupriventris ( Kerremans, 1898 ) (Wetar Is., DFPC) ; 70 – C. ( G. ) katka sp. nov. (holotype); 71 – C. ( G. ) wetteriana ( Théry, 1935 ) (lectotype). Distribution. Indonesia : East Nusa Tenggara Prov. : Flores Is., Lombok Is. and West Nusa Tenggara Prov. : Sangeang Is. Remarks. LANSBERGE (1880) described Chrysodema florensis but did not mention the number of specimens he had at his disposal or where they were deposited. However, he gave range of lengths and mentioned male and female, therefore he must have had at least two specimens . The collection of Lansberge was purchased by R. Oberthür (nowadays in MNHN) and some duplicate specimens are also deposited in IRSN, collection of J. Neervoort van de Poll (purchased by A. Théry and nowadays in MNHN), and Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria, Genova ( HORN & KAHLE 1935 , 1936 ). We consulted the respective museums and have located two specimens in MNHN (ex coll. R. Oberthür), one having original identification label by Lansberge. LANSBERGE (1880) stated: ‘Long. 12–15, lat. 5–6 mill.’, however, the actual size of the specimens is 25 mm in male and 30 in female. As both fit well the original description except of the size of body we consider them syntypes and suppose that the small size printed in description is the result of an error. We designate the male specimen a lectotype to conserve the status of this species for the purpose of this revision and avoid any further misinterpretation as additional specimens might exist.