New species of Oropezella Collin (Diptera, Hybotidae, Ocydromiinae) from Brazil and Costa Rica, with comments on the relationships among species-groups
Ale-Rocha, Rosaly
Freitas-Silva, Rafael Augusto Pinheiro De
journal article
Key to the Neotropical and Andean species of
(partially adapted from
Smith, 1962
1 Stylus lacking; cell dm emitting three veins; abdomen darkly sclerotized (
O. abdominalis
- Stylus present; cell dm emitting two veins (Figs 109–124); abdomen not darkly sclerotized........................... 2
2 Four ocelli; antenna located on top of head, in front of ocelli; frons absent (Southern and Southeastern
O. pseudotetraocellata
- Three ocelli; antenna located above middle of head but not on top, frons visible................................... 3
3 Thorax dark brown with longitudinal yellow stripe; cell
lacking (Fig. 112) (Northern
O. bicolor
sp. nov
- Thorax with coloration variable, usually paler; cell
present................................................ 4
4 Scutum with metallic blue shine and pruinescence only on prescutellar disc...................................... 5
- Scutum lacking metallic blue shine and usually entirely pruinose............................................... 7
5 Frons long and holoptic (Northern
O. uncata
sp. nov.
Frons short and distinctly dichoptic...................................................................... 6
6 Frons moderately short, twice the length of ocellar triangle, very narrow, width less than ocellar diameter (Southern
O. metallica
- Frons very short, as long as length of ocellar triangle, widened, as wide as ocellar diameter (Southern and Southeastern
O. biloba
7 R1 long, reaching wing margin at or beyond middle of wing (Figs 110, 113, 116, 119, 121, 122)....................... 8
- R1 short, reaching wing margin before middle of wing (Figs 109, 111, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 124).................. 18
8 Thorax margined with yellowish brown, blackish or dark brown on dorsum and heavily dusted with yellowish pruinescense; if in doubt, then at least postpronotal lobe and postalar callus yellow.............................................. 9
- Thorax predominantly yellow with lateral brown marks, or uniformly brown or black, pruinescense variable........... 14
9 Eyes distinctly separated on frons, at least just below ocellar notch............................................ 10
- Eyes holoptic or narrowly separated on frons.............................................................. 11
10 Eyes separated over entire frons; hind tibia blackish near apex, mid and hind tarsi black; surstyli elongate and slender (
Figs 80, 83, 84
) (Southern
O. rafaeli
sp. nov.
- Eyes almost touching just above antennae; hind tibia yellow, mid and hind tarsi yellow except tarsomeres 3–5 brownish; sur- styli shortened and rather robust (
Figs 67, 70, 71
) (Midwestern
O. planti
sp. nov.
11 Mesopleuron light brown with a median longitudinal yellow stripe or entirely yellow; scutellum yellow to brown, with apical blackish mark...................................................................................... 12
- Mesopleuron blackish-brown; scutellum blackish (Southern
O. marginata
12 Frons length 9 times diameter of anterior ocellus, longer than antenna (stylus omitted); distance from tip of R2+3 to tip of R4+5 more than half the distance from h to R1, radial sector longer than distance between tip of Sc to tip of R1 (Fig. 122); fore tar- someres 1 and 2 with well developed setae only apically (Southeastern
O. spathula
sp. nov.
- Frons with length 5–7 times diameter of anterior ocellus, shorter or sub-equal in length to antenna (stylus omitted); distance from tip of R2+3 to tip of R4+5 less than half distance from h to R1, radial sector shorter than distance between tip of Sc to tip of R1 (Fig. 113); fore tarsomeres 1 and 2 with several well developed setae across their length.......................... 13
13 Postpronotal lobe largely yellow, thorax with well developed brownish setae; fore tarsomeres 1 and 2 with thin elongate setae, hind tarsomere 1 uniformly dark brown bearing uniformly short setae; distal margin of tergites 7 and 8 bearing thin long setae; left epandrial lamella with short dorsoapical process (
Figs 25, 27
) (Southern
O. bipunctata
sp. nov.
- Postpronotal lobe brown with yellow apical point, thorax with well developed black setae; fore tarsomeres 1 and 2 with strong setae, hind tarsomere 1 yellow near base and dark brown on apical third, setae longer towards apex; distal margin of tergites 7 and 8 bearing black strong setae; left epandrial lamella with a very long dorsoapical process (
Figs 30, 32
) (Southern
O. clavata
sp. nov.
14 Scutum yellow with brown marks on hind corners (Southern
O. flavida
sp. nov.
- Thorax homogeneously brown or black.................................................................. 15
15 Tarsomeres 1 and 2 pale yellow with a distinct brown band near apex (Southern
O. annulitarsis
- Tarsomeres 1 and 2 variable; if yellow, usually gradually darkened distally, without distinct brown band.............. 16
16 Mid tibia with anterior bristle near middle................................................................ 17
- Mid tibia with anterior bristle distinctly near base (Southern
O. arara
17 Thorax brown with margins of scutum slightly paler; mid femur bearing anteroventral bristles; hind femur and tibia brown, hind tarsus darker than fore and mid tarsi (Southeastern
O. taquara
- Thorax homogeneously black; mid femur lacking anteroventral bristles; hind femur and tibia black, except brownish femur- tibial articulation, black (Southern and Southeastern
O aquila
sp. nov.
18 Frons short and evident, eyes distinctly dichoptic.......................................................... 19
- Frons long and narrow or absent, eyes holoptic or narrowly dichoptic.......................................... 20
19 Postpedicel conical, stylus apical; scutum completely covered by yellow tomentum; R1 ending at middle of wing (Fig. 120) (Southern
O. plaumanni
sp. nov.
- Postpedicel ovate, stylus sub-dorsal; scutum mostly shining, tomentum restricted to margins; R1 short, ending before middle of wing (Fig. 109) (Northern
O. amazonica
(Rafael & Ale-Rocha)
comb. nov.
20 Scutum distinctly bicolour, yellow in the anterior third/half, and brown in the remainder, entirely pruinose............ 21
- Scutum mostly brown, yellowish on the extreme anterior margin, pruinosity variable.............................. 23
21 Mesopleuron with yellowish median longitudinal stripe (Northern
O. undulata
sp. nov.
- Mesopleuron pale brown to dark yellow on dorsal portion (anepisternum, anepimeron and laterotergite) and yellow on ventral portion (katepisternum and meron) and mediotergite (
Costa Rica
)............................................. 22
22 Two npl setae (1 ventral short and discreet and 1 long and stout above); hypandrium about 1.5 times longer than wide with truncate apex; right surstylus with base wider than apex, with small pointed process at middle of ventral margin (
Fig. 58
); left surstylus ventrally curved inwards, with apex clavate, distal half covered by lumpy circular marks (
Fig. 57
); articulated distal portion of phallus elongate, more than two-thirds of length of phallic shaft with apical bifurcate portion long, basal process about one-third length of articulated distal portion of phallus (
Fig. 56
O. granulosa
sp. nov.
- Four npl setae (3 lower short and slender, 1 long and stout above); hypandrium elongate, about 2.3 times longer than wide with slightly concave apex; right surstylus sub-triangular with apex elongate and narrowed (
Fig. 13
); left surstylus simple, falciform, curved dorsally (
Fig. 12
); articulated distal portion of phallus short, about one-third length of phallic shaft and basal process very short (
Fig. 11
O. arcuata
sp. nov.
23 Mesopleuron yellow; frons at least four times length of ocellar triangle (Northern
O. longifrons
sp. nov.
- Mesopleuron mostly brown, sometimes with the dorsal margin of sclerites yellowish; frons never more than three times length of ocellar triangle (
Costa Rica
)......................................................................... 24
24 Scutum variable, entirely covered by pruinescence or with wide shiny presutural area lacking pruinescence; ventral margin of hypandrium slightly concave (
Fig. 39
); inner margin of right surstylus smooth (
Fig. 39
); left surstylus not expanded distally, without rounded marks on outer surface (
Fig. 42
O. falcata
sp. nov.
- Scutum with wide shiny presutural area lacking pruinescence; ventral margin of hypandrium slightly convex (
Fig. 34
); inner margin of right surstylus serrated (
Fig. 34
); left surstylus expanded distally with lumpy circular marks on outer surface (
Fig. 37
O. costaricensis
sp. nov.