New and overlooked Acanthaceae taxa from D. R. Congo, Rwanda and Burundi: (1) the genus Barleria Author Dominique Champluvier text Plant Ecology and Evolution 2011 144 1 82 95 journal article 10.5091/plecevo.2011.388 b99b3fcb-e3fd-4c6e-83d1-e9b5851387c2 1486150 3. Two novelties allied to B. velutina (sect. Barleria ) – Barleria obtecta is very closely allied to B. velutina , and pertains to the same section, Barleria . The same holds for B. sceptrum­katanganum , allied to B. velutina by its hairiness and the shape of calyces and leaves; it differs by its strongly erect stem which is broader than in B. velutina , by its leafy spike, the leafy bracts hiding the calyx lobes which are not visible unlike in B. velutina , by the constant presence of the upper lobes of corolla, which are much larger than those of B. velutina when present in the latter, and by its considerably larger leaves.