A whiter shade of pale: anchoring the name Paecilaema C. L. Koch, 1839 onto a neotype (Opiliones, Cosmetidae) Author Kury, Adriano B. Author Medrano, Miguel text Zootaxa 2018 2018-11-14 4521 2 191 219 journal article 27963 10.11646/zootaxa.4521.2.3 d2d146be-d297-4c55-a744-c51d71221e78 1175-5326 2609787 310328BA-0AFB-4000-B8F1-F92F2802E5DA Poecilaemula Roewer, 1912 Poecilaemula Roewer 1912 : 100 ; Roewer 1915 : 125 ; Roewer 1928 : 605 ; Kury 2003 : 81 [junior subjective synonym of Paecilaema C.L. Koch, 1839 by Goodnight & Goodnight (1953: 54) ; synonymy disclaimed by Kury (2003) ; type species: Meterginus signatus Banks, 1909 , by original designation]. Paecilaemula (incorrect subsequent spelling): Roewer 1915 : 125 ; Roewer 1923 : 374 ; Roewer 1928 : 605 ; Mello-Leitão 1932 : 64 , 442; Mello-Leitão 1933 : 106 . Diagnosis . Very large cosmetids ( 8 mm , 6.5 mm of body length) with very long legs (I to IV: 21/48/31/ 45 mm ). DS outline beta classic with wide carapace, scutal area I unarmed and area III with a pair of small tubercles. White blots as headless arborescent chevron and reticulate markings on lateral posterior border of dorsal scutum, joining with a longitudinal line in the margin of mesotergum. Fe I-IV straight and entirely smooth. Hypertelic chelicerae in males. Tarsal counts: 7/15/10 /11. Included species. Only the type species. 5) Poecilaemula signata ( Banks, 1909 ) Meterginus signatus Banks 1909 : 228 [ Syntypes (MCZ; SMF), COSTA RICA , Turrialba]. Poecilaemula signatum : Roewer 1912 : 100 . Paecilaemula signata : Roewer 1923 : 374 , fig. 454; Roewer 1928 : 606 ; Mello-Leitão 1932 : 65 . Poecilaemula signata : Kury 2003 : 81 .