DRYMONIA MEXICANA (GESNERIACEAE), A NEW ENDEMIC SPECIES FROM VERACRUZ (MEXICO) Laura Clavijo Author Clavijo, Laura Instituto de Ciencias Naturales Facultad de Ciencias lvclavijor@unal.edu.co Author Ramírez-Roa, Angélica Herbario Nacional MEXU Departamento de Botánica, Instituto de Biología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México México, Cd. Mx. 04510, MÉXICO aramroa@ib.unam.mx Author Clark, John L. Science Department The Lawrenceville School, 2500 Main Street Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648, U. S. A jclark@lawrenceville.org text J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2021 2021-07-23 15 1 59 65 journal article 10.17348/jbrit.v15.i1.1050 46f88908-07de-464d-a0ba-49282157b328 5595327 KEY TO THE SPECIES OF DRYMONIA IN MEXICO All species in this key reflect an ongoing monograph of Drymonia and are documented by recently annotated specimens from the Universidad Nacional AutÓnoma de México (MEXU) and other herbaria. The presence of D. macrophylla in Mexico is based on a single collection from Chiapas. Several specimens are present in Guatemala along the border with Mexico and it is likely that documented populations of D. macrophylla along the Guatemalan border extend into Mexico. 1. Plants subwoody;blades exceeding 20 cm long and 10 cm wide;inflorescence of several (> 3) flowers congested in the upper leaf axils, peduncle 5–9 mm long, bracts> 2.5 cm long; calyx lobes with obtuse apex; fruits with a red cone of seeds_________________________________________________________________ Drymonia macrantha (Donn.Sm.) D.N.Gibson 1. Plants mostly herbaceous,rarely subwoody;blades rarely exceeding20 cm long and10 cm wide,if so,calyx lobes serrate, dentate or fimbriate; inflorescence reduced to 1–3 flowers per axil, peduncle absent, bracts absent or <2.5 cm long; calyx lobes with acute to attenuate apex,sometimes mucronate;fruits with yellow to black,never red, cone of seeds. 2. Leaves entire,rarely exceeding 3 cm wide,glabrous above,(3–)4 pairs of primary lateral veins;calyx uniformly cream to pale green;corolla throat and limb purple _____________________________________ Drymonia mexicana Clavijo & J.L.Clark 2. Leaves subentire, crenate,denticulate, serrulate or serrate, usually exceeding 3 cm wide, puberulous to strigose or scabrous above,4–9 pairs of primary lateral veins;calyx green to green suffused with reddish,orange,or completely pink or dark red;corolla throat and limb white to bright yellow or pink,often with orange,dark red,purple or maroon areas. 3. Leaves light green below,base attenuate or decurrent;pedicel with apex engrossed,5-winged,up to 34 mm long; calyx pink to blood red,lobes equal;corolla uniformly bright yellow,throat laterally compressed _________ Drymonia strigosa (Oerst.) Wiehler 3. Leaves light green to purplish-red below,base rounded to cuneate,sometimes oblique; pedicel terete, rarely ex- ceeding 25 mm long;calyx green suffused with red or maroon,sometimes all maroon,lobes subequal;corolla white to pink,often with orange,dark red, purple or maroon areas in throat and limb,throat ampliated. 4. Younger parts of the branches and petioles pilose; blades subentire, 4–5 pairs of primary lateral veins; calyx lobes with attenuate apex; corolla 30–40 mm long, white to yellow, limb sometimes suffused with pink ____________________________________________________________ Drymonia oinochrophylla (Donn.Sm.) D.N.Gibson 4. Younger parts of the branches and petioles puberulous to strigose; blades crenate to serrate or dentate, 6–9 pairs of primary lateral veins; calyx lobes with acute or acuminate apex, sometimes mucronate; corolla 30–70 mm long,white to pink,limb often with orange,dark red,purple or maroon veins or spots. 5. Leaves ovate, oblong, or oblanceolate, sometimes falcate; calyx ovate, serrate, dentate or fimbriate, apex acuminate, sometimes mucronate, 10–15(–28) × 6.6–7.5 mm; corolla pale yellow or cream, usually more yellow inside and with a red or orange areas on the lower surface in the throat, tube with a short spur; style puberulent,stigma stomatomorphic ______________________________ Drymonia macrophylla (Donn.Sm.) D.N.Gibson 5. Leaves elliptic or oblong to obovate,never falcate;calyx lanceolate to oblong,entire to serrulate,apex acute or acuminate,20–50 × 5–30 mm;corolla white,cream or pink,often with dark red,purple or maroon veins or spots in the throat and lobes, tube with a globose spur,then contracted above the spur,ventricose dorsally above;style glandular pubescent,stigma bilobed________________________________ Drymonia serrulata (Jacq.) Mart.