Taxonomic revision of the genus Arsipoda Erichson, 1842 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in New Caledonia Author Samuelson, Allan 4471B588-416D-4136-B350-9857FB969E3B J. Linsley Gressitt Center for Research in Entomology, Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, HI 96817, U. S. A. & Email: iiwi @ hawaii. rr. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 4471 B 588 - 416 D- 4136 - B 350 - 9857 FB 969 E 3 B Author Biondi, Maurizio E7B2A93B-540A-4AF4-9645-3318CB154C84 Department of Health, Life and Environmenal Sciences, University of L’Aquila, 67100 Coppito-L’Aquila, Italy. & Email: maurizio. biondi @ univaq. it & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: E 7 B 2 A 93 B- 540 A- 4 AF 4 - 9645 - 3318 CB 154 C 84 text European Journal of Taxonomy 2016 2016-09-15 230 1 61 journal article 21887 10.5852/ejt.2016.230 6523d35c-0309-4bea-bf9f-9fc6f7b563ca 2118-9773 3840408 80B8573D-AEF3-4E98-A9C8-BF652ED4124E Arsipoda longifrons sp. nov. 0488C97F-BF4D-4467-AAA0-D398BED562BB Figs 2A , 9B , 11J , 15A Diagnosis This species is similar in shape, sculpture and often color to A. gomezzuritai sp. nov. and A. rostrata ( Figs 2A, F , 3C ). They are distinguishable from other Arsipoda species by the elongate antennae (LAN/ LB: ³ Ż 0.70, generally Ż 0.60) and the elongate frons with narrow frontal carina. The three species can be reliably distinguished by the shape of genitalia ( Figs 9B, G , 10D , 11J, M, S ). Etymology The name is a Latinized word referring to the elongate frons of the species. Type material Holotype NEW CALEDONIA (S): ³, Humboldt (S track), -21.90517 166.35621 , 800–950 m , maquis, beating along track to Col de Vulcain , 9 Nov. 2008 , M. Wanat leg. ( MNHN ). Fig. 6. A–C . Elytra. A . Arsipoda atra sp. nov. , Aoupinié. B . A. geographica Gómez-Zurita, 2010 , Dzumac Mts (base). C . A. shirleyae Samuelson, 1973 , Chute de la Madeleine. D . Prosternum of A. punctata sp. nov. , Mueo. E . Hind tibia and tarsus of A. communis sp. nov. , Dzumac Mts (1) and A. shirleyae Samuelson, 1973 , Pic du Pin (2). F . Metafemoral spring of A. communis sp. nov. , Dzumac Mts. Abbreviations: ae = apical emargination with thickset spines; asp = apical spur of hind tibia; ba = basal angle of ventral lobe; dba = dorsal-basal angle of metafemoral spring; dl = dorsal lobe; dmv = dorsal margin of ventral lobe; ea = extended arm of dorsal lobe; fm = first metatarsomere; ht = hind tibia; pas = prosternal antecoxal space; pc = procoxal cavities posteriorly open (arrows); pip = prosternal intercoxal process; rf = recurve flange; sbe = spring basal edge; vl = ventral lobe. Paratype NEW CALEDONIA : 1 ♀ , same data as the holotype ( MNHW ). Description of the holotype (³) Body moderately elongate and convex ( Fig. 2A ); LB = 2.72 mm ; maximum pronotal width at base (WP = 0.89 mm ); maximum elytral width near the middle (WE = 1.30 mm ). Dorsum bronze, metallic. Frons and vertex irregularly wrinkled and punctate; vertex concave; head grooves moderately impressed, not continued to postantennal region; genae and frontal carina clearly elongate; antennae clearly longer than ½ body length ( LAN = 1.98 mm ; LAN/LB = 0.73), basally light brown, gradually darker toward apex; LA: 100:64:71:86:107:107:118:121:121:111:139. Pronotum slightly trapezoidal, weakly transverse (LP = 0.58 mm ; WP/LP = 1.54), laterally weakly concave; anterior angles not prominent; antebasal transverse sulcus clearly impressed, distinctly sinuate; lateral fovea not clearly distinguishable; pronotal punctuation dense, small and shallow; surface microreticulate. Elytra moderately elongate (LE = 1.98 mm ; WE/LE = 0.66), laterally clearly arcuate; punctuation clearly larger than pronotal punctures, clearly impressed; interstriae smooth, micropunctuate. Legs yellowish, with darkened femora; first pro- and mesotarsomeres distinctly dilated; adhesive setae present on ventral side of first pro-, meso- and, partially, metatarsomeres. Venter brownish; last abdominal ventrite laterally incised, without special preapical impressions. Median lobe of aedeagus (LAED = 1.14 mm ; LE/LAED = 1.73) ( Fig. 9B ) in ventral view thickened, slightly narrower at apical fourth, and clearly narrower at base; apical part subrounded, with a wide median tooth; ventral surface smooth; in lateral view, median lobe curved at basal fourth, then straight; dorsal ligula short, from apical third to preapical part of median lobe of aedeagus, triangular, with wide base. Biometry Male (n = 1): LE = 1.98 mm ; WE = 1.30 mm ; LP = 0.58 mm ; WP = 0.89 mm ; LAN = 1.98 mm ; LAED = 1.14 mm ; LB = 2.72 mm ; LE/LP = 3.43; WE/WP = 1.46; WP/LP = 1.54; WE/LE = 0.66; LAN/LB = 0.73; LE/LAED = 1.73. Female (n = 1): LE = 2.13 mm ; WE = 1.43 mm ; LP = 0.63 mm ; WP = 0.93 mm ; LAN = 1.90 mm ; LSPc = 0.21 mm ; LB = 2.91 mm ; LE/LP = 3.40; WE/WP = 1.54; WP/LP = 1.48; WE/ LE = 0.67; LAN/LB = 0.65; LE/LSPc = 10.22. Paratype (female) very similar in shape, sculpture and color to the holotype ; antennae shorter. Spermatheca ( Fig. 11J ) with globose-elongate basal part; collum thickset, short, slightly longer than apical part; ductus elongate, apically inserted. Distribution Endemic to Mt Humboldt area, Southern Grande Terre ( Fig. 15A ). Ecological notes Collected in maquis between 800 and 950 m a.s.l. No information is available about host plants.