Nomenclatural notes and typification of names in Maranta (Marantaceae) Author Fraga, Fernanda Ribeiro De Mello Author Braga, João Marcelo Alvarenga text Phytotaxa 2020 2020-03-09 435 2 133 163 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.435.2.3 1179-3163 13875628 Maranta cristata Nees & Martius (in Roemer & Schultes 1822: 66 a) Type ( lectotype , designated here):— BRAZIL . Bahia . Ilhéus, “in via Felisbertia”, December 1816 , Wied-Neuwied s.n. ( BR 5185863, isolectotypes : BR 5186518, HBG 523528). ( Fig. 5 ) Protologue citation :—“In Brasilia. Ser. Princ. Max. Neovid.” = Maranta bicolor Ker-Gawler (1824: 786) Goeppertia bicolor (Ker-Gawler) Nees (1831: 337) Calathea bicolor (Ker-Gawler) Steudel FIGURE 1. Lectotype of Maranta amplifolia ( Bang 2201 [G00168760]). Image reproduced with the consent of the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genève. FIGURE 2. Lectotype of Maranta bracteosa ( Warming 503 [C10014449]). Image reproduced with the consent of the Københavns Universitet. FIGURE 3. Lectotype of Maranta burchellii ( Burchell 8351 [K00056892]). Image reproduced with the consent of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. FIGURE 4. Lectotype of Maranta cordata ( Widgren s.n. [S09-21806]). Image reproduced with the consent of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm. FIGURE 5. Lectotype of Maranta cristata ( Wied-Neuwied s.n. [BR5185863]). Image reproduced with the consent of the Botanic Garden Meise. (1840: 253) Thalia bicolor (Ker-Gawler) K. Koch (1857: 146) . Type:— holotype [illustration] published in Ker-Gawler (1824 : tab 786). ( Fig. 6 ) Protologue citation :—“ A native of the Brazil’s, from whence it was received by Comtesse de Vandes, and is cultivated in the hothouse at Bayswater, where the drawing was taken.” = Thalia colorata Vellozo (1829: 9 , 1831 : tab. 16) Type ( lectotype , designated here):—[illustration] Originals parchments plates of Florae Fluminensis deposited at the Manuscript Section of the Biblioteca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil (see Pellegrini et al. 2015 ), and published in Vellozo (1831 , Fl. Flumin. Icones 1: tab. 16). ( Fig. 7 ) Protologue citation :—“ T. colorata Nec flores, nec fructum vidi. Radix orbiculariter propagatur” Notes :— Maranta cristata was based on a gathering made by Prince Maximilian Neuwied (numbers “XX” and “1827” on label) collected in Ilhéus, state of Bahia , Brazil (“Ilhéos, in via Felisbertia” on the label). This species was first published by Roemer & Schultes (1822) , but these authors explicitly stated that the information of M. cristata and M. furcata was supplied entirely by Nees & Martius. In addition, these authors reported that the manuscript of Nees & Martius was already in press. However, it was only published the following year (see Nees & Martius 1823 ). Three specimens were found at BR and HBG herbaria. The specimen BR 5185863 was certainly examined by Nees von Esenbeck. Thus, it is designated here as lectotype since it also presents Nees von Esenbeck’s handwriting indicating it as a new species and further information about a manuscript (“ Neov p. 25 ”), up to then unpublished (see Nees & Martius 1823 ). Maranta bicolor is one of the few nomenclatural cases where the author expressly attests that the illustration was the only material examined (see Ker-Gawler 1824 ): “We did not see the plant from which our draughtsman took the annexed figure; of course can give no further description than must be founded on that figure.”. More specifically, Ker-Gawler (1824) states that the illustration was based on a Brazilian plant introduced in England by the Comtesse de Vandes and then cultivated at Bayswater Hothouse, but not seen by him. For this reason, plate 786 is the holotype of M. bicolor (see Art. 9.1, ICN ). However, in case it is proven that this illustration cannot be attributed to holotype , since no other original material can be found, this illustration is here designated as lectotype . This species has been treated as a synonym of M. cristata , but it was recently recognized as accepted by Moraes et al. (2016) . However, we have identified in M. bicolor the same morphological characters as those seen in M. cristata and have therefore kept it as a synonym. Thalia colorata has been regarded as synonymous since Körnicke (1862) , and we here designate the illustration published in Vellozo (Fl. Flumin. Icones 1: tab. 16. 1831) as lectotype .