Notes on the Neurigona Rondani (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Chinese Mainland Author Wang, Mengqing Author Yang, Ding Author Grootaert, Patrick text Zootaxa 2007 1388 25 43 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.175176 729ac0e2-bb8c-41bd-9747-a9b45da21a63 1175­5326 175176 Neurigona xiaolongmensis Wang, Yang and Grootaert , sp. nov. ( Figs. 17–20 ) Diagnosis. Mesonotum and scutellum entirely yellow, Legs yellow; coxae I–III yellow; tarsomeres I3–5 curved inward, apical 1/3 of tarsomere I2 and total tarsomere I3 with dense soft gray ventral hairs; apical 2/3 of tarsomere I4 and total tarsomere I5 with somewhat dense soft yellow ventral hairs; basal 1/3 of tarsomere I4 and total tarsomere I5 with 2 rows of black spine­like v bristles; tarsomere II1 with about 15 dense short erect spine­like black v bristles at base. Wing hyaline, with anterior apical corner brownish yellow. Description . MALE. Body length 5.0– 5.1 mm , wing length 4.4–4.6 mm . Head metallic green with pale gray pollen; face narrow, eyes contiguous on median portion of face. Hairs and bristles on head black; mid and lower postocular bristles pale. Antenna yellow; first flagellomere about as long as wide, somewhat acute apically ( Fig. 18 ); arista brownish with basal segment 0.1 times as long as apical segment. Proboscis brownish yellow with pale hairs; palp pale yellow, with pale hairs and 2 yellow apical bristles. Thorax yellow with yellow pollen; mesonotum and scutellum entirely yellow; metanotum with a blackish basal spot; pteropleuron with a small black spot just below wing base. Hairs and bristles on thorax black, but those on pronotum and propleuron yellow; 7 strong dc bristles, 9–10 irregularly paired acr bristles. Propleuron with 2 yellow bristles on upper portion and several pale hairs on lower portion. Scutellum with 2 pairs of bristles, basal pair about 1/6 of apical pair in length. Legs yellow; coxae I–III yellow; tarsomere I5 brownish, tarsomeres II2–5 and tarsomeres III2–5 brownish to brown. Hairs and bristles on legs black; coxa I with yellow hairs and 4–5 yellow bristles on antero­apical portion; coxa II with yellow hairs and black bristles; coxa III with 1 black outer bristle at basal 1/3. Tibia II with 3 ad bristles and 1 pd bristle, apically with 3 bristles; tibia III with 3 ad bristles, 2–3 pd bristles, and row of v bristles, apically with 3 bristles. Tarsomere I1 slightly shorter than tibia I, tarsomeres I3–5 curved inward, apical 1/3 of tarsomere I2 and total tarsomere I3 with dense soft gray ventral hairs; apical 2/3 of tarsomere I4 and total tarsomere I5 with somewhat dense soft yellow ventral hairs; basal 1/3 of tarsomere I4 and total tarsomere I5 with 2 rows of black spine­like ventral bristles. Tarsomere II1 with 3 ad bristles and 1 pd bristle, tarsomeres II1–2 with row of soft yellow ventral hairs. Tarsomere III1 with about 15 dense short erect spine­like black v bristles at base, 1 ad bristle and 3– 4 v bristles; tarsomere III2 with row of about 10 short erect v bristles. Relative lengths of tibia and 5 tarsomeres of legs LI 9.4: 7.8: 3.0: 1.3: 1.2: 1.0; LII 12.0: 10.2: 4.0: 2.4: 1.4: 0.8; LIII 16.8: 5.6: 5.6: 3.0: 1.8: 0.9. Wing ( Fig. 17 ) hyaline, with anterior apical corner brownish yellow; veins brown, M1+2 gently bent apically and convergent with R4+5; CuAx ratio 0.35. Squama yellow with pale hairs. Halter brownish yellow with yellow stem. Abdomen yellow with yellow pollen; terga 2–5 each with a large black basal spot; hypopygium shiny black, but basal part yellow. Abdominal segment 5 without ventral projection. Hairs on abdomen chiefly black. Genitalia ( Figs. 19–20 ). Epandrium longer than wide, basally with 2 finger­like projections; surstylus with dorsal lobe short and wide, and with a long acute process at dorsal corner; ventral lobe long and wide with apical incision. Cercus white, wide, with long white hairs. Hypandrium long and thin. Aedeagus slender with small tuber dorsally. FEMALE. Body length 5.3–5.6 mm , wing length 5.1–5.3 mm .. Similar to male, but fore tarsus normal. Type material. Holotype male, Beijing: Xiaolongmen, 14. VII. 2005 , HD. Paratypes 2 males and 3 females , same data as holotype ; 1 male , Beijing: Xiaolongmen, 4. VII. 2005 , XL; 1 male , Beijing: Xiaolongmen, 12. VII. 2005 , KZ; 1 male , Beijing: Xiaolongmen, 14. VII. 2005 , JZ. Holotype and paratypes deposited in CAU . Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Beijing. Etymology. The specific epithet derives from the type locality in Xiaolongmen (Beijing). FIGURES 17–20. Neurigona xiaolongmensis sp. nov. Male. 17. Wing; 18. antenna; 19. genitalia, lateral view; 20. dorsal lobe of surstylus, lateral view. Comments. The new species is similar to Neurigona shaanxiensis Yang and Saigusa from Shaanxi, but can be separated from the latter by the tarsomeres I3–5 curved and the hyaline wing with the anterior apical corner brownish yellow. In N. shaanxiensis , the tarsomeres I3–5 is normal and the wing is entirely hyaline ( Yang and Saigusa, 2005 ).