New records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from La Gomera (Canary Islands, Spain), including the new species: Usnea boomiana P. Clerc Author van den Boom, Pieter P. G. Arafura 16, NL- 5691 JA Son, The Netherlands Author Clerc, Philippe Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, C. P. 60, 1292 Chambésy, Switzerland Author Ertz, Damien Botanic Garden Meise, Department Bryophytes-Thallophytes, Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, Belgium text Candollea 2015 2015-12-31 70 2 165 177 journal article 10.15553/c2015v702a1 2235-3658 5720974 Usnea boomiana P. Clerc , spec. nova ( Fig. 2 ). MycoBank No.: MB 807125 Typus : SPAIN . Canary Islands . El Hierro : SSE of Frontera , near mountain top, S or road HI-1, N and W side of Montana de la Fuente , along trail in “fayal brezal” forest, 27°44.15’N 17°59.50’W , 1300 m , on Erica sp. , 31.III.2009 , P. van den Boom & B. van den Boom 42838 ( holo- : G [ G00262105 ]!; iso-: hb. PvdB!), %C/%M/%A: 7/33/19. Chemistry: usnic and caperatic acids. Thallus shrubby, to 5 cm long; lateral branches very slightly to distinctly narrowed at attachment point; mature soralia as large or even broader than branch’s diameter, convex with numerous isidiomorphs; cortex shiny and thin; medulla dense and thick containing caperatic acid. Table 1. – Species of lichens and lichenicolous fungi, recorded as new from La Gomera, with distribution in the Canary Islands and notes on localities and substrata. All new records for the Canary Islands are in bold. Locality numbers after the species name correspond to the list of localities in Appendix 1. Substrate abbreviations are presented in the Material and Methods section. [Abbreviations: C: Gran Canaria; F: Fuerteventura; G: La Gomera; H: El Hierro; L: Lanzarote; P: La Palma and T: Tenerife].
Taxa H Islands P T C F Collections studied L
Abrothallus chrysanthus Stein 11, Ju, Boom 46078; 27, Ci, Boom 46423 [all on Usnea ]
Acarospora heufleriana Körb. P T C L 5, vr, Boom 45973
Acarospora impressula Th. Fr. P 20, vr, Boom 46472
Agonimia opuntiella (Buschardt & Poelt) Vězda P C L 41, t, Ertz 16242
Anomalographis madeirensis (Tav.) Kalb P T C 41, vr, Ertz 16244
Arthonia dispersa (Schrad.) Nyl. 37, Ertz 16226; 40, Ertz 16233 [all on ut]
Bacidia paramedialis M. Brand, Coppins, van den Boom & Sérus P 6, Lr, Boom 45989; 9, Mr, Boom 46053
Bacidia sipmanii M. Brand, Coppins, van den Boom & Sérus P T 6, sts, Boom 46006
Bactrospora thyrsodes (Stirt.) Llop & van den Boom H T C F L 51, vr, Ertz 16342
Baeomyces rufus (Huds.) Rebent. P T 44, vr, Ertz 16269
Buellia dispersa A. Massal. H P T C F 20, Boom 46240; 22, Boom 46325; 53, P. Clerc P11655-11656 [all on vr]
Buellia griseovirens (Turner & Borrer ex. Sm.) Almb. H P T C 2, Er, Boom 45909
Buellia saxorum A. Massal. 3, vr, Boom 45910
Buellia stellulata (Taylor) Mudd H T C F 22, vr, Boom 46324
Taxa H Islands P T C F Collections studied L
Buellia tesserata Körb. H P T C F 28, vr, Boom 46460
Caloplaca canariensis (Follmann & Poelt) Breuss H P T C 22, vr, Boom 46305
Caloplaca congrediens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. H P T C 22, vr, Boom 46307
Caloplaca flavocitrina (Nyl.) A. E. Wade P 10, sw, Boom 46060
Caloplaca pelodella (Nyl.) Hasse H P T C 22, vr, Boom 46312
Caloplaca pollinii (A. Massal.) Jatta 12, Lr, Boom 46143
Catillaria nigroclavata (Nyl.) Th. Fr. P T C 3, Sek, Boom 45939; 23, vr, Boom 4 6355
Cercidospora macrospora (Uloth) Hafellner & Nav. -Ros T C 48, vr, Ertz 16294 , on Lecanora muralis
Cladonia polydactyla (Flörke) Spreng. 25, st, Boom 46377
Cladonia ramulosa (With.) J. R. Laundon H P T 12, Boom 46412; 27, Boom 46144 [all on st]
Cladonia subulata (L.) Weber ex F. H. Wigg. H P T 27, t, Boom 46415
Cornutispora ciliata Kalb T 28, vr, Boom 46458A, on an isidiate crust
Dactylospora parasitica (Flörke) Zopf T 23, vr, Boom 46487, on Pertusaria flavicans
Diploschistes caesioplumbeus (Nyl.) Vain. P T 3, sw, Boom 45933
Endococcus exerrans Nyl. 3, s, Boom 45911, on Rhizocarpon sp.
Endococcus propinquus (Körb.) D. Hawksw. P 22, vr, Boom 46293, on a crust
Endohyalina brandii Giralt, van den Boom & Elix H T 22, vr, Boom 46323
Enterographa elaborata (Lyell ex Leight.) Coppins & P. James P T 45, ut, Ertz 16272
Enterographa pitardii (de Lesd.) Redinger H 47, vr, Ertz 16291
Fulgensia fulgens (Sw.) Elenkin P T C F L 43, t, Ertz 16260
Halecania viridescens Coppins & P. James P C 2, Er, Boom 45908
Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta (Krog & Swinscow) Krog & Swinscow 7, Boom 46016; 12, Boom 46134; 25, Boom 46394 [all on Er]
Hypotrachyna meyeri (Zahlbr.) Streim. 52, Pn, P. Clerc P11628-11630
Lecania hutchinsiae (Ach.) A. L. Smith H P 6, sts, Boom 46005
Lecania nigra van den Boom & Ertz H 23, vr, Boom 46346
Lecanora flowersiana H. Magn. C 11, Mr, Boom 46089
Lecanora sulphurea (Hoffm.) Ach. P T F 3, s, Boom 45924; 5, s, Boom 45971; 53, vr, P. Clerc P11655-11658
Lecidea fuliginosa Taylor 3, s, Boom 45929
Lecidella elaeochroma f. soralifera (Erichsen) D. Hawksw. 3, Er, Boom 45942
Lecidella stigmatea (Ach.) Hertel & Leuckert P T F L 10, sw, Boom 46061
Lepraria nivalis J. R. Laundon H P T F L 23, vr, Boom 46356
Lepraria umbricola TØnsberg 16, Er, Boom 46185
Lichenothelia rugosa (G. Thor) Ertz & Diederich H P T 48, vr, Ertz 16298, on Diploschistes
Micarea doliiformis (Coppins & P. James) Coppins & Sérus. H 1, Er, Boom 45890; 27, st, Boom 46414; 54, Lr, P. Clerc P11725-11728
Micarea micrococca (Körb.) Gams ex Coppins H 9, Mr, Boom 46058
Muellerella lichenicola (Sommerf.) D. Hawksw. H P 23, vr, Boom 46346a , on Lecania ; 43, Pn, Ertz 16261, on Caloplaca
Paralecanographa grumulosa (Dufour) Ertz & Tehler H P T F L 43, vr, Ertz 16256
Paranectria oropensis (Ces.) D. Hawksw. & Pir. P T 26, Er, Boom 46399, on Parmeliella sp.
Parmotrema tinctorum (Nyl.) Hale H P T C F L 21, vr, Boom 46268
Peccania fontqueriana P. Moreno & Egea T C F L 23, vr, Boom 46347
Taxa H Islands P T C F L Collections studied
Peltula farinosa Büdel C 22, vr, Boom 46329
Peltula patellata (Bagl.) Swinscow & Krog P T C F 22, vr, Boom 46301
Pertusaria flavicans Lamy H P L 23, vr, Boom 46352
Pertusaria leucosora Nyl. F 3, s, Boom 45928
Phaeophyscia hirsuta (Mereschk.) Essl. P T C F 22, vr, Boom 46281
Phaeophyscia orbicularis (Neck.) Moberg H P T 22, vr, Boom 46308
Phoma cladoniicola Diederich, Kocourk. & Etayo H 48, vr, Ertz 16296, on Ramalina polymorpha
Physcia adscendens (Fr.) H. Oliver H P T C F L 23, ush, Boom 46363
Physconia enteroxantha (Nyl.) Poelt P T C 3, sw, Boom 45937
Physconia muscigena (Ach.) Poelt P T C 23, vr, Boom 46353
Piccolia ochrophora ((Nyl.) Hafellner P T C 6, ut, Boom 45988
Placopyrenium bucekii (Nádv. & Servít) Breuss P T C 22, Boom 46309; 41, Ertz 16246; 51, Ertz 16334 [all on vr]
Placynthiella dasaea (Stirt.) TØnsberg H P 11, w, Boom 46093
Polycoccum microsticticum (Leight.) Arnold P 28, vr, Boom 46463, on Dimelaena radiata
Porpidia contraponenda (Arnold) Knoph & Hertel H 3, vr, Boom 45912, 45947
Protoparmelia hierrensis van den Boom & Ertz H 3, Boom 45919; 28, Boom 46455; 33, Ertz 16195 [all on vr, on Pertusaria sp. ]
Protoparmelia montagnei (Fr.) Sancho & A. Crespo P T F 20, vr, Boom 46234
Pyrenopsis subareolata Nyl. T 5, s, Boom 45975; 22, vr, Boom 46333
Ramalina alisiosae Pérez-Vargas & Pérez-Ortega H 20, Jn, Boom 46249
Ramalina bourgeana Mont. ex Nyl. H P T C F L 19, Boom 46219; 22, Boom 46291; 33, Ertz 16187 [all on vr]
Ramalina capitata (Ach.) Nyl. T 23, vr, Boom 46362
Ramalina subwebbiana (Nyl.) Hue H 3, Boom 45948; 20, Boom 46265; 23, Boom 46345; 28, Boom 46454 [all on vr]
Rinodina beccariana var. lavicola (M. Steiner) Matzer & H. Mayrhofer H P T F L 21, vr, Boom 46270
Rinodina disjuncta Sheard & TØnsberg H 27, Mr, Boom 46408
Rinodina gennarii Bagl. T 10, vr, Boom 46066
Rinodina intermedia Bagl. P T C 21, Boom 46271; 22, Boom 46275 [all on vr]
Rinodina trachytica (A. Massal.) Bagl. & Carestia H P T C 28, vr, Boom 46292a
Roccella fuciformis (L.) DC. H P T C F L 19, Pm, Boom 46232; 29, vr, Ertz 16097
Roccellographa circumscripta (Taylor) Ertz & Tehler H T 33, vr, Ertz 16190
Schismatomma physconiicola Ertz & Diederich C 48, vr, Ertz 16293, on Physconia
Skyttea lecanorae Diederich & Etayo P 2, Er, Boom 45907, on a sorediate cf. Lecanora ; 29, Pn, Ertz 16099 , on Lecanora sp.
Skyttea nitschkei (Körb.) Sherwood, D. Hawksw. & Coppins T 41, ut, Ertz 16235, on Thelotrema lepadinum
Solenopsora vulturiensis Bagl. H P T C 19, Boom 46220; 23, Boom 46357 [all on vr]
Sparria endlicheri (Garov.) Ertz & Tehler H 36, vr, Ertz 16221
Syzygospora physciacearum Diederich & M. S. Christ. T 49, vr, Ertz 16319, on Physcia tenella
Tephromela deplanata (J. Steiner) Motyka 28, vr, Boom 46467
Tephromela grumosa (Pers.) Hafellner & Cl. Roux 28, vr, Boom 46459
Thelopsis isiaca Stizenb. H P T F L 51, vr, Ertz 16338
Taxa H Islands P T C F Collections studied L
Toninia cinereovirens (Schaerer) A. Massal. P T C 51, vr, Ertz 16335
Toninia squalida (Ach.) A. Massal. H P T C L 22, Boom 46289; 23, Boom 46341, 46348 [all on vr]
Tremella cladoniae Diederich & M. S. Christ. H T 13, Er, Boom 46152, on Cladonia sp.
Tremella ramalinae Diederich H T 16, Lr, Boom 46192, on Ramalina sp.
Trinathotrema hierrensis Ertz & van den Boom H 11, Mr, Boom 46091
Usnea boomiana P. Clerc see text
Usnea fragilescens Lynge see text
Usnea glabrescens var. fulvoreagens Räsänen see text
Usnea subflammea P. Clerc T see text
Usnea subgracilis Vain. P T see text
Usnea wasmuthii Räsänen P T see text
Vahliella atlantica P. M. JØrg. Present 3, vr, Boom 45921
Verrucaria muralis Ach. 10, sw, Boom 46064
Waynea stoechadiana (Abassi Maaf & Cl. Roux) Cl. Roux & P. Clerc T 23, vr, Boom 46338
Zwackhia circumducta (Nyl.) Ertz 35, vr, Ertz 16203
Thallus shrubby, short, 3-5 cm long, greyish green; branching anisotomic- to isotomic-dichotomous; trunk short, 1-4 mm long, with a short ( 1 mm ) but distinct jet-black pigmented zone in the basal part. Main branches 0.9 to 1.3 mm large, irregular to fusiform with larger diameter not close to the basal part, usually inconspicuously segmented. Lateral branches very slightly to distinctly narrowed at point of attachment, sometimes fusiform; apices thin with few ramifications; segments terete and cylindrical to slightly fusiform. Foveoles and transverse furrows absent. Pseudocyphellae and maculae absent; papillae numerous, regularly disposed, indistinct to short verrucous. Tubercles absent. Fibrils short ( 1-3 mm ), few, irregularly disposed. Fibercles few. Soralia developing on the cortex “ad initio”, ± circular when young, of ± irregular shape, as large or even broader than branch’s diameter when mature, flat to distinctly convex and efflorescent, often becoming confluent especially towards the tips. Isidiomorphs usually numerous on young and mature soralia; cortex shiny, moderately thin, (6-)7% (-9); medulla thick, dense to lax, (25.5-)30%(-33); axis thin (19-) 25%(-36). Ascomata and conidiomata not observed.
Etymology. – The new species is named after Pieter van den Boom, who collected the type specimen and did a lot of fieldwork on all the Canary Islands since 15 years. Chemistry. – K-, C-, KC-, P-. Usnic and caperatic acids. Habitat and distribution . – Usnea boomiana grows on shrubs and trees of Erica sp. in “fayal brezal” forests or at the edge of laurisilva at around 1300 m of altitude. This species is so far known only from the Canary Islands of La Gomera and El Hierro. Variability . – The constriction of the lateral branches at attachment points might vary from almost not constricted to distinctly constricted, but some branches are always ± constricted (numerous branches should be checked). The papillae might be almost invisible (indistinct) to well developed. Soralia might have few to numerous isidiomorphs. Taxonomic notes . – Usnea boomiana is a small species that is morphologically and anatomically closely related to U. cornuta Körb. It differs from the latter species by its large and convex soralia as well by its particular chemistry ( U. cornuta has mainly salazinic acid or compounds belonging in the stictic acid group, ± lobaric acid or protocetraric acid in the medulla). Other short and shrubby species with large soralia are U. esperantiana P. Clerc , U. fragilescens Lynge , U. glabrata (Ach.) Vain. , U. glabrescens (Vain.) Räsänen , U. lapponica Vain. , U. macaronesica P. Clerc and U. substerilis Motyka. Usnea esperantiana has a K+ red medulla (salazinic acid), soralia that are not convex but flat and no isidiomorphs at all. Usnea fragilescens has more regularly shaped and circular soralia that are not confluent, more distinctly constricted lateral branches at point of attachment and compounds belonging to the stictic acid group in the medulla. Usnea glabrata has strongly constricted lateral branches at point of attachment and a very lax medulla with protocetraric or barbatic acids. Usnea glabrescens has a conspicuously blackened basis, a thicker and mat cortex, a compact thin medulla, lateral branches that are never constricted at point of attachment and a different chemistry (norstictic ± salazinic ± diffractaic acids, stictic acid group ± diffractaic acid). Usnea lapponica has deeply excavate soralia without isidiomorphs, lateral branches that are never constricted at point of attachment, a mat cortex and salazinic or psoromic acids in the medulla. Usnea macaronesica has deeply excavate soralia, strongly constricted lateral branches at point of attachment, a thin and smooth cortex, a broader and very lax medulla with stictic and/or barbatic acids. Usnea substerilis has lateral branches that are never constricted at point of attachment, a mat cortex, papillae that are larger and more conspicuous and salazinic and/or barbatic acids in the medulla. Finally, studies of most of the types of North and South American species to find an already published name for this taxon were unsuccessfull. Fig. 2. – Usnea boomiana P. Clerc. A. Basal part with blackish pigmentation; B. Main branches; C. Main branch with slightly constricted lateral branches at ramification points; D. Young soralia with isidiomorphs; E. Mature soralia without isidiomorphs; F. Mature soralia a few isidiomorphs; G. Overmature soralia with numerous isidiomorphs; H. Transversal section of a main branch; I. Small verrucous papillae on the cortex. [ A-B: P. van den Boom & B. van den Boom 42838, G; C-E, H: P. Clerc G262116, G; F-G: P. Clerc G262111, G] Paratypi .– SPAIN . Canary Islands . El Hierro : Frontera , El Golfo , Izique , on Erica arborea in Fayal-Brezal, 1200 m , 1.X.1986 , P. Clerc G262107 ( G ) ; ibid. loc. , P. Clerc G262108 ( G ) ; SSE of Frontera , Montana de la Fuente , on Erica in Fayal-Brezal , 1300 m , 31.III.2009 , Boom 42773 (hb. PvdB) ; ibid. loc., Boom 42771 (hb. PvdB) . La Gomera : Garajonaj N. P. , NE of Igualero , on Erica arborea at the edge of laurisilva, 1350 m , 5. IX. 2011 , Boom 46370 (hb. PvdB) ; ibid. loc. , Boom 46371 (hb. PvdB) ; Alajero , Lomo de la Mulata , on Erica arborea and Pinus sp. in pine plantations, 1320-1340 m , 23-25.IX.1986 , P. Clerc G262113 ( G ) ; ibid. loc. , P. Clerc G262116 ( G ) ; ibid. loc. , P. Clerc G262117 ( G ) ; ibid. loc. , P. Clerc G262118 ( G ) ; Hermigua , Bosque El Cedro , on Castanea sativa in agricultural landscape, 850-900 m , 5.X.1986 , P. Clerc G262110 ( G ) ; Hermigua , Las Mimbreras , on Laurus sp. in laurisilva, 1000 m , 27.IX.1986 , P. Clerc G262109 ( G ) ; Hermigua , Cabezo Alto , on Erica arborea on windy ridgeline, 900-1000 m , 27.IX.1986 , P. Clerc G262111 ( G ) ; Vallehermoso , Montana de la Zarza , on Ilex and Erica arborea in Fayal-Brezal, 900 m , 26.IX.1986 , P. Clerc G262106 ( G ) ; ibid. loc. , P. Clerc G262112 ( G ) ; Valle Grand Rey , Las Cabecillas , on Erica arborea in Fayal-Brezal, 1080 m , 23.IX.1986 , P. Clerc G262114 ; ibid. loc. , P. Clerc G262115 ( G ).