Towards a revision of Pseudobombax Dugand (Malvaceae- Bombacoideae): typification of names published by E. Hassler and R. Chodat in the related genus Bombax L. Author de Carvalho-Sobrinho, Jefferson G. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Av. Universitária s / n, Novo Horizonte, 44036 - 900, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil Author Ramella, Lorenzo Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, case postale 60, 1292 Chambésy, Switzerland. Author de Queiroz, Luciano P. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Av. Universitária s / n, Novo Horizonte, 44036 - 900, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil Author Dorr, Laurence J. Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20013 - 7012, U. S. A. text Candollea 2014 2014-07-01 69 1 93 99 journal article 3380 10.15553/c2014v691a12 d75cdcea-4b81-4b1f-ada5-69135a4d7b98 2235-3658 5706297 4. Bombax longiflorum var. emarginatum Hassl. in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 8: 68. 1910 . Lectotypus (in hoc loco designatus): PARAGUAY . Amambay : Sierra de Amambay in campis serrados Esperanza”, XI.1907 -1908, Hassler, E. & T. Rojas 10848 ( G [ G0009 4606 ]! [lf, fr]) . Syntypi : BRAZIL . State of Mato Grosso : “Brasiliae civit. Matto Grosso: Cuyabá”, 4.XII.1902 , Malme, G. O. A. s.n. ( S [ SR11280 ] [image]! [lf], S [ S10-38650 ]! [lf]); “Brasiliae civit. Matto Grosso: Cuyabá. In cerrado”, 4.VII.1903 , Malme, G. O. A. s.n. ( S [ SR11279 ] [image]! [fl]) . Under B. longiflorum var. emarginatum, HASSLER (1910: 68) accommodated B. longiflorum f. multifoliolatum as a different taxon from B. longiflorum f. elegans (R. E. Fr.) Hassl. B. elegans R. E. Fr. ). However, Hassler did not designate a holotype for var. emarginatum . Types of the names of the two forms published by him (see under their names) are syntypes of this variety. We choose as lectotype of this variety the specimen that is also the holotype of B. longiflorum f. multifoliolatum as it allows a clear application of the present name according to Hassler’s concept. The syntype Malme s.n. [SR11279] is also the lectotype of B. elegans , and the syntype Malme s.n. [S10-38650] is also epitype of B. elegans .