Order Insectivora Author Rainer Hutterer text 1993 Smithsonian Institution Press Washington and London Editor Don E. Wilson Editor DeeAnn M. Reeder Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition) 69 130 book chapter http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7353085 1-56098-217-9 7353085 Crocidura nigrofusca Matschie, 1895 . Säugethiere Deutsch-Ost-Afrikas, p. 33 . TYPE LOCALITY: Zaire , Semliki Valley, "Wukalala, Kinyawanga im Westen des Semliki" . DISTRIBUTION: S Ethiopia and Sudan through E Africa to Zambia and Angola , Zaire , perhaps Cameroon . SYNONYMS: ansorgei, cabrerai, kempi, lakiundae, luluae, nilotica, nyikae, provocax, soricoides (?), zaodon, zena (see Heim de Balsac and Meester, 1977 ). COMMENTS: Includes luluae Matschie, 1926 (Luluabourg, Zaire ) and zaodon Osgood, 1910 (Nairobi, Kenya ) which were listed as separate species by Heim de Balsac and Meester (1977) and Dippenaar and Meester (1989) ; see Hutterer et al. (1987b) . The holotypes of nigrofusca , luluae and zaodon have been studied. Gureev (1979) listed ansorgei, nilotica, and zena as distinct species without comment.