New species of the cave-dwelling genus Huasteca (Opiliones: Stygnopsidae: Karosinae) ı from Northern Oaxacaı Mexicoı with a SEM survey of the sexually dimorphic areas on legs and structures related to chelicerae in the genus
Cruz-López, Jesús A.
Francke, Oscar F.
Journal of Natural History
journal article
Huasteca kardia
sp. nov.
Karos gratiosus
(in part):
Goodnight and Goodnight 1971: 35
Reddell 1981: 161
Kury and Cokendolpher 2000: 155
Kury 2003: 238
Figure 1
(d)ı 2
5ı 6(dıe)ı 7)
male (CNAN-T01302)ı Mexicoı Oaxacaı Huautla de Jiménezı Puente de Fierro caveı 18.15307Nı −96.85320Wı leg. O. Franckeı J. Mendozaı G. Contrerası R. Monjarazı
13 April 2015
: female (
CNAN- T01303
) same data as
; male (
CNAN- T01304
Huautla de Jiménezı Li Nita
O. Franckeı J. Cruzı
J. Mendozaı G. Contrerası
12 April 2014
; two females (CNAN-T01305)ı same locationı leg. J. Cruzı J. Mendozaı G. Contrerası D. Barralesı R. Monjarazı
11 April 2016
Other material examined
Immature of
H. kardia
sp. nov.
ı designated as
K. gratiosus
Goodnight and Goodnight 1971
(AMNH)ı Millipede Caveı
8 km
W of Huautlaı Oaxacaı Juneı
leg. W. Russell. Male of
H. gratiosa
(CNAN-SEM-Op0042)ı El Salitre caveı Xilitlaı San Luís Potosíı 21.38733Nı −98.98370Wı leg. O. Franckeı J. Cruzı G. Contrerası R. Monjarazı D. Barralesı
25 March 2011
. Male of
H. rugosa
(CNAN-SEM-Op0207)ı Ojo de Agua caveı Tlilapanı Veracruzı 18.8065Nı −97.10148Wı leg. O. Franckeı J. Cruzı G. Contrerası
19 September 2016
. Female of
H. silhavyi
(CNAN-SEM-Op0220)ı Ojo de Agua Grande caveı Amatlán de los Reyesı Veracruzı 18.92651Nı −96.87593Wı leg. P. Sprouseı
13 March 2007
. Female of
H. kardia
sp. nov.
(CNAN-SEM-Op0280)ı Puente de Fierro caveı Huautla de Jiménezı Oaxacaı 18.15307Nı −96.85320Wı leg. R. Paredesı A. Valdezı C. Santibáñezı J. Cruzı
20 September 2009
Figure 1.
Habitus of
species. (a) male of
Huasteca gratiosa
. (b) male of
Huasteca rugosa
. (c) female of
Huasteca silhavyi
. (d) female of
Huasteca kardia
sp. nov.
Scale bars = 0.5 cm.
Noun in apposition from the Greek Καρδία (
ı in allusion of the shape of the lateral channels on mesotergum.
Huasteca kardia
sp. nov.
is easily recognisable from the remaining members of the genus by the extreme modification of the lateral channels of scutumı running along the central portion of mesotergumı over areas II and III forming a pair of heart-shaped ditches (
Figure 1
(d)ı 6(dıe)). In additionı the dorsal ornamentation of scutum with one pair of paramedian humps on mesotergal areas I and II eachı and the extremely swollen patella II in males are exclusive characters of this species (
Figure 1
(d)ı 4(gıh)).
. Scutum zeta type (ζ) with the lateral projections on opisthosomal tergite 1 very elongateı with one pair of paramedian humps on mesotergal areas I and II eachı these humps are connected by the lateral channels which run over the mesotergumı forming two heart-shaped ditches on each side of scutum. Posterior corners of scutum and free tergites with lighter and rounded projections. Posterior margin of scutum and free tergites with a transverse row of small tubercles (
Figure 1
(d)ı 2(a)ı 6(eıd)). Venter covered by small tuberclesı lateral margins of stigmatic area poorly markedı genital operculum sub-triangular (
Figure 2
(c)). Chelicerae smallı with the bulla rounded and smoothı cheliceral fingers thinı fixed finger with three contiguous teethı cheliceral comb with 18 lamellae (
Figure 3
(a-d)). Pedipalp strongly armedı femur with a ventral row of six setiferous tubercles plus a mesoapical oneı patella with two mesal setiferous tuberclesı tibia with IiIi (1 = 3> 2 = 4) and II (1 = 2) tubercles on mesal and ectal sidesı respectivelyı and tarsus with III (1> 2> 3) on both sides (
Figure 3
(e)). Legs are slender covered by small tubercles and setae; the distalmost half of femur II slightly swollen and lighter on prolateral sideı patella II swollen and lighter prolaterallyı tibia II without modifications. Tarsal count: 4(2):8(3):6:6ı basitarsomeres I of legs III and IV approximately one-third of the length of their respective tarsus (
Figure 2
(a)ı 4(gıh)). Penis with the flimsy lamina convex apicallyı two pairs of macrosetae C and A forming a lateral rowı two pairs of macrosetae D on the base of follisı small macrosetae E1 and E2 at the same level of C2 and A1ı respectivelyı additional macrosetae E slightly below A2; lateral projection of follis lobed and apically blunt (
Figure 5
Figure 2.
Habitus and venter of
Huasteca kardia
sp. nov.
(a) habitus holotype. (b) habitus female paratype. (c) venter holotype. (d) venter female paratype. Dotted line indicates swollen portions of leg II. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
Similar to the maleı but without the modifications on legs II and stigmatic area broader (
Figure 2
Figure 3.
Chelicera and pedipalp of
Huasteca kardia
sp. nov.
(a) chelicera frontal, male. (b) chelicera mesal, male. (c) cheliceral comb, male. (d) chelicera ectal, male. (e) pedipalp mesal. Scale bars = a and b: 150 µm, c: 50 µm, d and e: 250 µm.
Natural history
All specimens were found walking alone on the floor and walls in the caves. In the same cavesı specimens of undescribed harvestmenı species of
sp. (
sp. (
) and a species of
Gagrellinae (Sclerosomatidae)
were found living in sympatry with
H. kardia
sp. nov.
Figure 4.
Leg II of males of
. (a) apical femur, patella and basal tibia of
Huasteca gratiosa
. (b) basal tibia of
H. rugosa
. (c) apical femur, patella and basal tibia of
Huasteca rugosa
. (d) apical femur of
H. rugosa
. (e) apical femur, patella and basal tibia of
Huasteca silhavyi
. (f) patella of
H. silhavyi
. (g) apical femur, patella and basal tibia of
Huasteca kardia
sp. nov.
(h) patella of
H. kardia
sp. nov.
Scale bars = a: 200 µm, c, e and g: 250 µm, b and d: 50 µm, h: 150 µm, f: 100 µm.
Figure 5.
Male genitalia of
Huasteca kardia
sp. nov.
(a) dorsal. (b) lateral. (c) ventral. Macrosetae A-E indicated in the figures, adE = additional macrosetae E. Scale bars = 50 µm.
This species is known from three different caves of the Huautla cave systemı although it is probably found in other caves of this extremely large and deep system (
Figure 7