Revision of Autolytinae (Syllidae: Polychaeta). Author Nygren, Arne text Zootaxa 2004 680 1 314 journal article 42299 10.5281/zenodo.157809 43595c87-02cf-47ba-ba28-0cb07de78adc 1-877354-52-X 157809 471A4E52-4C92-44F8-AB38-CD03071C0067 Autolytus longstaffi Ehlers, 1912 Autolytus longstaffi Ehlers, 1912 : 19 –21, pl. 2, fig. 6, 11; Hartman 1964: 78, pl. 24, fig. 3.? Autolytus longstaffi Wesenberg­Lund 1961 : 67 –68. Distribution. Antarctic . Remarks . Types do not exist. Description of male and female stolons. Male of Proceraea ­ type , with 2 pairs of tentacular cirri, achaetous knobs, 6 chaetigers in region a, and thick type of bayonet chaetae. Female with 6 chaetigers in region a as interpreted from illustration (5 according to Ehlers' description), tentacular cirri and achaetous knobs not mentioned, chaetae of same type as in male. Wesenberg­Lund (1961) briefly describes an atokous form with developing stolons behind chaetiger 11–13, that may or may not be A. longstaffi . Autolytus longstaffi could be the stolons to several Proceraea ­taxa.