Revision of Autolytinae (Syllidae: Polychaeta). Author Nygren, Arne text Zootaxa 2004 680 1 314 journal article 42299 10.5281/zenodo.157809 43595c87-02cf-47ba-ba28-0cb07de78adc 1-877354-52-X 157809 471A4E52-4C92-44F8-AB38-CD03071C0067 Sacconereis canariensis Greeff, 1879 Sacconereis canariensis Greeff, 1879 : 251 –255, pl. 14, fig. 31–36. Distribution . North East Atlantic. Remarks . Types do not exist. Female stolon with 7 chaetigers in region a. Indeterminable.